
Jinond's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Jinond's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I ,of course, believe that true freedom as i have defined it is possible. Is it probable? no, given what i know about the way human hierarchy works.

Of course when one lives in a society there are lines that should not be crossed. and i gave those lines. life, limb and property are straight forward, cover murder, violence, theft, and vandalism. the selfsame right covers slavery or coercion of any any kind. The voluntary contract exception covers everything else.

For example if I choose to get a drivers license i am entering into a voluntary contract with the government agreeing to abide by the rules of the road and pay any associated fees. If I drive my car on my own property i do not need to get a license for myself or the car and if i can convince my neighbors to allow me to drive on their property i can travel places.

if i choose to contractually bind myself financially to another woman or man that is my business, and if i violate i stand to be punished. Civilly in this case or Criminally in the previous case. I do believe in the importance of contract law.

Sorry i did not know that a reply to your comment would add another vote in favor. the admins should fix that. so -1 from the Yes.

0 points

Smarter is a relative term. As already said the IQ is flawed. They used to claim men were better at visual spatial relationship. It turns out that men are better at remembering objects relative to one another in distance and direction, and women are better at remembering small clusters of objects related to one another. The study if i remember correctly did the testing first by not telling subjects they were going to be tested. when they did tell them exactly what they were to be tested on there were no significant difference between men and women.

1 point

universal suffrage always!! I choose not to vote but i should always have that choice.

1 point

Home work should not be graded. To grade home work is to grade the process of learning and not what has been learned. Grade quizzes and tests only.

2 points

I am fat. i choose to eat crap. i choose to not exercise and sit on my ass.

how ever it is not truly an epidemic as it is not a disease nor do i think it is unexpected given the way many Americans choose to live.

2 points

Income (wage) tax is slavery. my labor is mine, and taxing it is saying you own my labor. we had no income tax until the 1920's. when the amendment was passed income meant corporate profit. the feds decided to change the meaning of income to mean wage. The supreme court ruled twice that they could not tax wages under the amendment. They were ignored and the government has uses threat of force and jail to steal our wages ever since.

0 points

wow, i love totally unsupported claims.

There is zero evidence that second hand smoke causes cancer.

0 points

Fuck that. i know it's not eloquent but prohibition never never works.

1 point

I choose liberals but only because there are few real conservatives when it comes to the governments involvement in business and the economy. Democrats, Republicans, Liberal, Conservative (really Neo-Cons) they are all to fault. they all want to take our money and use if for their own profit, whether directly by bailing out private enterprise or to fund bloated, bureaucratic,and ineffective social programs that they can point to when election time come.

1 point

I repeat, anything less is not freedom. I really am interested to hear some differing opinions of what freedom is, and the justification. I am also interested to see if someone says they do not.

2 points

Why do so few believe in freedom? It is the business owners right to decide to whom his business caters to. If you don't like it go to another establishment. If the owner has chosen correctly his business will flourish if not it will fail or he will change his policy. Sure mandate that a sticker be put on the door stating if it's smoking or not. Law should be used to protect rights, not to structure the world so that you never have to be exposed to the things you don't like.

1 point

It's amazing how people who can otherwise believe that they should be able to choose:





Can with a strait face, sit there and say cigarettes should be illegal, just because it offends their PC sensibilities. Smoking should remain legal.

1. there is no reasonable proof cigarettes cause cancer

2. there is no reasonable proof second hand smoke cause any health issues

3. and most importantly it's about freedom.

and I'll tell you something else, legal or not, if this push to add more and more taxes on tobacco continue we are going to see it become a black market . Then you're going to see kids killing each other and the Mexican government in war with those Evil Tobacco Cartels.

2 points

if atheism were -473 and theism were 875. what would the numbers between mean.

your proposition makes no sense.

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