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This personal waterfall shows you all of Jakeylol's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

They should because in the wild they will most likely become extinct while in zoos they can still be in their own habbitat but be safe from captors and animals who find them as prey.

1 point

Yes they are. Not all of them do but most of the do.

I am a teenager and I prefer reading to computer games or videogames but literally all the rest of the people in my class don't read apart from books they have to read from the school library.

1 point

Of course there is, think of it. People have been believing in heaven/hell for thousands of years longer than atheists believed there wasn't.

Plus how can people believe that once your dead there is nothing else. Do you have no hope at all.

1 point

Look we aren't puppets to God, people who believe in God have their own free will to do what they want, they just read and pray twice aday for not that long(less that 5 minutes prayer and 10 bible). They don't take drugs or alcohol, get tattoes, kill, lie, worship statues although Catholics do and so one. Really a Christian life is considerably healthier and a real good christian should be really pleasant to meet.

1 point

No of course not, look there's a saying must women use. The best men are either gay, dead or taken or well something like that anyway.

Basically a lot of men are selfish but a lot of men aren't.

Its very prejudice to say all men are selfish pigs.

1 point

Look in Maths and English people do take favourites but those are people who do good, Maths and English can be helped but if your not good at sports then your not good at sports.

Plus you don't have to run around in shorts and t-shirt embarrising yourself if you have really hairy legs or if your fat in English and Maths plus by the way loads of people who hate PE would rather do 10 Maths and 10 English than 1 PE. SO your point is NOT valid.

1 point

PE is stupid in schools, it doesn't help at all for obesity. Plus people who are not good at PE just get bullied and blamed for failure of a team. I know I am. I'm really bad at football and rugby which is what everyone in my class love apart from one person but at least he's good though.

Also shorts shouldn't have to be worn in summer, people are embarresed by their legs for various reasons like hairyness, fat or too thin.

I have saw some people fail at their studys because of a fear of PE.

Its very unfair and espeacially since you don't get any qualification for the compulsory PE only the optional full course version.

1 point

Cats are one of the most smart animals, including us. Plus dogs are in the bottom.

Its is scientifically proven that cats are smarter, have better smell, hearing and taste.

1 point

Yea it was there land originally and before the colonisers came the land was war free apart from the occasional fight between tribes. Plus the land was basically disease FREE. Also the land was just taken off them, literally. They deserve their land back.

1 point

It wasn't terrorist attack. Look the facts are lots of people heard explosions in the basements, people said that they were blown of there feet in the basement and there was something about a fire or something like that before the planes hit. Also loads of people who had evidence died suddenly.

1 point

There is not much point, she is old and will die soon. She is not a full time murderer she didn't do it again.

1 point

Actually it means husbands property or fathers property not any man. Although men could judge and tell her what to do they could not rape her for the bibles teaches us to respect others and rape is not a form of respect.

1 point

No, you are meant to treat others with respect and dignity. That's what the bible teaches us. To commit rape it to not treat others with respect.

1 point

Okay, personally I'm glad you others guys aren't going for a presidency.

Everyone is equal smart or not. We need both, although there are some people who literally do not get off the asses all day and they don't have health problems apart from addictions, if they weren't here the world would be a lot better especially because the government spend so much getting them to work and believe me they don't work at all when they are at the place the councils send them. My uncle works there are he says they don't do anything.

2 points

Of course you should be against it. It might make adult life better but it would make childhood a hell of a lot scarrier and horrible.

1 point

NO, they are human beings treating them like that is exactly the way we once treated blacks. Its mean if we do that. We should encourage children to learn more not do more in the house.

1 point

Asexuality is split into two ways. Totally no want to have a relationship at all in any way with any person or people who don't like sex.

Personnaly I think the first way is a myth yes but the second no. I hate the thought of sex with anyone but would still like a nice relationship with a girl.

1 point

Its not really a choice but I put it here because they are not born. I know about three people who are gay and they were pretty much straight until around 13-16.

Really its more like born vs. made.

1 point

A genius is someone who is really smart and can do really hard things in a quick time but a madman is usually someone who is a genius but they use their intelligience for the wrong things.

1 point

Look no one can be born with a "killer" trait. Sure they can be born angry, selfish, stone-hearted but those things only help. Those traits together don't create a murderer. Murderers become killers because of stuff like parents, bullying, raping, government etc.

1 point

Umm lets just have a small think about this...NO.

Look the big baby boom is lowering now. People don't have as many babys as they did back in the 80's. Even in poor countrys were people have loads of babys, most of them die of disease.

Plus don't forget people are dieing at a younger age now dew to so many new diseases and obesity.

1 point

Without intelligence this topic would never have been made not just that the whole world wide web and computers would never have been made. Electricty would never been invented. We would be lucky if the state of the world was like that of 0AD.

So no it is not overrated.

1 point

Look doctors, nurses and teacher look after us and teach us about life. Firefighters and police risk their lives for us everyday.

They should be getting in the millions.

Plus nearly all of them dont give a single penny to charity and they dont have to pay as much taxes because of conservatives.

1 point

There are many prayers God have answered for me and my mum prayed for my grandad to live four more good years and he did live four more good years.

If you don't believe in him then you'll se someday.

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