
INationGirl's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of INationGirl's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I would rather sing karaoke than play mini-golf. Only because I get bored with mini-golf very easily, and always end up cheating.

1 point

I like the idea of having an animal with legs, not that snakes aren't as interesting as lizards, but lizards have legs! Go LIZARDS!

1 point

I would have defined the smug definition of pride, as arrogance as well. We often use words interchangeably, and over time it becomes accepted as an acceptable use of the word. The dictionary is updated daily, to keep up with the everchanging words and phrases we 'make up' or 'redefine'.

2 points

I am not sure if this is actually a word or not, but lethargism! It's more of a feeling, but can still be considered an emotion! My life could be much better off without it!

1 point

Gamers is merely a title for those that enjoy video games vigorously. They take it seriously. Not all gamers are addicted to video games. Dumb asses are addicted to video games, not gamers.

Medical definition of addiction:

Addiction is a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory and related circuitry. Dysfunction in these circuits leads to characteristic biological, psychological, social and spiritual manifestations. This is reflected in an individual pathologically pursuing reward and/or relief by substance use and other behaviors.

LONG STORY SHORT: An addiction is a disease that deals with your brain. It keeps you from rational thought, and makes your body feel as if it must have whatever it is to sustain living. IT HAS TAKEN OVER YOUR BRAINNNNNNNNNNNNN! Run for the hills.

1 point

Gaming CAN be an addiction, but it is not an addiction. Anything can become an addiction - but not everyone is addicted to it.

If you're screaming on the top of your lungs in the grocery store, covering your ears, and demanding weapons, ammo, and to board the doors and windows up, because the droids are coming - then yes, you are addicted, or hopped off LSD.

iNationGirl(28) Clarified
1 point

But it also depends on the percentage of which denomination is actually being surveyed. If every denomination isn't being surveyed equally, it doesn't count. These surveys always crack me up - scientific evidence you say? No, it's biased to those who bothered to even read the poll and take the time to fill it out.

1 point

You can't really say - the amount of charitable acts can't possibly all be documented. Probably about half of all charity goes undocumented. I wanted to give an exact estimate - but couldn't find any reputable data supporting it. Even if there were, how could even calculate that? You would have to knock on every door in the entire world, and survey them to figure out it out. Even then, they won't remember it all - because it isn't documented. A few dollars here, and there - adds up. The amount that Red cross makes from their Christmas donations is in the millions. You know, the little red buckets, with the ladies and men dangling the bells around in front of shops and supermarkets. None of which is ever documented - yet alone, keeping up with what denomination the donator is. And that is only one example, think of all the jars and buckets you've dropped some spare change in to help someone in need. So I honestly don't care - as long as they're donating for worthy causes, I say you all win! Everyone have a heart, it's not a competition.

iNationGirl(28) Clarified
1 point

The statement was referring to what he stated - "superior genetics". Genetics may not play a part in love and affection - and characteristics of the mind and personality. But they do play the part in your physical make up - that's where your evidence comes from. Science has proven that genetics play the part in how tall you will be, the color of your eyes, the size of your feet, etc. Which diseases, and medical conditions you are more prone to. He was saying if the healthier and more able bodied people were to reproduce more - the world would be a better place. But even so, it doesn't mean those healthy able bodied people wouldn't be stupid.

Lmfao, and where do you come off saying that children presume hatred to be love? They aren't robots, they can tell the difference between love and hate. There are mothers that love their children, and their children CHOOSE whether to love them back or not. A child can have a mother that hates them, and still learn love, just as likely as they can learn to hate. The way you are brought up can play a big impact on your life, but it doesn't determine everything for you. If my mother had let her upbringing determine her life for her, she'd be a broke junkie. Not the successful woman she has become. Just like those who have a fortunate upbringing, but make nothing of themselves. The only thing set in stone, is your genetics. Those are determined for you the minute your mother and father get it on - the rest is undetermined.

iNationGirl(28) Clarified
1 point

Let's clarify the meaning of the question - Can something that is inside also be outside at the same time - within the same context.

Sooooo for example - you can tell your son to go outside of your house - but your yard is an fenced off yard. So technically he is outside of the house, but inside of the yard. The two are separate, because he cannot be inside, and outside of the house. You could also argue that he could stay inside the doorway - with half of his body inside, and half of it outside. But it still doesn't count. Because there are parts of his body that are inside, but not outside, and outside, but not inside. SO NEVER! Opposites, are opposites for a reason.

