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This personal waterfall shows you all of Jtopolnak's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Dude your insane cause you don't' have a F&&# clue what you are talking about. You have no idea on how business works or how Government absolutely needs private free markets in order to function. If there are no free markets and money being made on the private sector in the Free Market Capitalism society then government can't issue bonds and take from taxes and spend it. Here i will put it in 7th grade analogy for you because I'm guessing that's your age. Imagine a farmer and he has a crop and that crop is the private sector. That Farmer needs the crop to flourish and prosper so he can harvest it to pay for his expenses and so forth. But if there is no harvest then that farmer's ability to pay for his expenses is gone and he has no credit cause the crop is no longer there. It's a crude analogy but simple.

2 points

Yes Big Govco can create by how much they want to pass laws on adding taxes and more regulation where maybe none is needed. They are the hand on the faucet whether they want to tighten and restrict or open up the valve and let more flow that being business wealth and jobs. From the policies passed down by government they the private sector "Market" makes adjustments on the framework allowed to operate in. If incentives are given and business is less burden markets respond in hiring and liquidity in the economy. When things are tightened and uncertainty with what Govco is going to do Markets sit on the fence and usually lay off and de-leverage, which is what is happening now. That is why I find it absolutely insane that they would want to raise any taxes right now in a deep recession.

2 points

Econ 101: Umm first NO allow me to explain. When a private-sector worker creates something of value where previously nothing existed, the resulting new dollars inevitably trickle down to others through the goods and services he or she buys. But when a public-sector job is created, it simply means existing dollars trickle from the person who earned them to someone else — usually someone a politician considers more deserving.

The private sector creates wealth, the public sector spends it

1 point

The problem right now is the lack of leadership in Washington and at the front of it starts with Obama. He is so unenthusiastic on his speeches. I remember the great president Ronald Reagan when he would speak the whole nation would watch him with optimism because he believed that each individual new best what was good for them and believed in the American dream. Ronald Reagan at the beginning of his presidency had over 10% unemployment ski high interest rates in the high teens and cold war with Russia. At the end was low interest rates unemployment to 5.3% and was the main reason for the end of the Cold war and the Berlin wall coming down. In his presidency over16 million new jobs and a huge expansion of personal wealth. He also did this with a Democratic majority both House and Senate. He also was the reason why people have the mortgage tax deduction on homes. If Obama wanted to learn how to be a good president he should take a hard look at him.

I guess the point of all this is that Obama plays the blame game and he has no reason too he had both majority in both houses but because of his weak leadership and policies and his hardcore anti-colonialist ideology he has separated himself from the average American and his own party. It's not just republicans voting against him I know alot of Democrats who are voting against their own party come this midterm.

I'm a part of that I voted for Obama and like many others we feel that we have been severely lied too about what he was going to do and that was focus on the economy with a laser like focus. Instead he wants to tax those who create jobs the small business anybody making 250k a year. Those people who make that much by the way are usually owners of a small business with 4 employees so it is absolutely ludicrous to think that this is good. It's so obvious to those out there and we will make our correction come Nov 2nd to stop all of his madness.

1 point

Government can if they stand back and not mingle and choke business with too much regulation and taxes. Which is what Obama wants and is why he is going to get served Nov 2 he is such an ideologue that even then it won't sink in why he lost his majority.

1 point

Do you know anything or do you just go by what you think or hear. It's called a cabinet they make the laws if doesn't even read them if it sounds good he signs it. My niece is a White House journalist i get all of the good stuff straight from the source. Most of what you here on the news and crap Internet media is just crap. Oh you mean the one for GM because they don't know how to cost average a business and let union workers run all over them so they become uncompetitive. Look at Honda, Toyota they don't have unions they build a better car and no bailout. GM is exactly what happens when you have to many entitlements a socialist based business. Eventually you hit a wall and run out of money.

1 point

funny 306 days ago. What a joke he kick out lobbyist I'm LMAF! I know of at least 3 lobbyist personally here in my town they say it's better than ever. What a joke you believe anything that liar will tell you. for crying out loud he won't even show you his birth cert. Don't bring up that BS one on the Internet that doesn't show what hospital or DR delivered the man is a facade. That's why they are going to lose badly Nov 2 people are waking up and smelling it.

