
Ilike2debate's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Ilike2debate's arguments, looking across every debate.

Maybe but as you say, the facts are what you make them to be... ;)

Finally a good post by you to someone talking shit. I am proud of you.

Thanking the lord and showing joy is emotional. He says you should have no emotion on this site.

then enjoy being held as a hostile to me. :)

If you are in a relationship and are still masturbating, something is going wrong unless your partner is long distance.

If you are single, it is still not advisable to do too much of this especially for males as orgasms are energy draining.

In the end masturbation is fine as long as you are single but only in moderation.

Gravity is a pulling phenomenon, not a pushing one.

This is the first way you are incorrect. The second is that it's based on mass and pure/empty space is massless.

So you do associate emotion with debate then. If you didn't, you couldn't get emotional over them to the extent where you had to quit.

You wouldn't debate fascism because it's too emotional for you and yet you don't link emotions with debate...

The nonsense never stops spewing with you does it?

I do see it as a pro-con issue especially when you ignore me completely asking you to be my ally and don't even explain why, treating me like I don't exist isn't pleasant.

You chose not to ally me, in the end I am bound to be hostile to you.

Since only I am hostile to you, you don't really need an ally for now. :)

How come you didn't reply to me on either chain of disputes where I annihilated you? Ad Hominem? Where? LOL

Poor you, maybe you should have backed the loser Bernie or the corrupt maniac Trump instead? Maybe, you wouldn't have to take a leave of absence and can celebrate supporting the "right guy" scoffs

Enjoy being alone. We will gang on you and eat you for breakfast when it comes down to it.

The kid who gets bullied and can't stand up for himself/herself isn't the weakest or the dumbest it's the loneliest.

It's not survival of the fittest but survival of the best adapted and part of adapting is being likeable to enough people to gang up with you against common enemies.

-1 points

And what did you do to stop Trump? She did more than any other human being to stop him. Stop calling her bitch and know your fucking place and respect her for losing with dignity and doing her best.

So, assuming we have no free will I should assume you were possessed by fate to say that and basically not try to change your mind as the changing of your mind is out of my hands yeah? Lmfao.

"you are angry so you are wrong" is just as flawed as what you are saying I do.

As far as I remember Bernie stepped down and bowed before her majesty, she thrashed him and fought like a savage beast to the bitter end against all, including Trump.

She won the election and the EC rigged it so Trump won anyway.

Pussies will advocate pussy moves, real fighters will advocate real fighting technique.

Don't you understand what nomen explained? He's a double, sometimes triple agent there to mock the side he argues for.

I chose to accept this debate, I chose to type this argument and you, the viewer, can choose to claim me or KingHarris the winner.

The alt account of FactMachine (sv3rige) posting on the left highlights the neanderthal brainpower of the vegan haters.

So basically you just backfooted what you said and admit the other side is true.

Hey, you just conceded that this debate is false LOL ggwp noob.

A beta male would say sorry. An alpha male would be proud of having upset you with his grand opinion.

I'm proud. ;D

It is the lesser evil to keep crime rate low and foster care as empty as possible.

This. This this this a million times over.

He is a Republican plant.

How fucking dare you talk that way about her. What did you do to keep him out? Even his own enemies within his party cowered before him she is the only one who stood up to him to the bitter end who you are to talk of her as a bitch?

Hillary actually won the election, the EC rigged it back.

I never once said he isn't a smart guy, it's curious though that the socialist party in China, not the capitalist one is the one who gained power and let him in despite how right wing he is. :)

Stay blind sheep.

No matter what an athlete eats, they will retire some day.

This doesn't make Michael Phelps and Usain Bolt less superior in their diet and training.

Democrats are the alien party. Republicans are the illuminati party. Not because of left vs right because of truth.

Anything that happens while Republicans are in power is either covered up or is inside job orchestrating.

Trump is correct. Obama was a test-tube baby and his childhood a concoction but you don't know why the aliens made him and Hillary, they represent pragmatic benevolence whereas trump is explosive he is raw greed and warmongering in a human being serving disgusting forces.

It's about the evil/vile illuminati vs the good Force if aliens.

The issue is that this election the one who you thought was the alien was the illuminati and you voted the illuminati plant, not the alien one.

This is where you are wrong. They like some of us and hate some of us.

As with all people, he ended the way he did 96% to nurture and 4% to nature.

Believe me we know the truth. Let the naysayers speak their misinformation. When it comes to the humans vs aliens day, we will be the turncoats that encourage the aliens to show mercy.

Keep pressing the spacebar. Try doing in the middle rather than just before the last word and it appears as a single space.

Preach the truth, don't let these maniacs spread their ideas of inescapable fate.

According to you, you can't possibly struggle against the way of things as that is the way of things.

He is correct. The alien demigods cannot be denied for long.

He gets shy because the tic, in his accent, is pronounced as dick.

Don't join the drones Nomen, fight your fate and master your destiny.

Here we see another pathetic slave to his fate. Rather than working with fate and changing things he will live life as a drone.

Here we see you slip that you're sverige and the fake nomenclature account.

As this side suggests, kill yourself along with your sverige impersonating and nomen impersonating account. You and mathfan can go make love you little shithead pair.

Your mother's so inbred she gave birth to you.

Then admit god rules us through alien demigods. You admit the abrahamic god is fake.

Ultimately the machine is superior. If you have a scripter in a game (for instance a bot user in online poker) it's a huge issue because they will nonstop defeat an organic brain over long run as there consistently make the +EV moves with perfect vet sizing and calculation of odds and such.

That is not even deniable by the best poker players. If you are MMA fighter a bit would rip you limb from limb or even if you program it to not abuse it's hard metal being harder than bones, it still will outfight you by perfect spacial awareness and movement pattern observation of the opponent to causing be it to learn and adapt to the opponents' style at a rate superior to humans.

I know of course the aliens are far above human advancement and the original demigods are all knowing but it is important to note that goddess fate and the second layer of power demigods are all machine like in the first place.

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