
Hiroshima12's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Hiroshima12's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Abuse is abuse, plain and simple, and Batman wants to teach kids that evolution is a lie and being gay is morally wrong. He's an abuser.

1 point

Abuse is abuse, plain and simple, and Batman wants to teach kids that evolution is a lie and being gay is morally wrong. He's an abuser.

1 point

Abuse is abuse, plain and simple, and Batman wants to teach kids that evolution is a lie and being gay is morally wrong. He's an abuser.

1 point

Abuse is abuse, plain and simple, and Batman wants to teach kids that evolution is a lie and being gay is morally wrong. He's an abuser.

1 point

Abuse is abuse, plain and simple, and Batman wants to teach kids that evolution is a lie and being gay is morally wrong. He's an abuser.

1 point

Abuse is abuse, plain and simple, and Batman wants to teach kids that evolution is a lie and being gay is morally wrong. He's an abuser.

1 point

Abuse is abuse, plain and simple, and Batman wants to teach kids that evolution is a lie and being gay is morally wrong. He's an abuser.

1 point

Abuse is abuse, plain and simple, and Batman wants to teach kids that evolution is a lie and being gay is morally wrong. He's an abuser.

1 point

Abuse is abuse, plain and simple, and Batman wants to teach kids that evolution is a lie and being gay is morally wrong. He's an abuser.

1 point

Abuse is abuse, plain and simple, and Batman wants to teach kids that evolution is a lie and being gay is morally wrong. He's an abuser.

1 point

Abuse is abuse, plain and simple, and Batman wants to teach kids that evolution is a lie and being gay is morally wrong. He's an abuser.

hiroshima12(7) Clarified
2 points

Nobody can defy Jesus. He is my lord and saviour and the wicked shall be punished.

hiroshima12(7) Clarified
1 point

It's likely a troll. Still very funny though. Wouldn't surprise me at all to learn it was true.

hiroshima12(7) Clarified
1 point

I'm tired of hiding this big beautiful booty. Come on darlings. Touch it.

Y'all are weird.

3 points

That made no sense.

I understood it perfectly. OP is using memes which were created by a far right serial killer. Not complex. I think you might just be stupid.

1 point

I would like to personally congratulate OP on being the single strongest pro-abortion argument ever created.

Well done.

3 points

I don't read your links cause I can't debate 'em.. I'm interested in what YOU have to say - not some yahoo on the internet..

He is never interested in defending his own views or values because deep down even he knows they are wrong. That's why the only thing he ever does is attack.

0 points

Tell me the last time the police got to the mass shooting before people were killed.

The mass shooter wouldn't be able to commit a mass shooting if you didn't insist on selling him a gun, you dangerously insane dope.

-5 points
-5 points
-7 points
-7 points
-7 points
-7 points

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