
Loopdaloop's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Loopdaloop's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I mean there's more than a 90% chance you're nom and even an outside possibility that I am.

He definitely isn't Nom. He's a mentally ill man which some very bad people are using as a proxy to attack Nom.

1 point

We know everything about Nom including a detailed psychological profile of his true character.

The only thing you know is how to get yourself used as a pawn by evil monsters who want to destroy everything they touch. You are an absolute fool.

1 point

Nom and Factmachine are BOTH inhabitants of a broken schizophrenic mind.

I find that a truly incredible comment, given that you've literally convinced yourself you're Jewish, contrary to all scientific and historical fact. You are a delusional populist who continuously seeks the admiration of others by making up lies about yourself. Frankly, you're pathetic, and your vile personality is only disguised by virtue of being dwarfed by that of the other moron (i.e. FM) who Andy has to ban three times a week.

1 point

Not only do I not necessarily believe you

Ahahaha! Buddy, I couldn't give a shit dipped in ink what you believe. Your opinion is of less than zero importance to me, or indeed to anybody else. It has negative equity.

No, you're literally painting the image you want to see of me

You painted that image by uploading regular videos of yourself sitting in your mom's basement stuttering your way through hip hop tracks, you tone deaf imbecile. You haven't even moved out of your chair in the last five years. Too funny.

I will have more money/pussy/active brain cells than you by far in my life time.

Ahahaha! Whatever you say buddy. I'm sure your mom's basement is rolling in pussy. Wall to wall pussy up in that basement while you stumble through your make-believe rap career. Lmfao.

I haven't been on this site in a while

You're constantly lurking on this site because you're a creepy stalker and that's what creepy stalkers do. Andy bans you an average of three times per week. But since you're too narcissistic and arrogant to figure out nobody likes you, unfortunately you keep coming back.

I've also seen an example of your work and the type of sites it ends up on and I guarantee you aren't getting payed much

Paid, buddy. Paid. And I have work published in the university press. I've come quite a long way.

It must be difficult spending your entire life seething with hatred.

1 point

The face you made on your facebook pic says it all

The fact that you're stalking my Facebook account says it all. You're a creepy little homo who stalks the people he meets on the internet. You literally stalk people who don't want anything to do with you, and you think I'm the loser? Lmfao. Buddy, there's something seriously wrong with you.

you know what you are but will never admit it in this context. A fat, ugly, stupid school bully who wants the rich kid's lunch money.

I know I'm worth ten times what you're worth. You're a pathetic, mentally incompetent clown who seems to enjoy being hated. I'm neither fat nor ugly, but feel free to keep clutching at straws, you rat-faced loser. Lol.

1 point

You're a bitter communist loser

Hilarious. I have a first class university degree and you're a worthless bum who still lives with his mother!!

I'll have long outgrown by the time I'm your age

ROFLMAO. Buddy, you spend your pointless life writing shit rap lyrics which nobody reads and you spam them on a website nobody uses. Winner winner, chicken dinner!!

they make money

Give it a rest, child. I've already told you that I'm happy you've found your very first job in your 30s.

1 point

The shit which comes out of this idiot's mouth is just insane. Claims to be a Christian on the one hand, while on the other he makes up sickening lies and delights at the thought of inflicting violence.

Get help you mad bastard.

0 points

I didn't accuse you of trolling.

Yes, you did. You said I wanted to put other people down for having successes. You're literally an idiot, mate.

I accused you of being ugly, retarded, having a suicidal martyr like attitude about opposing tyranny, of being the person who initially made enemies with me and of being an intellectual narcissist

You accused me of all of those things too. But I laughed because you're forgetting that I've seen you in real life. You are not a handsome man. As soon as you open your mouth and speak it's very obvious that there's something wrong with you mentally. I truly don't give a fuck about your opinions and neither does anybody else with half a functional brain cell. As far as I'm concerned you're a waste of carbon.

1 point

Shove your obsession with anti-Semitism where the sun doesn't shine, you useful idiot of power. Kanye is as real as they come.