1 point

So far all of your arguments are against the grain and you are wrong he has done something made things worde but come Nov 2nd we are going to throw a stop to him destroying this nation.

1 point

Boy you are brainwashed, all the stuff you have mentioned does what for the economy, all presidents before him do all of the same rhetoric you are mentioning. Almost 90% of economist and business people a like say that OBama's policies and lack of business know how is what's making things worse. Good luck on NOv 2nd your going to need it. Obama is not the change Americans hoped for he campaigned in the middle and ran on the left. He's a socialist a Anti colonialist. That's how his dad taught him that's why he returned Winston Churchill's bust back to England his dad despised the Brits for colonizing impoverished nations. Obama is driving this country into the ground, worse president I have ever seen. He hates Amercia and so does his wife Michelle

1 point

He has lowered taxes for who I have the list of taxes that are going everybody is going to pay higher taxes when the tax cuts expire unless if you make less than 24k a year. Married couples going to pay more across the board. So what taxes has he cut? NONE. He is a liar when he says middle class will not have to pay a dime more. Obama is the biggest BS president I have ever seen or heard.

1 point

Think about that for a second. Economically conservative. meaning think before you spend try to show discipline before making a budget. The word conservative itself exudes caution and rational before making a decision.

Liberal spending and economics. Mean the opposite of conservative. example look at any state that is in financial trouble Liberal spending. Find me one red state that is in this trouble or possibly defaulting on bonds there are none. Proof

Trickle down is just a way of saying that Rich people create all the jobs that's trickle down. Because it sure can't trickle up never saw a poor person hiring people and passing on his success to others. Go read a basic book of econ.

1 point

I personally have seen a ghost it was scary as hell and real. Ironically it was a small dog that came through my bedroom door and walked into my closet I watched it while i was in bed and I couldn't even move I was so scared finally when it went into my closet and disappeared is when I shot out of bed and ran out. Yes it was a ghost my belief though is that most ghost are demonic in nature and for some reason they can manifest themselves in ways.

1 point

I don't listen to Beck and TV media or need to to get my information about the implications of the insurance bill, or the fin reg bill, and pray to god there won't be a crap and trade bill. All that is, is Big brother getting more of their hands on money. I attend a monthly business meeting and talk with business people in my community Business owners anywhere from 5 to 100 employees and we discuss what we are doing and what we are seeing. Every single one of them says the same thing they are confused about all of what Washington is throwing down on business and for small business to try to make sense of a 2500 page bill is not easy. So with all that being said private sector is holding back from hiring or advertising and holding onto cash so that they can stay in business because they are worried about the political climate and uncertainty about new regulations. The timing of all of this during a bad recession is making it worse and keeping things slow. Honestly we don't know the full implications of the Insurance bill, and neither do the politicians who passed it without even reading it. So knowing that we have to put our trust in the FED scares the hell out of business. When business is unsure about the the true cost and we are only relying on in hopes that the big GOV has done a good bill you can see why private sector right now is freaked out.

1 point

The Bush tax cuts are across the board starting from low income at 20k a year and up. Also !5% to 20% capital gains tax affects anybody who invest in stocks which I do myself, and let me tell you it's not easy adding another 5% will hurt. I just think that the timing of this would be bad if they let them expire.

1 point

if I give you $10 dollars you will more likely spend most of the that ten $10 But if I give you $10 and then tax you $5 you already have less to spend and inturn put back into the economy i.e. the private sector. So when people say tax cuts don't work they do it's as simple as that.

1 point

This doens't quite go with debate but just wanted to let people know what our current President is doing behind our backs.

It is an insult to the American people that the Administration chose to make an appointment of this scale during a congressional recess. So much for their promises of transparency and openness.

