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infected20(304) Clarified
1 point

I think this person might be a bot. I declared that person as my enemy. I don't declare any bots as my friend. I just get fed up with the spam they post.

2 points

Smoking and vaping definitely need to be illegal because it causes environmental harm. Smoking and vaping definitely need to be illegal because both of them are bad for the environment. Smoking causes 7 to 10 times more air pollution than a diesel car engine, smoking produces 84,000 kg of carbon emissions, and smoking produces more carbon emissions than a diesel car engine. Vaping causes environmental harm by the nicotine spreading to other parts of the environment, especially when it spills. By the way, I think smoking cannabis should be illegal, too because it causes air pollution

1 point

Recess should be required in all grades. People are never too old to go outside, and going outside has many benefits to it. It especially needs to be mandatory in middle schools and high schools because of the rise of rickets. Recess needs to be mandatory in middle schools and high schools because it can help kids produce vitamin D, which is needed for bone growth, especially because kids typically have open growth plates. A lack of vitamin D can cause a bone disease called rickets, which happens when your growth plates start to grow in all different directions, which sometimes rickets can kill people, too. There have been people who have died from rickets before. Rickets sadly has been on the rise, so yes recess needs to be required in all schools, so that students can produce enough vitamin D, so that they don't develop rickets. Your bones are alive, too.

1 point

I think it needs to be because of the rise of rickets. Recess needs to be required in all schools because it can help kids produce vitamin D, which is needed for bone growth, especially because kids typically have open growth plates. A lack of vitamin D can cause a bone disease called rickets, which happens when your growth plates start to grow in all different directions, which sometimes rickets can kill people, too. There have been people who have died from rickets before. Rickets sadly has been on the rise, so yes recess needs to be required in all schools, so that students can produce enough vitamin D, so that they don't develop rickets.

1 point

Yes it absolutely needs to. All Google does is track people and use filter bubbles against people with can severely diminish the quality and relevancy of the search results. How can something be the best search engine if all it does is provide you what it thinks you want?

1 point

We could just go paperless. A lot of businesses are doing that, and I think it's good.

1 point

I think it's definitely important that we should. Pollen has more protein in it than meat, which makes it a better protein alternative to meat that causes significant amounts of pollution.

1 point

Yes. Both of them need to go. Sex segregated camps and camp facilities are harmful to intersex people, people without a biological sex, and other people of rare biological sexes because it discriminates against them since there aren't any camps or camp facilities for them since they are only a very small minority of the population. That's why I think it's very important to include minorities. Plus, if race segregated camps and camps facilities are illegal, then why aren't sex segregated camps and camp facilities illegal then?

1 point

Yes. Neither of them need to exist. Sex segregated changing rooms and dressing rooms are harmful because they discriminate against intersex people, people without a biological sex, and people with other rare biological sexes. Plus, if race segregated changing rooms and dressing rooms are illegal, then why aren't sex segregated changing rooms and dressing rooms?


1 point

Yes. We don't need them, and they cause way too many issues. Sex segregated sports need to go because they are harmful for intersex people, people without a biological sex, and people without other rare biological sexes since they discriminate against them. Plus, they cause issues for transgender women, transgender men, and non-binary people who want to participate on certain sports teams because sometimes they can't.

1 point

Yes they absolutely should. We don't need sex segregated clubs. Sex segregated clubs only harm intersex people, people without a biological sex, and people of other rare biological sexes, too because there aren't any clubs for them since they are a very small minority of the population, because of this, they will only be discriminated from these clubs. I just think it's silly, too why sex segregated clubs aren't illegal if race segregated clubs are.

1 point

There is no reason why we need them, so yes. I feel like we should get rid of sex segregated schools because they're harmful for intersex as well as other rare biological sexes that exist. Yes there are more than 2 biological sexes that exist. Any sex segregated thing implies that there are only 2 biological sexes. There are people who don't even have a biological sex either because they were born without sexual anatomy, meaning that they won't go through puberty, so sex segregated schools even discriminates against those kinds of people, too. I'm curious to know, too why sex segregated schools aren't illegal if race segregated schools are.

1 point

Yes. They need to be abolished. Sex segregated bathrooms absolutely need to go because intersex people exist. I just think what intersex people have to suffer when it comes to going to the bathroom in a public place. The whole 2 sex segregated bathroom thing implies that there are only 2 biological sexes, which is far from the truth.