0 points

What you are is a scumbag who wants to put other people down for having successes

Stop turning reality upside down at every possible opportunity you pointless imbecile. You've literally opened up a debate scoffing about how you're eating caviar while I'm labouring, which torpedoes your nonsense that I'm the one doing the trolling.

Honestly, just shut up and fuck off. You're boring and repetitive. All the caviar in the world won't fix your broken mind.

0 points

What I'm trying to explain is that only scumbags use their own successes as a weapon to put other people down.

0 points

More likely is you're eating your own faeces.

I'm glad you've managed to find some sort of employment, but you should probably try to stay in reality and not get carried away.

You remind me of a really ugly girl I used to work with many years back. I always thought she was OK, but the moment she eventually found a boyfriend she turned into a complete dickhead. Somehow she got it into her head that she was hot and started strutting around like a model, insulting other girls who were considerably more attractive. She got her comeuppance a few weeks later when she found out her new boyfriend had given her an STD.

-1 points

I'm still in my 20s and I became relatively well-stacked recently and moved out

You're in your 30s. You spent your 20s in here every day, pretending to be an intellectual because you'd seen Zeitgeist.

I noticed you using cowardice as an insult with abnormal frequency

You've spent your entire adult life living off the teat of your parents because you're too frightened to face anything on your own. That's not the definition of bravery.

your own sense of impersonal suicidal martyrdom

You're on crack if you think I'm suicidal. I laugh at pieces of shit like you. You're nothing. You're a pathetic little coward who hides in his mom's basement hating himself and you want to drag everybody else in the world down into the sewer with you. You prove it every day by opening up stupid "debates" like this. You're not worth the steam off my piss, mate.

It isn't cowardice or self-hate

It's both of those things. You're a scumbag who doesn't know how to form or maintain relationships.

-1 points

You introduced yourself to me by trying to correct me in the rudest way possible

Lol. And you've held a grudge for ten years? That's hilarious. Thanks for illustrating what a pitifully fragile ego you have.

Your definition of winning is martyring yourself

Nope, but I'd much sooner be remembered for martyring myself for something I believe in, like Jesus, than be remembered for being a shallow little sewer rat who sold out his friends for coffers, like Judas. You even look like a rat.

-1 points

Btw winner, you should tell us more about how you're in your 30s and still literally live in your mom's basement. You're a grown man who hasn't ever had the courage to face life. For the last ten years you've wasted most of your free time writing incoherent rap lyrics which nobody even reads and which you don't have the talent to perform. Way to go, winner.

You finally began to understand why your life was shit and what/who was making it shit, but instead of getting off your agoraphobic ass and doing something about it, you folded at the first hurdle like the coward we both know you are. At the core of your personality is a coward who hates himself, and that's why you're so mean to other people.

-1 points

It seems to me that you're guilty of everything you're accusing Nom of. What is this "debate" if not an open example of you trying to bully and offend? It's a little bit pathetic that you're so miserable you dedicate your time to trying to hurt other people emotionally. It's also more than a little bit creepy if you've seen my Facebook because I haven't ever given you my Facebook.

What I have always sensed in you is jealousy. From the day I first began using this site. You yearn desperately to be the smartest guy in the room and when you're not you throw a temper tantrum like a four year old with toothache. You have something wrong with your mind that makes you want to offend and attack everyone, which no doubt explains why Andy meticulously bans every one of your accounts.

You don't understand what winning is, buddy. Winning isn't about being the biggest prick you can possibly be. Winning isn't about taking your insecurities and hatred out on other people.

loopdaloop(158) Clarified
1 point

There is no reason to assume that before recorded history everyone was Socialist when primitive systems often resemble monarchy and other more right wing systems.

It isn't an assumption you twit. Monarchism didn't develop until much later in history. There were no kings ordering the peasantry to take up arms against sabre toothed tigers. Early humans were hunter gatherers and their society was based on mutual sharing of responsibility according to the abilities of the individual. The strong hunted for food, the wise planned the economy, women raised children and others gathered ingredients for fires and medicines. Where do you think the traditional patriarchal and matriarchal roles came from in the first place? Sure, there was hierarchy in that the best warriors ate first, but that's not really the same type of hierarchy which exists today, where familial wealth is passed down through ten generations to give complete strangers a free ride. There were no free rides in early society. Everybody had a role to perform to enable the survival and smooth function of the group.

