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0 points

"I don't need to disprove it as I'm the one who is thinking clearly and rationally about the situation."

Well, I guess you stick to the conventional school of thought and like just the popular ones going around in the idea box. Just because its so damn obvious that the body dies you think your logic is foolproof. But the moon's not made of cheese once you've used your telescope and looked closer.

I've argued in several other places that the brain can infact be merely an organ that processes our conciousness and thoughts, rather than its orignation. That's why a damaged brain may not retain identity though the person exists. 'We' is more than our brains or our bodies.

The evidence is not so tangible. I guess you get this sense of beleif that tells you this isn't it, there's more you gotta work for, there's a reason for all this hardship and heartbreak through which you you have to live your ideals and be a better man. But the beleif comes first, the answers and 'evidence' follows, possibly as result of your beliefs, but that's your human capacity for understanding.

Well, glad that you hypothetically did consider that you'd look back. "I missed absolutely nothing, because I was the one taking full advantage of the ONE chance we get to live our lives." Humor me, how's that?

-2 points
2 points

Excellent argument. Thanks for your wonderful answer, I agree with you completely.

However, I think you'll agree with me when I say that all of the scientific knowledge we have today is insufficient to prove or disprove just about anything. A lot remains explained. And theories are THEORIES, not necessarily facts that can't be refined further, or are 100.0% correct.

Which brings me to the question of my next debate. I hope you'll participate.

0 points

Science fiction or religious belief, whatever. Not that these futuristic, unconventional or unpopular concepts eventually do come to be accepted eventually. People would've scoffed you had you told them your conciousness resides in the brain before it wass scientifically discovery.

I argue that the brain is part of the husk you call the body. Our 'being' is really the soul that occupies the body, using its lungs to breathe, its heart to contniue functioning, its brain to think and so on. But once the soul has vacated the 'husk' as you so aptly call it, the soul continues its existence, perhaps outside the physical realm.

'Empty husk of human tissue'? If you think so, you should pull the plug on all those unfortunate people with brain damage in comas etc.

I didn't ask if our bodies continue to exist, I said we. Your analogy of the Pepsi bottle is inappropriate as it refers to the Pepsi bottle not, for example, the glass which continues to exist in another form.

-1 points

I agree with you. Science does hold a high regard for me and always has. I was trying to say that sceintific analysis is independant of the truth, which may or may not be explained through scientific reasoning at this point of time. I am also trying to make a statement that you shouldn't fall back on science to provide you with all the answers, its boundaries will confine you to being a robot.

1 point

:P you're misconstrued perceptions says a lot about what you feel about muzzies. You don't like 'em.

I don't like you 'cos good guy you ain't. (Not necessarily cos you hate muzzies - I don't like the blow up types myself).

You're right: the Koran and Islam is all about hatred, violence, bloodshed - that only Islam can overcome. Islam is a religion of peace and truth, which is the bane of the evil hordes that try so desperately to shroud it.

If you really wanted the truth, you would find the answers in history. But what you want is quite different.

1 point

O, sorry, you all thought mr. muzzie was making a death threat.

Btw, I'm not muzzie, not exactly. I do believe in Allah tho, and I do believe you all should fear HIM, 'cos Muhammed was his messenger, and you're being quite impolite (to put it mildly) with your opinions. (If I have something against the pope, I won't expect Christians to appreciate it when I get cheeky. They'll all tell me the same thing: that you're goin down boy).

Anyway, big deal, I guess you all can celebrate that you're all going to hell, have fun.

Just in: a reliable new historical fact says that your great granddaddy was a monkey (old news for y'all Darwinians)

-1 points

O and before you get your creative juices fired up again, please allow me to explain that when I said "may be you're the one who should be fearing for your life, and I don't mean because of some fatwa", I didn't mean that I'm gonna punch you (or blow you up for that matter). I just meant maybe you'd like to take it easy, just in case there is an Allah, who's gonna strike you down silly for your hatred-inducing comments. But I guess you're free to go around spreading hateful comments if you wish, I don't care. It's not like its gonna make a difference.

-1 points

Really? Do you understand Arabic, then? Or have you lived in the time of the Prophet and seen this for yourself? You 'sources' are crap. I'm not being emotional, I'm trying my best to coldly explain something. Here's a great analogy: If someone (a polularly known 'source' of information) said your mother was a whore, would you believe him/ her? Please, I'm not insulting your mother (since you're not really insulting the prohet either), and neither do I ever really intend to punch you in the face.

0 points

Just because you copy-pasted some text out of a web page somewhere doesn't mean that it's true. There have always been sick twisted folks who have given their best shot at defaming one of the greatest personalities of all times, who swayed the hearts of all the people around him with no more than an offering of the truth, without dazzling miracles.

The arrangement with Ayesha was not a marriage of consumation. She is rejected by dedicated followers of Islam who pledged their alleigiance with the Prophet's true successors, not the corrupts political caliphs of the time who turned tables against the prophet's family to take power into their own hands.

And Ayesha was the daughter of one of these political caliphs. Her true history is not so readily available, especailly on the internet, but she is considered one of the true villains in Islam, who attempted several times to destroy it.

And because of her, and these political caliphs, the world does not know the true face of Islam without making much effort. Facts have been distored and ignored to suit the whims of the fatwa-making clerics that unfortunately represent the Islamic majority today.

While they have been successful in tarnishing its image and in manufacturing a dynasty of fanatical misled Islamists, they could never completely destory it.

Islam in all its purity exists till today. Unfortunately for you, you probably may never know it.

-8 points
-5 points

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