1 point

Houses have become priced too highly to where only millionaires and above can afford them in the U.S. and most countries. If essential goods get priced to where only millionaires and above can afford them, then the government does need to step in and out a price roof because otherwise those people will suffer.

1 point

Yes. I believe this is an important thing that absolutely needs to be done. The houses in the U.S. and a lot of other countries are overpriced and need to have a price roof put over it because, otherwise, a lot of people aren't going to be able to afford to get houses. Most people in the U.S. and the world aren't even millionaries, so why do houses cost to the point to where only millionaires and above could afford it? The houses should only be 1/10 of what they're worth. It government should make it illegal for people to charge $100,000 or more for a house.

1 point

The reason I don't think we should have them if there for distribution purposes is because otherwise it supports monopolies.

1 point

I still think there are ways the government can increase the number of rainy days.

1 point

No, but I think they should be less protective. I don't think we should abolish copyright laws, but I think we should at least change them. We should allow them to exist as long as works of art are being used for non-distribution purposes. What I mean by that is where they aren't being given or sold to anyone. I don't mean where works of art are being uploaded to social media. I feel like people should have to register their copyrights, too. I don't think that works of art should automatically be copyrighted the moment their created. I think it's crazy why works of art in the U.S. are automatically copyrighted the moment they're created. What if someone doesn't want their work of art to be under copyright? I feel like, too that if you are allowing copyright laws for distribution purposes that you are only just supporting monopolies, which I think is bad.

1 point

Yes they absolutely need, too. Governments absolutely need to require people to replant living trees after they get cut down because it will help to fight climate change by soaking up the carbon-dioxide released back into the atmosphere by living trees that are cut down.

1 point

I think cutting down living trees should be illegal unless the trees are diseased and can't be cured or if the trees are damaging the house. If that is the case, then I think a tree service should be required to inspect the trees and that a permit should be required for you to cut down the trees. The permit would include of picture of the trees you can cut down. The reason I say this is because trees can produce carbon-dioxide when you cut them down, which can contribute to climate change

1 point

Yes governments absolutely should. I think governments should absolutely encourage people to compost food because throwing away food can produce significant amounts of air pollution, and they produce methane gasses, which are worse than carbon-dioxide so throwing away food could contribute to climate change, and even more so than with gas cars.


1 point

I think that meat that causes a lot of air pollution should be banned. I'm not saying all kinds of meat. Just the ones that cause significant amounts of air pollution

1 point

Foods that produce significant amounts of air pollution should be banned because they can contribute to climate. I'm not saying that we should ban meat though because there are some meats that don't produce significant amounts of air pollution, like chicken meat

1 point

Yes governments absolutely should. If governments encouraged people to grow food instead lawns, people wouldn't need to have to mow the lawn that much or at all, which would mean less carbon emissions because carbon-dioxide can get released into the air from mowing the lawn just from the grass getting cut.

1 point

Yes governments should. Street drains would help to prevent rain with pollution in it from running into water and harming aquatic life. Governments should also require substance mixers to be placed underground so the machine can cause the harmful substances in the water flowing through to react with other substances that will make them beneficial, so no underground life gets harmed.

1 point

The government absolutely needs to. Rain can help to reduce air pollution, which can help fight climate change, especially since climate change has caused ancient viruses from 50,000 years that can harm people to reactivate, however, I think the government should also require more city drains to drain out the pollution to be installed. The drain would also have substances to react with the air pollution to make it a less harmful substance, too.

1 point

I think a lot of the food we eat in the U.S. is very unhealthy for you. Wonder why the cancer rates are high? Think of all the bad food we're eating.

1 point

No, and I wish people would stop believing that we are. We can find other ways to survive without eating fruit, the bees don't pollinate a lot of our true vegetable crops, there are seedless fruits that can get produced without being pollinated, and humans can pollinate flowers by hand, too. If a person can survive without eating meat, than a person can sure survive without eating fruit. A lot of true vegetables don't get pollinate by the bees. A true vegetable is a crop that doesn't derive from a flower. We would still have seedless fruits if the bees or any pollinators went away. Humans have actually been shown to be more effective pollinators than bees.

1 point

Yes it should be. Pollinating flowers when humans are the ones doing it is actually more effective than insects pollinating the flowers. Plus, human hand pollination actually provides bigger fruit and better tasting fruit.

1 point

Yes, we absolutely need to. We need to stop killing flies because they can help pollinate flowers. Also, if you're using fly spray, just think about all of the harmful chemicals you're putting into the environment. You could exacerbate climate change.