Calling early humans "right wing" only shows what a total ignorance of history you have.

loopdaloop(158) Clarified
1 point

nature makes it infinitely easier for fascism to exist and infinitely difficult for communism to exist

You're wrong again. For 99 percent of the history of our species, we've used social systems which are a lot more comparable to communism than fascism. The latter has evolved only after we came to dominate the planet. In the early days, anybody with half a brain cell could see why cooperation was necessary for survival, because we were running around with rocks and spears in a world dominated by large angry predators. After we became the dominant species, we turned on ourselves. We became our own predators.

-1 points

I'll shave your head bald, stick needles in your face and cast you as Pinhead in a new Hellraiser movie.

1 point

Look.. I'm a Jew.

You're not a Jew and every person on this entire website knows you're not a Jew. You're a worthless piece of shit who pretends to be Jewish because it makes you feel important.

I'm black, how about that? I'm a black dude with blue eyes and blonde hair. What, you don't agree? Then you're a RACIST. That's literally what having a conversation with your stupid ass is like. You're a fucking retard.

1 point

You are deliberately poorly interpreting what I say to piss me off

I don't need to piss you off because you argue just for the sake of arguing. You never want to give any ground, so you continue arguing long after your points are addressed and rebutted, which is pointless.

1 point

Shut up you demented imbecile. You're not Jewish and pointing out that you're not Jewish isn't anti-Semitism. Suck a dick.

1 point

Nature creates the reality in which we live.

You literally just said "nature isn't the default condition". Stop contradicting yourself, twat.

loopdaloop(158) Clarified
1 point

The fact that wealthy families can hoard their wealth is perfectly allowed by the reality in which we live.

That's exactly like living in Hitler's Germany and saying, "the fact that we put Jews in ovens is perfectly allowed by the reality in which we live." It isn't an argument, dopey. If we are the ones who create the reality in which we live, then there's no feasible reason to allow an intergenerational class system to flourish.

0 points

Jacque Fresco wasn't some peace guru, he was wired to be cold and calculating. He was a social chameleon and capable of being highly manipulative

If he wasn't a peace guru then why did he spend so much time thinking up ways to make the world a better place? Your attacks against his personality don't really stack up against his actions in the real world.

loopdaloop(158) Clarified
1 point

All of those systems have 2 things in common which socialism doesn't. 1 they were actually implemented successfully after being thought up

Socialism has been implemented successfully on plenty of occasions mate. That isn't the problem. Most of mainland Europe presently uses a hybrid system with some socialist and some capitalist elements. Countries like Denmark and Iceland lean heavily towards socialism. The problem is that nobody has ever figured out how to transition from socialism to communism. Marx's idea about the state simply withering away seems to have been wrong. In fact, in most examples the precise opposite has happened, although that might be because the state is needed to protect any socialist system from the pressure it comes under from capitalist countries.

they all allow (yes, allow) humanity to be unequal as it is by default

You're trying to disguise an absolute fallacy here. Yes, humanity is unequal. Some people are smarter, some are stronger and some work harder. However, nature does not default a condition where wealth is horded from generation to generation across families. That condition exists nowhere in the natural world. Class is not a default condition. It is imposed artificially by people with wealth.

loopdaloop(158) Clarified
1 point

Before anyone is even allowed to call themselves a communist or socialist they should be mandated to have a realistic explanation for how it can be achieved which no human being in history has been able to produce. Your futile retarded religion is built upon a faith in humanity

Has anybody been able to produce a different system other than capitalism in the last 300 years? In the 300 years before that, was anybody able to produce a different system other than feudalism? In the 300 years before that, was anybody able to produce a different system than monarchism?

The problem is, and always has been, indoctrination. And I don't just mean the media telling people that capitalism is the best system. It's also that people are generally petrified of change. Even when capitalism has blatantly failed them, as it has for 90 percent of the world population, most people are still usually more willing to stick to the devil they know.

