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This personal waterfall shows you all of Giverupper's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I believe taxes are theft for those who unwillingly pay it.

1 point

Like you said '' taken without the person's consent '' - that sounds a lot like taxes to me. I know plenty people who unwillingly pay taxes, and I'm one of these people.

I feel like the country is taking my money without my consent, and that is a criminal act according to law.

giverupper(247) Clarified
1 point

I would rather not be taxed at all than give all my money up for taxes, yes.

giverupper(247) Clarified
1 point

That is what I believe actually. Taxes are theft, and 100% in taxes is just a complete robbery, while a lower number in taxes is just robbery.

Imagining your house getting robbed, and they took every single bit of your house, and replaced it with less efficient stuff.

They replaced your fine house with an average house, they replaced your plasma TV with a regular TV, they replaced your smartphone with a more affordable phone.

That is how I look at taxes - something that blocks you from all luxury, and that is what every want, that is what we dream of, that is what keeps us working. If you take the dream away that one day you are going to afford that awesome yacht, then your eager to work will be gone.

That is why I vote for 0% in taxes, if that was my only choice.

giverupper(247) Clarified
2 points

Isn't 100% in taxes a legal kind of theft ?

2 points

They are sexist, but not necessarily hypocrites. They would be hypocrites if they were female feminists.

1 point

Well this is fact, so I can't really answer you on that :)

Whether abortion is killing a person or not is up to the individual to decide - I feel like it is killing a person, you obviously do not.

4 points

We see things differently.

I believe in freedom. I would personally never abort my own baby, but I still respect that some women have different opinions.

It's the woman's decision if wether she wants to have her baby or get rid of it, she has to live with the guilt, not me.

If the woman can live with that .. than okay. It will never affect my life that women abort their babies, it will only affect theirs.

How can anyone have respect for a woman, you ask ?

How can anyone have respect for people like you, who don't respect others ?

2 points

I would say my english is pretty good, but I have trouble with comunicating with people who have english as their main language.

I don't really understand what you are disputing. I understand what you are agreeing on, but what are you disputing ?

Sorry, I just find it hard to see your point.

4 points

Yeah it is so stupid.

I respect every woman who wants to abort their babies as long as I don't have to pay for it...

1 point

I really don't care about sluts.

All I care about is people who don't know basic english grammar.

4 points

I agree with you, although abortion could easily be harmful to society.

We could take Denmark as an example. They have given women free abortions since 1973, and they've killed over 15 million people. About 15,000 pregnant women get abortions every year in Denmark. Notice that there are only 5 million people who live in Denmark, so these numbers are pretty high. they've killed three times the people that live there. If the rest of the world was like them, we would by now have killed 21 billion people.

If the whole world decided to have free abortions, the human race would slowly disappear.

I have nothing against people who get abortions if they have a good reason. People who just kill them is just wrong at it costs the country a lot of money in Denmark.

I'm not danish, but I know a lot about this because I live here, I'm originally from Norway.

But in Denmark it is very rare to start a family in your 20's. A 25 year old mother is considered a young mother, whilst in Norway it is a normal age to start having children.

In Denmark they usually don't start till they're 30 - 40.

So the typical danish woman gets about 2-3 abortions at the age of 15-28.

And then in her 30's, when she decides to finally start her family, she gets some free vitro fertilizations, because she has trouble getting pregnant from the 5 abortions she had in her 'youth'.

Abortion is okay, but the abortion system in Denmark and other countries like them is just crazy and wasting money.

1 point

I don't think they have to pay everything.

But it sure would be nice if they would lower the prices so poor people like me can afford having a decent meal at school.

If the school payed .. 30-50% it would make a huge difference for me.

1 point

God loves everyone, including people who don't love him back.

Even the rapist we read about in the news, and the drugaddict on the street.

1 point

I am a christian, so I believe we're all sinners.............

1 point

I think most people on this planet are aware of what unhealthy foods can do to your body health.

If people eat it it is their choice, their mouth, their own body and their own consequence to pay.

1 point

I am writing a book about a pink giraffe who had fallen in love with his brother Panda, whom also was pink.

1 point

Do you think that natural talent is unfair to some people ?

I don't understand this very well. I believe everyone has a talent.

But every talent needs to be taught. If your talent is playing football, you need trainers and stuff, you need to practice to be good.

No one is born a piano player, no one is born a doctor - you have to practice.

Unfair ?

Talent is not unfair. Everyone has talent, if you're willing to work on it then you'll become good. Those who claim they have no talent, are lazy and unmotivated to work to be good at something.

Do you think any one can be successful without any talent ?

Like I said before, everyone has talent. But no, if there were a person who was born without talent then he would not be very successful in this world.

can you learn how to be a celebrated writer or artist without talent ?

I suck at writing, I would never sell a million copies of my book. So no I would never be a celebrated a writer nor artist.

But I am a good musician, I have a good ear and I play several instruments, I wouldn't be a celebrated musician but I still got the talent.

You just need to find what you are good at, and then work for it.

Don't think you're without talent just because someone is better than you.

If someone is better than you, it means they worked harder than you did.

2 points

God mentions several times in the bible, that he is everlasting.

1 point

Okay, I don't see it as nonsense.

I don't believe God did the universe in 144 hours.

A day is 24 hours, because that is how long it takes the earth to circle it self.

God doesn't live in this universe where a day is 24 hours.

The bible also says, that a 1000 years is like a day to God, and a day is like a 1000 years - 2 Peter 3:8

1 point

Moses wrote what God told him to wrote.

The bible is written by people, and inspired by God.

1 point

Without communication you can't cooperate with anyone.

If you don't know how to speak, you can't learn any math without speaking.

2 points

No there are certain things teens aren't developed to do.

F.ex. to think about the consequences. Teens live 100% in the present, without thinking about their actions could lead to something not so good in the future.

This is not only teens, this isn't developed fully before the average age of 24.

It is a thing in the brain, I saw a documentary about this - I don't have sources though so don't attack me.

Although teens should be able to earn their own money, have control of their own finances.

I also think it is very much up to what kind of person it is. Is the person doing illegal stuff ? Is he or she doing criminal stuff ? because this loweres the freedom in my head.

Freedom is something that should be earned, not given.

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