1 point

Yes, we absolutely need, too because it's harmful, too. Spiders don't harm people most of the time, can help remove insects that are harming crops, and pollinate flowers. Plus, if you use spider sprays, just think of all the hazardous chemicals you're putting into the air. You could exacerbate climate change.

1 point

Yes, we absolutely need, too because it's harmful, too. Spiders don't harm people most of the time, can help remove insects that are harming crops, and pollinate flowers. Plus, if you use spider sprays, just think of all the hazardous chemicals you're putting into the air. You could exacerbate climate change.

1 point

Yes, but only the harmful ones. I think only the harmful mosquito sprays for yards should be illegal because they can harm the environment by having the pesticides go into bodies of water by being carried by rain and by killing the pollinators and birds and other living things and because it can exacerbate climate change.

1 point

No, but I think we should watch how much we're killing them. I don't think we should stop killing the mosquitoes, but we should watch how much we're killing them because they can pollinate flowers. The reason I don't think we should stop killing them is because they carry deadly diseases

1 point

We need to stop killing the ants. There is absolutely no reason why we need to kill the ants. They can pollinate flowers as well as help to decompose dead stuff. If they get in the house, just use a contain or a bug vacuum to trap the ants, and bring them outside. Using those harmful pesticides can harm the environment as well as exacerbate climate change.

1 point

I don't think we should stop killing wasps entirely, but I do think that we should watch how much we're killing them because they do pollinate flowers. We should only kill wasps that build their nests in areas where they're harmful to people, like carbon monoxide vents, underneath door frames, underneath garage frames, underneath porches, inside umbrellas, or inside mailboxes. If we kill wasps all of the time, just think of all of those harmful chemicals were putting into the air. It could exacerbate climate change.

1 point

Yes we need to absolutely ban harmful pesticides. Harmful pesticides are harming the pollinators on this planet, they're exacerbating climate change, and they're harming our food.

1 point

I think it should be illegal to raise honeybees because they can crowd out bumblebees, wild bees, and native bees. Plus, they're not as effective as bumblebees, wild bees, and native bees. By the way, the whole Colony Collapse Disorder that so called started happening back in 2006 never actually happened. Honeybees have actually been on the rise, not the decline like most people think, and the concentrations of pesticides are too low to where they aren't killing them. They are however, killing the bumblebees, the wild bees, and the native bees.

1 point

Yes. I think it should. I think 14 would be the better option because it would give younger people a right to vote and try to change society, especially with how many people are becoming informed on politics these days.

1 point

I think that we should focus on trying to get gas cars off the highway to try to tackle climate change, so no, we should not have a maximum speed limit sign.

1 point

If we got rid of private ownership, it would help to reduce greed, so yes I think we should convert over.

1 point

I think public ownership needs to go because the government alone shouldn't be the one to own everything. Everything should be socially owned, that means owned by everyone in the society.

0 points

Absolutely not. If retired people don't have a lot of money, then income taxing them could hurt them because it could put them into poverty. Only poor people who have excessive amounts of money should have to pay income tax or even a lot of taxes at all.

1 point

Yes private ownership should be abolished. Private ownership only just causes greed. I think everything should be socially owned. Social ownership is when everyone in a particular society owns something. This differs from public ownership because in public ownership, just the government owns something.

1 point

Yes. Vaccines are definitely a human right. People have the right to protect their health, which vaccines do just that, so making vaccines illegal only just violates human rights because it violates the right for people to be able to protect their health.

1 point

I feel like money absolutely is a major violator of human rights. Money violates the rights to happiness by creating anxiety in people to have more of it, it creates unintentional poverty, it keeps people who've fallen into unintentional poverty from being able to get food, it keeps people who've fallen into unintentional poverty from being able to get water, it keeps people who've fallen into unintentional poverty from being able to get clothing, and it keeps people who've fallen into unintentional poverty from being able to get housing.

1 point

Vaccines should absolutely be mandatory because if they're not, then everyone else's life is at risk because the people choosing not to get the vaccine will be able to spread the deadly virus around.

1 point

We absolutely need to. Wars can cause air pollution through their machines since they cause smoke, which can cause in pollution the air and because some weapons can get into the water, too, which some of those weapons are chemical because it can exacerbate climate change, which there is already a virus that's coming back to life that can harm humans, too all because of climate change. Also, it violates the human right to peace, too.

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