At the end of the day, there are few things more stupid than wanting to call a halt to progress. To believe that capitalism cannot be improved upon and that giant wealth inequalities and corporate authoritarianism are the best things mankind can achieve from its socio-economic systems, is the thing which is "retarded".

1 point

I'm going to glaze you in barbecue sauce and drop you into a pit of hungry Muslims three minutes after Ramadan.

1 point

Lol. You're honestly just such a halfwit. An argument "over semantics" would be an argument about the linguistic meaning of the same word. It isn't "arguing over semantics" when you claim to own a badger and show me a chicken to prove it.

Please shut up. You're annoying.

loopdaloop(158) Clarified
0 points

Communism has been tried and failed.

It hasn't brother. You need to delve a little deeper into this, past the distorted information provided by capitalist governments acting through proxy of the mainstream media. Marx never wanted an all-powerful state. He wanted the complete opposite. His mistake arose from the real problem of how to transition societies which had been capitalist for hundreds of years into communist ones. The only way he saw to enact that change was government, but on the other hand he'd also spent countless hours writing about how government was an unnecessary by-product of capitalism, whose only real-world purpose was protecting the interests of the upper class. His idea was, as the roots of communism expanded into society, government would cease to perform any useful function and gradually would "wither away". However, what happened in reality is that opportunists like Stalin took advantage of the power vacuum left behind by the overthrow of the Tsarist system which had existed previously, and simply set up shop for themselves. It takes a very particular sort of person to be omnipotent, almost like a god, and then hand that power back to the people themselves. I'm not sure anybody has the strength to do that, but if they do then it certainly wasn't Stalin or Mao.

1 point

You left out that when Marx said "workers", he meant people who did manual labor

He meant people who did work, you thick Nazi twat.

0 points

One of the bitter ironies of the 20th century was that communism, which began as an egalitarian doctrine accusing capitalism of selfishness and calloused sacrifices of others, became in power a system whose selfishness and callousness toward others made the sins of capitalism pale.

It's incredibly disappointing when I watch idiots like you attempt to criticize The Communist Manifesto without ever actually having read The Communist Manifesto. Communism, as envisioned by Marx, necessitated the complete end to the state and therefore state power.

It takes an overwhelming amount of arrogance, not to mention ignorance, to try to criticize a book you clearly haven't even read.

These, criticisms of yours, which have become all too common among shit-stirring capitalist deceivers, essentially all follow precisely the same formula. Hitler claimed he was a socialist, therefore socialism is bad. Stalin claimed he was a communist, therefore communism is bad. Well, guess what? Jeffrey Epstein claimed he was a capitalist.

0 points

Most people who read "The Communist Manifesto" probably have no idea that it was written by a couple of young men who had never worked a day in their lives, and who nevertheless spoke boldly in the name of "the workers".

Marx worked for the Daily Tribune for ten years as a journalist you pig ignorant twat. At least throw the occasional piece of truth into your historical hatchet job.

1 point

You want beef?

Because I will open up a steak house on your nipples.

0 points

It would help if first we established which version you want. With machine guns or without machine guns?

1 point

If you found a better study from a peer reviewed article this would be helpful.

Please follow my words closely. An opinion poll taken of women about their own opinions of driving is no type of "study". You should spend some time learning the difference between an opinion poll and a study. Try to start that task after completing the previous one where you learn the difference between the words "better" and "safer".

Instead, you have impossible expectations and nitpick

It is not an "impossible expectation" for you to support your own claims with relevant literature you fucking idiot.

The overall trend is women are safer drivers, so no not cherry picking.

You were absolutely cherry-picking. You made a claim that "women are BETTER drivers than men" and attempted to support it with an analysis about who are the SAFER drivers. I can only conclude at this point that you either struggle with interpreting the English language, or that you are simply dumb as a tree stump.

Here's a peer reviewed article for you.

You are again randomly cherry-picking titles which do not match the content of the material involved. The abstract of your paper reads:-

They [women] are less involved in accidents and drive safer and less fast than men

So again, they are SAFER drivers, not BETTER drivers.

