
Loganwhite's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Loganwhite's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

i did mess up there, but saying i never went to school is an insult, i guess you are some sort of super ai that has never made a single mistake. am i right?

1 point

its a play on the words democracy.........................................................................................

1 point

and you should get eleven cakes with eleven candles! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

1 point

for a second, i thought enlightened1 was at it again, trolling (if you can call it that) i mean.

2 points

if its destroyed before it can actually function out of the womb, its not alive, thus, it is not murder

1 point

no! they use their mermaid magic to somehow figure out the intentions of an all knowing being that knows that they will just write random hypocritical bs, Islam, same thing, no religion is 100% true, maybe, even if it was true, it states that people shouldn't go to a big, fancy church, and sit around and mumble to their god that told them not to do that!

2 points

you are, a decent troll at best, you need to learn how to make the troll not look like a troll, they teach you that in advanced trololol studies

1 point

im pretty sure there is a god, how did the big bang occur? But anyone who thinks god personally loves them and that the only thing he wants is your happiness is an ignorant, blissful ass, no point in trying to figure his/her motives, might as well just live your life...

1 point

you know what, i think that they didn't teach you about run on sentences in school. If god didn't exist, we wouldn't even have this debate.

-1 points

because maybe the god, isn't a benevolent one, maybe whatever gender god is, thinks of us as a sort of ant farm?

3 points

i say that the victims family should choose how he dies, or he can fight in a GLADIATOR ARENA! just think of the money you could make

1 point

if by "balls and vaginas" you mean the airport scanners that they have today, so be it, if your too insecure to go through a scanner that roughly depicts a fuzzy image of you without your clothes, then you shouldnt be taking up precious airport space for the rest of us, besides, that means more airline peanuts for me...

0 points

i think that abortion would be right in the case of rape.

1 point

on a small scale, no, its just the trading of goods and monetary items. on a larger, corporate scale, it is just helping the rich get richer, my idea of evil

1 point

the basic human need to survive outdoes all other instincts. thus, the wanting to die means not following your base instinct, so your insane

2 points

i know that like sucks, but i dont mope or try to ignore it, but i think realisticly, so, pessimist

1 point

hunting, all the way baby! the minimum length for an argument is 50 characters so we can cut down on the non idiocy and keep idiots in full- blah blah blah

1 point

because im an anarchist, no, not one of those, down with government, down with homework, down with not letting me go to a party! kind of anarchists. i think that true anarchy is not following any path, i dont think order is bad, but i think the government is disorder. order is a natural thing, you dont "elect" order, you let what happens happens

1 point

when there is a revolt in my town, i would join.....the minimumlength for an asldkfjas;lkdkfasdfasdf

1 point

exactly! people think that following an old book and doing whatever it tells them to do is strong minded. that really makes sense

0 points

not end, no. change for the worse? you bet your sweet ass!

2 points

i think some sort of god(s) is out there, but i don't think its the god of any man made religion.

1 point

its more like a matter of minutes. When they would try to drive a vehicle to a grocery mart, they would surely crash, run over, and generally kill themselves off very quickly

1 point

how can anything written by any man be 100% true? No man can tell the true word of god. there is a god, but religion is man-made.

1 point

now that i have had the (dis)-pleasure of meeting him, i think he deserves whatever (figurative, of course) mud you threw at him,

3 points

should they also ban any violent movies, books, and any media program that even mentions violence. face it, it is human to want to hurt, it is in our most primal instinct, just look at the ufc, martial arts, and the gladiator arena when the romans ruled the European countryside

0 points

Enlightened1, i thought you had a little more class than that, i guess since your angry, it can be overlooked. Oh, and life in the early 1900's was a much better time, even in the depressions. a box of corn flakes cost $0.80, that was considered a large amount. Do you see the difference in the economy?

0 points

in a literal sense, yes, but in the more figurative way i was thinking, i am impressed by your intellect, but not phased, i would have thought you would be one to believe that my tongue is not of a low quality metal. i will ignore that insult and still stay on our neutral terms.

1 point

i am a minor, but i take pride in my eloquent vocabulary and my silver tounge

1 point

a broadhead arrow is designed to tear a pretty big hole in something, that getting in your soft, squishy brain would be the end of it, or you would be retarded for the rest of your life

1 point

they should nuke the whole world, just set the world on fire, weed out the weaklings, only the strong could survive

1 point

they should figure out that being a fat-ass does not make them special, they should deal with it, everyone is made fun of for something, change or grow a pair!

1 point

i would take an automatic weapon and show the government of america back in the 1700's how to create the new weapon

1 point

if there not animals, then what are they, plants? everyone is an animal, you breath, you dont create your own food, and you reproduce, therefore, your an animal. imbeciles

1 point

but how can such a simple creature have a nervous system?

1 point

its more underrated, whores like (i'm going to go out on a limb here, please don't saw the branch while i'm on it, i WILL fall on you)

miley Cyrus, and/or Lindsey lohan are making money off of standing around "singing" into a microphone, i dont care if you think their good, i think that the best people are the ones who could survive in a literal "dog eat dog world" just replace dog with crazy raiders with automatic shotguns because they found an abandoned military base.

although college is pretty overrated....

1 point

im confused her, those two seem like polar opposites, why would one copy the other?

2 points

exactly, im guessing you have at least half a brain, so no, i really dont care if you kill an animal, or a person if its in self defense. i would want to see someone killing those animals people think to be adorable, those bastards have had it easy long enough...

1 point

first, the truth, then, i would call them a Tree Humping Arse Raider

1 point

hopefully...none. government is an idiotic idea in the first place! It requires ever-increasing force just to keep it in check, i dont give a rats ass about "oh how anarchy is never going to work", thats just the point, anarchy is the opposite of work.

2 points

exactly, there are no rules, only the ones you make up.

The minimum length for an argument is 50 characters. The purpose of this restriction is to cut down on the amount of dumb jokes, so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possible.

6 points

yes but is that really a problem, everyone is a hypocrites. take it this way, some words by the famous George dubya, (Harold and Kumar reference) "do ya like givin (omitted)jobs? now do ya like gettin (omitted)jobs, then your a f*kin hypocrite!"

1 point

please dont

The minimum length for an argument is 50 characters. The purpose of this restriction is to cut down on the amount of dumb jokes, so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possible.

2 points

im sorry to say, but they haven't found any magic arc or garden of eden either

1 point

yes i am, and havin a good time, i rarely have glitches, though the golden geckos are tough bastards

1 point

i hope it ends like how fallout went, with laser guns and primm slimm(fallout references) oh, and laser rifles a blazin!

1 point

exactly, they try to be some sort of non conformist, light hating loners, but alot of other people beat them to it, a non conformist would be a computer nerd who is captain of the football team

1 point

i agree completely with you, everyone thinks that if you mention race in anything other that how to support them, your some sort of puts on a red neck accent burr drinkin tibakee chewin, cross burnin jew killin redneck! oh and yes, men do commit more crime than women do, deal with it

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