1 point

to find the meaning of life...or something substantially close

1 point




-Toe Hair

-When people stare at me when I'm driving

-When I pass by someone fist deep into their nose

-When people pretty much get dressed in the reflection of my car window (not knowing i'm inside of course)

-That itchy feeling you get when the fan is on high

-When people think I am the mother of my four younger siblings

-When I have sock lint stuck in between my toes

-The fact that I know there is so many other things that grind my gears, but I can't think of any more.

I'll be back later

1 point

Service is the most important focus, you can have a long list of degrees, and have studied everything there is to know about being a surgeon (example), but doesn't mean you can conduct a surgery. There are plenty of people that work their way from the bottom to the top. Those that have never taken a course in their lives, but with experience and time - can teach you more than any book can. Who do you think writes those books after all? Einstein dropped out of school, everyone called him dumb and said he wouldn't amount to anything - he sure did shove their words up their bean pole. But learning and service come hand and hand, you can't honestly have one without the other - with service you're learning as you progress. With learning, you're preparing for service. Otherwise - both would be useless without the other.

iNationGirl(28) Clarified
1 point

Not really, it is more of a privilege - that is abused way to frequently. There are plenty of people who are not capable of birthing children themselves. Not every human has been given the right tools to have children, and not every person that can't have a child is applicable to adopt children. So there are plenty of people out there that will be childless, and never be given the opportunity to have one. Which sucks - but life isn't perfect.

1 point

But like I said before, by adding a restriction on who can, and cannot have children - is hindering life. That beaten, poverty stricken child, may grow up to create a cure for cancer, or develop the next technological phenomenon. Which will never exist, if you don't give them the chance to live. They won't have that chance if their "low-life" parents hadn't conceived and birthed them. Yes, what is done to these children is sad, and makes you wonder why rules like this don't exist - but they do not for a reason. This country was founded on principles of god - so they don't dare play god. That's why it'll never be passed - which also makes you wonder why abortion isn't illegal in the United States. Since we are "suppose" to be one nation under god, so why play god? Well, nothing is perfect - and like you said - the system is corrupt.

1 point

Yes, but that is why there is death. To balance out the world - when life is given, another is taken away. It's the circle of life, haven't you heard the song?

iNationGirl(28) Clarified
1 point

Awesome, thanks for the insight. I've heard many stories about Santa's origin - the one I stated was the one I was told growing up. Down the line, the story changes so much - no one truly knows, unless they were there. Even if there were someone alive that was there to witness it, you'd need more people to clarify what they are saying is accurate. Because they could be making it up. So our entire lives are nothing but confusion and uncertainty. So there we go, it is summed up. End of discussion - someone serve the cake and bubbly.

1 point

Spanking your child does not cause low self esteem. Belittling children, and treating them like helpless little babies is what causes low self esteem.

2 points

I believe in spanking - not a continous use of spanking to get your point across. Over time, it looses it's purpose, and the kids become immune to it. Should do what my great grandmother did, beat their asses one REAL good time - they'll never misbehave again. Children should fear their parents, because without fear, there is nothing keeping the parents from being superior to their children. And YES, they should be, because if you're not superior to your children - then there is not parental position. You'll be equals, and I'm sure all of you know a parent that treats their children like they're equals. HA! Good luck with that one - creating monsters is what that is.

Don't go whining saying that spanking your children scars them for life, or causes depression, or whatever that crap is. It's been proven that spanking children does NOT cause children to misbehave, or depression. ABUSING your children does, not teaching your children right from wrong does, spanking does not.

1 point

When used correctly - of course B)

But a lot of TV, is just fucking useless.

iNationGirl(28) Clarified
1 point

You could always go that route, but being naked will get a lot more attention. Just saying - B)

1 point

I'm going to say the U.S.

Not in general, but the most harm done to their own citizens - definetly the U.S. It's one thing to defend for your own - but to cause so much grief for your own. Down right dirty :/

1 point

Nope - I'm superstitious, and I don't give a donkeys ass! I don't want to be a ghosts play toy.

I'm so good on this one !

1 point

He has provided us with all - so why not? Not that everyone says it after everything, just like myself - but internally I'm grateful.

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