What science says about who are BETTER drivers, is:-

When it comes to raw cognitive skill needed for driving, men have an advantage over women. The male brain tends to excel at motor, spatial and visual processing, all of which play crucial roles in good driving.

However, driving involves much more than finesse. Conscientiousness and safety are more important behind the wheel, and women demonstrate these traits far more often than men.

So men are BETTER drivers, and women are SAFER drivers. You are trying to conflate these two distinct and separate concepts because you are a sophist little dickhead.

1 point

The left has become a religion for Corporatism

Sure Bronto. Definitely the left. Occupy Wall Street and Antifa are very pro-corporate dictatorship.

Meanwhile, you have some of Hitler's ass hair stuck on your chin. Maybe you should wipe that off before you continue.

1 point

Shut up Bronto. I quoted your story directly you mad fuck:-

He said the FBI did not warn Facebook about the Biden story in particular

1 point

I am told that worshippers of false prophets have their own special little VIP table in hell, where they can play cards, drink wine, and surrender their bottoms to the relentless sexual advances of Lord Moloch.

1 point

Musk allows the 1st Amendment on his private company

No he doesn't. What about Alex Jones' first amendment right?

Musk is full of shit.

1 point

Get a life you absolute weirdo. Nobody gives half a shit about your unhinged rantings. You've literally been talking to yourself for the past 24 hours.

The Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints is built upon a false foundation and a false prophet, which is why millions of Mormons are going to hell unless they turn from Mormonism and turn to the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Repent or you're going to hell. Simple.

-1 points

Nice try Bronto.

He said the FBI did not warn Facebook about the Biden story in particular

1 point

From where can I buy a pair of magic glasses like Joseph Smiths that enabled him, and only him, to interpret the word of God.

Powerful glasses, right buddy?

Also, I'd like some of those golden printing plates Smith claims were given him by angels, but which mysteriously vanished upon further enquiry.

Ah, unfortunately there appears to be no end to the strange things you can make people believe with a bit of charm and guile.

1 point

I think you should be imprisoned for five years for impersonating a Jew.

1 point

Your argument is nihilistic

I don't think you understand what Nihilism is and I think you should probably shut up if you don't have a valid rebuttal to what I wrote.

Another example, the myth that all media is flawed. Again, some media sources are very accurate and others deliberately mislead.

You don't seem to understand that your sources do not support the claims you made. Work on that.

1 point

Your filthy Satanic cult is being EXPOSED, Dr Batman. You are a mere SEXUAL PLAYTHING of the PRINCE OF LIES. He has slid his HONEY COATED MEMBER into your ear and you have ENJOYED HIS ATTENTION.

1 point

Q. Are Mormons Christians?

A. Although Mormons profess to be Christians and say they believe the Word of God, there are many of their beliefs that contradict Christianity. In fact, Mormonism can be referred to as a cult, which can be defined as “a religious group that denies one or more of the fundamentals of biblical truth.” Mormons say they are Christians, but because they reject foundational truths from God’s Word, they are not.

1 point

Hope you enjoy the weather down there Dr Batman, you spawn of Satan.

1 point

Silence, spawn of evil. You cannot argue with the PROOF of what you are. Your SATANIC CULT was started by a CONVICTED CONMAN who fornicated with the horned one.

1 point

Simply put, Mormonism was delivered to an unbeliever by Satan

Lol. Dr Batman literally belongs to a Satanic cult!!

1 point

Simply put, Mormonism was delivered to an unbeliever by Satan, appearing as an angel of light, with the purpose to corrupt the minds of unbelievers. His fraud has succeeded spectacularly, resulting in millions being deceived as a result.

0 points

Which part of "shut the fuck up, nobody is interested in what you have to say", are you struggling with?

1 point


In the end, the Mormon religion is no different than any other man-made, false religion: it seeks to diminish the diety of Christ while elevating man to equality with God.

In this teaching, we can clearly see Satan's fingerprints. The Mormon church orginated from the visions of a convicted conman, Joseph Smith.

Even other Christians agree that Batman is a Satanist!!

0 points

Shut the fuck up you truly insane twat. You're literally mad.