Dr. Berwick, an advocate of government rationed health care, was nominated by the President to be Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services on April 19, but Democratic leaders in the Senate have not even scheduled a hearing on his nomination. The public deserves to know how Dr. Berwick will handle an agency that spends over $800 billion in taxpayer money, but it is clear the President wants to keep his views and agenda hidden from the American people.

The President is right that ‘Washington games’ are being played with this nomination—but he’s misidentified the players.

1 point

To help the economy put Congress on recess every time they go on recess and don't work on recking our country the economy picks up is it just coincidence?

1 point

I have done the research everyone of those on the link you sent me are assumptions DNA does not match bones are of different species. That whole link you sent me is a theory based. I even looked further it is even heavily debated among Scientist.

Yet many so called intelligent people believe that the universe came about by pure chance. This of course has to include the galaxies, solar systems, suns, planets and the micro world of atoms, protons, electrons, quarks etc. Then we also have to consider the dimensions, 1, 2, 3, 4 and so on, plus all the natural laws, anti matter, dark matter and the code that make up the fabric of the physical realm. Now the human mind cannot even conceive of the scale of the universe, never mind thinking at such wonderful design came about by luck. To believe that all this plus much more, came about without a God/designer/programer is absolutely pathetic. This belief is worse than a fable or farytale, it is the most extreme form of ignorance possible.

Yes God has filled my mind and it's awesome!

0 points

So if you believe in Big Bang or creation. I believe in creation. But where did all of the material come from if there was a Big Bang? Too many impossible answers for it to be a mere coincidence. Even if you do believe in Big Bang the chance of all living things and are planet and the Sun being a perfect distance away all of the things that require a perfect balance for life for it to be just lucky is impossible.

1 point

Really species diverge all the time? Name me one. You must certainly have something in your arsenal such as an article or study to back this debate.

2 points

The people who though the world was flat never read their bible if they did they would have known all along the world was round. If you look into Flat people they where for the most part non believers. Not all thought the world was flat Columbus didn't think so. The teachings of people actually thought the world was flat is less than you think it's that crap education that they feed you and believe it. Just like Columbus being the first to sail when it was the Norwegians centuries earlier but that doesn't make as good as a story as Columbus.

1 point

It's actually 98% and the other 2% is a big deal. Did you know that we are also 70% gene like to goldfish as well. If evolution is for real then why not more intelligent species besides us, and i mean like real intelligence not like Dolphins or training your dog, god like intelligence that we have because we are created in his own image? Why would evolution only pick us to be that way?

1 point

Dude they don't have anything of any ape like humans that prove that we came from them. What they have are monkeys and apes with different DNA and they have made the assumption that we came from them but there is noway they have proved this. I even ask you to give me one piece of your data to back this up Good luck in that one you won't find it. that they have said many times before and all a hoax. Ever hear of Nebraska Man or how about Java Man that Scientist said was the proof they even put it on the front cover of National Geo and Time. Nope all to be found a hoax. You know what evolution is? A lie. If you tell a lie the bigger it is the better it it will be received. Almost like the Holocaust just in our recent past but the further we get away from that more and more people believe that never happened it's kinda similar to that. Satan likes to per sway mankind and get people away from the truth. And yes gravity can been proven as fact I don't know how you are even debating that one. They know this because of they can measure the pressure of atmosphere and pull by the rotation of the earth by it's gravitational pull.

The world is to keep you in blinded by the truth. Here is one that you may not know. The FED sounds like it's government. No actually it's not. It is a privately held corporation that controls all of our money and has nothing to do with our government. They like the sound of the FED because if they called it what it really is a private bank that answers to nobody and controls all of everything with money people would freak! It's all about looking through to the truth. The world wants to keep you, us in a fog.

1 point

Inca Burial stones are not a Hoax if you would have done any valid and decent research you would have noted that it has been logged by Time magazine, us dept of paleontology, Nova, plus hundreds of scientist that have excavated the graves and documented all it. It is a mystery for most that can't explain it, if you don't believe in creation then I can see how that must be hard for those people to wrap their heads around this one. just to mention a few. People like yourself hate hardcore evidence such as this because it makes you have to think with actual reason of how this can be.

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