
Nagtroll's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Nagtroll's arguments, looking across every debate.
3 points

Feminism was engineered by the Rockefellers to control American society.

Feminism Was Created To Destabalize Society - Aaron Russo Interview
3 points

Feminism was engineered by the Rockefellers to control American society.

Feminism Was Created To Destabalize Society - Aaron Russo Interview
1 point

Feminism was engineered by the Rockefellers to control American society.

Feminism Was Created To Destabalize Society - Aaron Russo Interview
1 point

For your information, the Feminist movement was manufactured by the Rockefellers to control American society.

Feminism Was Created To Destabalize Society - Aaron Russo Interview
1 point

For your information, the Feminist movement was manufactured by the Rockefellers to control American society.

Feminism Was Created To Destabalize Society - Aaron Russo Interview
1 point

And I call shotgun!


1 point

Tag. You're it.

No backsies


1 point

You may not be able to make create debate better. But that's no reason not to try. So i say try.

1 point

Give away a free tank of gas to the first person who (fill in the blank). That will motivate people to participate more.

1 point

Have dancing naked chicks on the screen. People love that stuff. Or just have a dog chasing its own tail. Yes that will work.

1 point

You can threaten to close down, then people will be all afraid, and plead not to close it down, and then you can get them to do whatever you want, like spend more time here. Some might call that extortion, but so what.

1 point

Get people to talk more. Some people already talk enough, but some need to talk more. Get these people to talk more. Some way to get them to talk more would be to encourage them, like by telling them they made a good point. Or maybe by complimenting them, like by saying "Hey, you're wearing some really swanky shoes today, and I mean that in a good way." That might get them to spend more time here.

1 point

Here's an idea. Have specials every Tuesday, or whenever, like every Tuesday is clam chowder day, and make up some kind of debate or discussion on clam chowder, that way every Tuesday people can come in and just discuss clam chowder, and nothing else. Sound reasonable?

2 points

Add the ability to shamelessly point grab, so people don't have to go through so much trouble. Like a big button that says Shameless Point Grab on it, and when you click it, it just adds more points to your side, so you don't have to actually try to do anything, or even look like you did.

1 point

That sounds nice, but it is actually just a popularity vote, and unpopular people will be downvoted, and popular ones will upvote each other, resulting in popularity being the major factor instead of measuring the substance of the issue. But hey, whatever works right.

1 point

It starts with the people. Take the log out of your own eye, instead of pointing out the splinter in someone else's.

1 point

They went extinct. So what?

Here are three more animals that went extinct: the Dodo, Thylacine, and Steller's Sea Cow. If we can bring them back, we should try. It would be so amazing to see these creatures alive again. It would satisfy that curiosity.

Jurassic Park was science fiction, and a scare tactic film. Really there is nothing to be afraid of. Make way for progress.

2 points

So they went extinct, so what? So did the Dodo and Thylacine, and Steller's Sea Cow. If we could bring them back, we should try. It would be so amazing to see these creatures alive again.

1 point

Hardly, You're just jealous that your not presently number one, and you want to get back there.

0 points

I'll say it cuz I don't think anyone else will, but that's fucked up Yeah, I bet all you queers are gonna jump my ass for saying that, but that's the truth, if you can't deal with it, that's your problem. I have the balls to say what others won't and are only thinking. So if you're too delicate to hear what others have to say, then you shouldn't even be here.

1 point

High five.

Down low.

Your too slow.

Ok now you are just trolling for points.

1 point

No, you got it right. Although its more like a recession/depression, and its never going to get better, because of bad governance like this.

3 points

Yes, and they probably taste like chicken, but more beefy. I call the drumstick!!!

1 point

That will not happen. Scare tactics, thats what Jurrasic park movie was. Its nothing to be afraid of, make way for progress.

1 point

Here are three: the Dodo, Thylacine, and Steller's Sea Cow. If we can bring them back, we should try. It would be so amazing to see these creatures alive again. It satisfies that curiosity.

Jurassic Park was science fiction, and a scare tactic film. Really there is nothing to be afraid of. Make way for progress.

3 points

Every fucking day man...Like that Jurassic park movie was just a scare tactic. It would be so amazing to see an extinct animal, like the Dodo. I bet they would be good eating too. Probably taste like chicken, but better.

1 point

Yes, the system really does work. It rewards virtue.


1 point

nagtroll, you rule!!! and rose by your own virtue.


1 point

I didn't forget, its not an all inclusive list, i chose not to include it because its not commonly available for sale in most grocery stores. If you want to purchase breast milk, it will not be as easy.