1 point

Here we have more proof that Batman is a brainwashed madman who lives his life in the wretched clutches of the horned one:-

Mormons, on the other hand, have created their own "gospel" (which is no gospel at all), and claim that all others are apostate. The Mormon gospel grossly distorts the truth., claiming that Jesus was merely a man who became a god through good works. They also maintain that all good Mormons can become gods (as Jesus did) through righteous works. Obviously, this is utterly false.

If this story sounds familiar, it should, because this is a repetition of the same lie Satan told Eve in the garden (see Genesis 3:5). No wonder Mormons teach that salvation is only found through the Mormon church, because this lie is a scheme of the enemy to entrap humanity in a false gospel that cannot save.

0 points

Do us all a favour and shut up, mate. I absolutely guarantee that nobody on this entire site is interested in anything you have to say, least of all me.

0 points

You seem very upset indeed snowflake.

That's because you're a coward and a bully who comes here to attack others behind the safety net of "debates" you have set to private status and yet you have the incredible audacity to pretend you're spreading the word of Jesus. You are an affront to everything Jesus ever stood for. If you weren't such a raving mad bastard you'd be thoroughly ashamed of yourself.

the Lord detests your lying about others

I've literally just proven what you did with a screenshot you delusional fool. Shut the fuck up you truly insane twit.

0 points

You have only proven me right.

No, I proved myself right, because you immediately responded to my first post by attacking me in one of your own debates which you had set to private. A simple screenshot of the public waterfall literally PROVES YOU DID THAT:-

As anybody can see for themselves, the facts illustrate that you are a liar.

You returned to this debate only after pulling your usual trick of insulting me in comments I am unable to reply to.

0 points

Your passive aggressive response

There's nothing passive about my response. I'm directly accusing you of being clinically mad.

like any common screaming karen who cries about the truth being told.

You wouldn't know truth if it turned up at your backwater church in a clown suit. Shut the fuck up you completely insane imbecile.

Jesus was real and there is archeological evidence to support the Bible.

There is no evidence, archaeological or otherwise, that Jesus was a supernatural figure who defied the laws of physics by rising from the dead and walking on water. The very fact that you believe those things, contrary to the established scientific laws of this planet, and absent any tangible evidence such a thing is even possible, is evidence enough that you're BATSHIT MAD.

Even if Jesus WERE real, and even if he WERE an all-powerful super zombie who defied death, your vile and cowardly persona would STILL BE CONTRARY TO EVERYTHING HE EVER TAUGHT. So either way you lose. Road A is that Jesus was just an ordinary man and you're insane for believing otherwise. Road B is that Jesus was the son of God and you reject everything he ever taught in a tantrum of hateful diatribe and pernicious lies.

Whichever one it is, you're still mad.

loopdaloop(158) Clarified
0 points

Thanks for proving me right, you unhinged moron. I can't reply because you've set your debates to private.

Get help, you goddamned idiot.

0 points

I, too, am fighting the mental illness on this site.'

You are not even fighting the mental illness in yourself. Hands down, you are the most mentally disturbed individual who has ever used this site, either past or present. To use last night as a typical example of your utter degeneracy, you opened in excess of 15 "debates", all of which you set to private status so that nobody is able to actually debate you. You come here only to spam the site with disturbing monologues rooted in your bizarre 13th century evangelical ideology, and refuse to engage any alternative points of view. Anybody who dares even argue a claim you make, you immediately ban from all future debates and send them an "enemy" declaration.

You are BATSHIT crazy to the point that you stand out massively on a site populated almost exclusively by other crazy people.

0 points

I'm a Jew

You're not a Jew you delusional little twit.

You say I'm not.

No, factual reality says you're not. If you want to reject factual reality and continue making the same false claim, then that makes you a liar: exactly what you've just claimed not to be.

That's the worst form of antisemitism.

No, anti-Semitism is hatred of Semites. You're not a Semite. You're a stupid dickhead who keeps lying about being Jewish.

0 points

Nahh.. I don't lie.

Lol. You're an absolutely massive liar. His criticisms are completely justified. If honesty were truly one of your personality traits it's highly unlikely you'd have seen the inside of a jail.

