
Madrigal14's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Madrigal14's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I agree with that. The death penalty is more terrifying as you knowing you can die at any time, than actually dying.

Supporting Evidence: Death Penalty Rarely Enforced (
1 point

I don't think he really deserves the death penalty. I mean after all the people he killed & injured, does he really need an easy way out? Besides, life in American prisons is rather mild compared to those in other countries; free food, free clothes, free healthcare... I think he deserves to spend the rest of his life knowing what he did, and being guilty for it. Psychological torture.

1 point

I honestly didn't think that he would fit in there for a minute... and if he got stuck, how would he get out?

1 point

There is the small fact that Christianity only has one god while Hinduism that potentially hundreds, if not thousands, of gods.

1 point

I'm going on the hope that the scientists who are smart enough to create it won't be such idiots that they'd let regular people access to this kind of thing. besides the fact that a thousand inch dick will be bigger than the person having it, there are endless limitations to the power of developmental biology. Eyes as sharp as a hawk, the speed and grace of panthers, skills of Mozart or quintessential Renaissance leaders like Leonardo da Vinci...

1 point

Although it's a cute game to start with, it quickly gets boring and the same strategies keep working over and over again. Unlike a human opponent, it lacks spontaneity and can quickly be mastered after a little while.

2 points

My motto: How bad can it get really ? .

1 point

Although I think that BenWalters has a good point, I was so disappointed by Eragon that I think a major re-haul is in order.

madrigal14(301) Clarified
1 point

Just what's wrong with being a Muslim? .

1 point

If war was the only solution for taking a decision than we would have died long ago. We created the United Nations, European Union, et cetera precisely so we don't bring out the guns every time we get into a little spat.

1 point

There's no way the jinchuriki of the nine-tailed fox could lose to Luffy! He's the fourth Hokage's son, mastered sage mode, and regularly fights people for a living.

1 point

If the people are speaking loudly, than it's assumed that their conversation isn't private. And if it is... than, hopefully they'll learn to stop doing so in public.

2 points

I think I would follow a utilitarian philosophy here: do whatever benefits most of society at a cost to a few. It's cold, it's heartless, and it's based on math but I'd kill the one billion.

1 point

If your gay wife/husband isn't attracted to you than she probably won't be satisfied in bed and may even decide to cheat on you in the future (or vice versa) By allowing them to leave the marriage now, you keep your relationship intact but now platonic, save the kids a bit of suffering, and are free to pursue another person without feeling guilty about it.

1 point

If the guy asks you out, than he is essentially the host and therefore must pick up the bill. A female should do the same if she asked him out but assuming that certain things will be given by either party based primarily on gender rather than outside actions, is considered chauvinism.

1 point

Schools that force more competition among teachers could have either a wildly good result as teachers get more serious or a terrible one as more experienced teachers refuse to help younger ones (this is already happening so I can't see how it can get much worse)

1 point

The main difference we seem to have is whether or not Jesus was the son of God. Christians claim that he is in fact part of the Holy Trinity (as both the Holy Spirit, God and Jesus being the same) Muslims on the other hand, continue to insist that God can't impregnate Mary to give birth to himself and then call himself his Son. Does that make any sense? Course, I am biased. I'm a Muslim but I attended a Catholic school.

1 point

Homosexuals can care for a child just as well as any straight couple can and perhaps even more, because their inability to bear children makes them regard it as even more precious. Their family's are usually stable, they can provide for a child, and it's not like a kid needs one adult male and female to survive. If they did, than why do we allow single parent families to exist?

1 point

I wouldn't be surprised if the Americans fell for it without protest. At least, the Russians are complaining about their rigged elections.

1 point

What's going on with this site? Where are the actual debates?

madrigal14(301) Clarified
1 point

Who are you people, why don't you know basic grammar or spelling, and why do you act like shrill, preteen girls?

4 points

People actually spent time creating this nonsense? .

2 points

Right, that's why they call it the religion of peace. Fundamentalist Muslims don't speak for the millions of other Muslims in the world and no, not all of them are violent. Besides, didn't an American, Christian pastor burn the Quran? Why isn't anyone raging about that?! >_<

1 point

It's the best way to talk things through (although it creeps some people out so I usually write my thoughts down instead)and make decisions. Plus, there's no sweeter sound to most people than the sound of their own voice.

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