
Mrcatsam's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Mrcatsam's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

That's rich. You descend from racism to racism and sexism without a single coherent argument.

2 points

The only book conservatives can quote is a book that wasn't even meant for them. Pity they're not smarter.

mrcatsam(663) Clarified
2 points

No, I won't. It should be obvious that the republican senators no longer listen to reason. At this point, it's too late to try to convince you.

3 points

That's just rich.

2 points

Yet which side invaded the capitol on the grounds that "the election was stolen?"

I can't believe I'm even entertaining this debate. It's just so stupid.

2 points

Spare the fact that that was one person, and the anti-immigrant sentiment is an entire duplicitous campaign on the right.

1 point

You're just upset because you didn't get to be a part of the Great American Riot.

1 point

I will concur because whilst I don't think it's possible for an large institution such as the US government to be racist against white people (since it is created and run by white people), but I do think that interpersonal racism, which is just personal prejudice, is certainly valid. But yes reverse racism, in the way it has perpetually affected racial minorities in America, cannot be directed back on white people.

2 points

Like I've said before, judging an ethnic group based on their achievements in a racist society is like wasting ammo on a rabbit carcass because you're not sure if it's dead. Obviously black people were oppressed so they weren't as productive as white people, but they have made a significant positive impact in society by opening businesses and other means.

I think it's our responsibility to have compassion for other groups of people because it is simply more productive than listing random things that happened to be invented by white people.

1 point

They caught him wand-ering down the wrong hallway!šŸ˜‰


2 points

Republicans are out of control. America, what is up with you???

Republicans are brilliant idiots because somehow, in all their abject stupidity, they are able to maintain a grasp on your government. Giuliani gave a press conference in front of a sex shop and you idiot Yanks sit there and listen as if he ought to win a Pulitzer (or whatever prize lying, sweating, corpulent, fake-haired fake tanned toads deserve).

Need I speak further?

Also, we would welcome you back (šŸ˜œ) with open arms but I think the Queen saw your president's corruption, lies and eating habits and got cold feet about it.

2 points

Marriage began 4000 years ago so that parents and their offspring would have a stable, healthful home. Therefore, same-sex marriage is impossible.

That is the oddest argument against same sex marriage that I have seen in a very long time.

Perhaps try speaking English, not Back-Country Yank.

1 point

So you're a member of the KKK? Or the Proud Boys? Or another one of the numerous American hate crime groups? That's good to know.

2 points

Did you hear about the Buddhist dentists who discovered a new medicine? They really transcend dental medication šŸ˜‰

1 point

well according to the word of God it is considered a sin.

EDITED: Well--according to the word of God--it is considered a sin.

I beleive in the word of God. Second, it does not serve any purpose.

EDITED: You can omit the first sentence, as it is redundant. As well, omit "Second," because you never had a "First." Then you can combine the two sentences using a semicolon.

When a man and women has sex it has the potential to result in a baby.

EDITED: When a man and a woman have sex , it has the potential to result in a baby. This would be the same for the next sentence. The agreement is incorrect.

Well except aides.

EDITED: You should omit this. First of all, the tone is wrong. Second of all, it's a sentence fragment and cannot exist on its own. Third, it's AIDS; Fourth, the claim you made is misleading.

It is disgusting to be honest with you.

EDITED: This claim is irrelevant to your main argument. Your main claim is that according to the Word of God, homosexuality is a sin [disputed]. Therefore, you should provide evidence for why it is a sin [disputed] rather than showcase an opinionated sentence.

Also it is hard for men to establish relationships with other men who are gay.

EDITED: Also, it is hard for gay men to establish relationships with other gay men. [This claim is disputed].

Also, I would say I disagree with you but it's hard to figure out what you're trying to say.

2 points

Yes, of course, but I'm not going to cut in line for it like certain entitled politicians.

1 point

There aren't really. And no, we don't care.*88

0 points

I won't take you seriously until you're able to spell "legitimate."

1 point

FINALLY, you admitted children don't spread the disease very easily.


The point, which you wholly MISSED was that IT DOESN'T MATTER. Why would you put children at risk? Is it any coincidence that Conservatives want to do that? No. They don't really care about people. YOU are the one spreading misinformation. Don't get all "high and mighty" and tell me that I'm the one "SPEWING DECEPTION."

1 point

It's not misinformation, it's logic. I thought you didn't want to hurt children; Only if it's convenient for the economy, I suppose.

Ok, fine, children don't spread the disease easily. However that is no reason to be breaking down the doors trying to make children go back to school. The risk is imminent even if children are low risk. You shouldn't want to put people at risk no matter who they are.

Privatised health insurance punishes those who have medical problems. It will punish those who contract the virus.

Stop saying "Well, it's not my fault," and start saying "We should all work together."

1 point

And yet Conservatives, when given the chance to give America universal healthcare that might help prevent those things, say that people are stupid and lazy and nobody deserves it except for you. That doesn't sound very Christian. It sounds Fascist.

It's also Fascist to spread misinformation about deadly viruses. Even if the children don't get it they can give it to everyone else around them including those at risk. Judging from the state your country is in there are too many people like you who are fine with loads of people dying in the name of the economy.

1 point

Don't try to twist my words. It won't work. I'm not denying that children may be at a lesser risk of Covid. But why put children and their families at risk by reopening schools? Have you seen the caseload? Do you know how many people have died?

There's absolutely no purpose to doing that. It's reckless and unnecessarily dangerous.

2 points

No, I just don't deny facts. It looks foolish and is disrespectful to the people trying to save lives. So stop please.

1 point

Probably the reason there aren't as many cases in schools is because not many people are going back to school because of what the experts are saying. If Trump were controlling it the children would be dying, no doubt.

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