You've got an annoying habit of doubling down on bullshit. By no means are you the only one, but whenever your interpretation of reality is challenged you take it as a personal affront and attack whoever is responsible. It's weak and cowardly.

0 points

everyone who has ever regularly used this site was mentally ill.

You can speak for yourself, pal. I'm not mentally ill. I'm a sane man in an asylum being run by the inmates.

0 points

Shut up and make me some noodles boy. I like them spicy with a hint of WHINING NAZI DOUCHEBAG.

-1 points

The heat is a danger just check with New York LMFFAO

I will spit in your kung po chicken.

1 point

Batman, how do you reconcile your claims of being a Christian with the fact that you're a lying, cowardly piece of shit?

1 point

Batman, how do you reconcile your claims of being a Christian with the fact that you're a lying, cowardly piece of shit?

1 point

Batman, how do you reconcile your claims of being a Christian with the fact that you're a lying, cowardly piece of shit?

1 point

Batman, how do you reconcile your claims of being a Christian with the fact that you're a lying, cowardly piece of shit?

1 point

In the past hour, Dr Batman has claimed:-

A) I am homosexual.

B) I am a pedophile.

C) I am a child rapist.

All three of these claims are lies.

1 point

Batman, shut your insane mouth you disgusting little Satan-loving pig. You're a coward who spews sickening lies and sets all his debates to private because you don't have the courage to face the people you're telling lies about. You're an affront to the teachings of Jesus and a pathetic dog. The only place you are going is hell.

1 point

That's flat earth thinking

Are you retarded? Nobody said anything about the shape of the Earth. If you had any knowledge whatsoever of university level philosophy you'd understand why nothing outside of personal experience can be truly known, with the solitary possible exception of knowledge acquired through a priori reasoning (i.e. maths).

1 point

There is more sources that make the same claim.

You don't need any source whatsoever to qualify the claim as bullshit sensationalism. You just need a touch of common sense. I mean, what am I even supposed to make of this:-

In a survey done for insurer MetLife, 51% of women said their gender drives more safely.

So women think women are safer drivers? That's awesome. I think I'm a better footballer than Lionel Messi. Does that mean I'm a better footballer than Lionel Messi?

The evidence is on their side: Men are 3.4 times more likely than women to get a ticket for reckless driving and 3.1 times as likely to be cited for drunk driving

And do these figures take into account the difference between the numbers of men and women on the road?

In fact, let's forget that for the moment. Let's instead concentrate on the difference between the words "better" and "safer". Clearly, these words don't mean the same thing, do they? Racing drivers illustrate the point very well.

You're also cherry picking data from the source you used. The story also says:-

The findings did back men up on one point: automotive knowledge. The poll showed that more men are familiar with current safety equipment such as electronic stability control, which helps prevent rollover accidents.

More than anything, what annoys the fuck out of me is when people like you fail to understand that media sources sensationalize data recorded in obscure surveys into general rules in order to produce headlines. The surveys used in stories like these almost exclusively use small sample sizes and can't be demonstrated to translate into general rules.

1 point

I'm going to fly him to the centre of the galaxy, give him a papercut, then kick him into a black hole so the pain lasts forever.

loopdaloop(158) Clarified
1 point

And you're for open borders

And you're for mandatory beatings of anybody who doesn't agree with your political views.

The only way to explain your rationale is if you are a little retarded kid at a keyboard.

That's hilarious Bronto. The moron who turns up and tells other people what they are for and against without checking with them first is accusing me of being a child. I'm devastated.

loopdaloop(158) Clarified
1 point

In fairness, The Sun is not a reliable source. It's sensationalist, hyper far right tripe.

1 point

Anecdotal evidence is the only type of evidence. If you didn't personally confirm and ultimately experience the fact that something is a part of reality either directly or indirectly then you're just taking someone else's word for it.

More commonly known as Hume's problem of induction.

1 point

Batman attempts to excuse killing people, ignoring completely the ten commandments of God, and then in his very next breath claims to be a Christian!!!

The cognitive dissonance is beyond belief with this one.

1 point

He deliberately conflates homosexuality with paedophilia and then claims to be a Christian. Unbelievable.

Hey dickhead. Jesus would spit in your face.

1 point

I don't even know why this moron bothers opening debates, because the moment you disagree with him about anything he bans you. Absolute dickhead. All he's interested in are his own uninterrupted, self-aggrandizing monologues.

1 point

most politician's whose only strength is their gift of the gab and knowing what the sheepeople want to hear will, in an effort to hang on to their mighty station in life present their constituent's dream world as a realistically achievable goal in a persuasively forthright manner in the full knowledge that their hollow promises are totally unattainable.

Yup, completely true.

What we have to do is figure out what the hell to do about it.

Also true. I remember the same conversations were being had 30 years ago. But it has only become worse since then, not better.

loopdaloop(158) Clarified
1 point

Nom's precious socialism

The problem isn't socialism. The problem is transitioning a capitalist and/or monarchist society to a socialist one, because they both have vastly different philosophies.

Besides which, socialism was only ever intended to be a short term system. The ultimate aim was communism, where government was abandoned and the people looked after themselves.

1 point

I'm going to drug you, smuggle you into Geneva in a suitcase, drive you over to CERN and then use the particle accelerator to fire a stream of neutrinos into your japs eye at 99.7 percent the speed of light.

1 point

I don't know a single woman who drives a Bugatti unless it's her husband or bfs Bugatti. That alone proves that women are stupid.

So the woman gets to drive a Bugatti without paying for it and that makes her stupid?

1 point

who shits a brick at the idea of their fellow citizen being able to adequately defend their home and family.

You don't need a gun to defend your home unless you're either a coward or a midget, so thanks for proving my point.

1 point

Jesus fucking Christ. I put your empty threat right in front of you

No, you took something I wrote in an argument about guns out of its intended context and misrepresented it as a threat. Shut your stupid mouth you pathetic alcoholic loser.

1 point

To be fair, a offer to come here and fight me is the most unhinged shit I've ever seen come off of your keyboard

I've never offered to come there and fight you. Stop taking the things I've written out of context and shut your dumb mouth, you retarded ginger midget. I would literally pick you up and drop you on your stupid fucking head.

1 point

Shut the fuck up, you delirious lying cunt.

You're literally mad if you think you can take something I said in a hypothetical argument about guns out of context as an offer to fly over to America and fight you. You're just utterly retarded mate.

1 point

I'm perfectly happy to turn up unarmed and slap you in your idiot face like a man. I don't need to hide in the bushes like a fag and shoot you from 60 yards away to feel safe.

It's true. I don't need a gun to feel safe because I'm not a coward. And I don't need to make empty threats to strangers over the internet for the same reason. You pal, are a coward. And it gets under your skin because deep down you know it's true.

1 point

I do hope you don't make that mistake

Hahahahaha! Oh, you're such a laughably inept little rage-filled nerd. Do you think you're frightening? You're a stupid alcoholic twat with blatant little man syndrome. I'd bet my entire house on you being under 5 feet five inches. People who are physically confident don't spend their time puffing their chest out on the internet to strangers you absolutely worthless little prick.

1 point

You were the one who offered to come here to instigate violence.

Stop lying you stupid ginger twat.

1 point

You support them because they're fascists and fascism is what you believe in. Unskilled, untalented, uncreative, unintelligent people are frequently attracted to fascism because it offers them an alternative system where they can be important.

1 point

I'm going to glue large masses of hair to your face while you're sleeping, kick you out into the street and scream, "WUWU ATTACK", then calmly light a cigarette and gloat while SWAT teams machine gun you to death.

loopdaloop(158) Clarified
1 point

I had an idealized vision of it in my mind

Idealized (adjective): the belief that socialism can't work because it is better than what presently exists.

loopdaloop(158) Clarified
1 point

No, it's about being in an advantageous position rather than seeking respect.

Tell that to the Nuremburg trials you silly twonk. I'm sure they'll be extremely sympathetic about what you did to gain an "advantageous position". You're a morally corrupt, intellectual coward who two years ago was worshipping Jacque Fresco's philosophy of fairness, and now you've abandoned everything you ever believed in. If you think that makes you a winner you're a complete fool.

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