1 point

that is truly despicable, i didn't think anyone would lower themselves to that level, even in jest. Even I don't change my arguments after people respond to it. I guess that just goes to show I have moral scruples and you do not. Or maybe you are just goading me on to respond to get more points because you are a shameless point grabber.

1 point

A bullet is not a durable good. Unless your using lead shot, you can't reuse ammunition.

3 points

Well allow me to clarify for the willing reader.

There is right and left.

There is correct and incorrect.

There is moral and immoral.

But these sometimes get confused, and that is when car accidents happen.

2 points

Yes, the end is the whole point. Without an end, the means don't matter. Look at the great winners of the world. Do they care what it took to get there? Did they let anything get in their way or slow them down? No. Arnold Schwarzenegger is a winner, and he did what it took to get there. It was very difficult, and he put in a lot of work, but in the end it all paid off. And he didn't have to kill anyone to get there either. He made personal sacrifices in order to get there. But in the end he was a winner because of it.

1 point

flesh out this argument, LOL. Pro.

You showed him, hahaha. I don't know if he understood it though. You have to show those bullies they can't push other people around and tell them what to do, and what to eat or not to eat, and to mind their own business. And they think what they say matters at all, hahahaha.

He's probably skulking away right now with his tail tucked, consoling himself over some chicken nuggets. But I won't call him on his hypocrisy. After all, who can say no to chicken nuggets? No one.

0 points

Then, for the sake of your own health, eat what diet you think best. Don't tell other people what to do.

But that is beside the point, as we both know. We both know very well, that meat is not murder. Murder is murder, and meat is meat, and murder is immoral and meat is a part of life.

So if you say it is then the blood is on your hands hypocrite. Don't tell me you never tasted chicken nuggets.

You can't say no to chicken nuggets
1 point

That's the way to show those bullies. They think they can boss other people around and bully them to follow their own way, instead of leaving everyone to their own personal choice. Ahahahah what a fool.

He's probably just sculking away with his tail between his legs, consoling himself over some chicken nuggets. But I won't blame him for hypocrisy. After all, who can say no to chicken nuggets? No one.

You can't say no to chicken nuggets
0 points

No no no. You should butt out of other peoples choice of diet, instead of telling them what they should be eating to satisfy your own personal sensibilities. Or do you just like to boss other people around? Bossy boss. Bully. I call you out. We all laugh at you for trying to boss other people around. Its sooo funny too. Look! Look! Now he is telling someone he should eat vegetables, that they should put vegetables in their mouths! Ahahahaha. He thinks he is the boss of what people should put in their mouths. Ahahahahaha. Fool.

1 point

The difference is they are stupid animals, while you are a stupid human. Or did I get that wrong? You are a stupid animal too then? Bwahahahaha.

And you actually believe you have a right to tell other people what to do and what to eat and not eat? You know what you are? You are a bully. That's right, you are a bully who tells other people what they should or shouldn't do. And you actually think anyone will respect you? HAHAHAHAAHHAHAHHAHa.



1 point

Meat is food. That is true. Some people do not understand that. And they are hypocrites and obnoxious boobs for trying to stop others from enjoying their food, and then they turn around and enjoy a guilty pleasure. Like chicken nuggets.

1 point

You can't say no to chicken nuggets.

I already said this before in response to another argument, if you will call it that, really it was weak sauce, and weak sauce doesn't go well with anything really. But anyway I thought for the common good of the debate, I would include it separately so that if someone doesn't want to read all the debates, they can just scroll down and hit this one bam without having to click to see the argument. You know what I mean.

You can't say no to chicken nuggets.

Yes, they are loved the world over.

You can't say no to chicken nuggets.
1 point

You ruined a perfectly good debate by bothering to respond to someone who as you claim is ruining the quality of the debate. So work on what you say before you say it or don't bother to say it at all. Do you get what I say? I don't think so, but I say it anyway.

1 point

Amen brother, Halleluuuuujaaaaahhhh!!!

Say it again brother. Oh lord. Oh lord. Oh lordi lord.

You just can't say no to chicken nuggets. There ain't no vegetable that's finger licking good. Mmmhmm. Praise the lord. Pass the dippin sauce.

1 point

It does for SOME ppl and you have to be considerate of those ppl too.

You don't think so? Then what about the Eskimos? The Eskimos or Inuit as they call themselves lived exclusively off animal diet like seals, walrus, and birds with zero vegetables. That is because they had no vegetables at their climate. They needed to live that way to survive. If they tried to be vegetarians, they would die of starvation. Of course, today they have access to white man's food, and don't have to eat just meat anymore. Now they die of diabetes and alcoholism.

Meat a convenient and natural way to get that protein and it tastes good, not like those vanilla flavored protein shakes where they have to add vanilla to it because without vanilla it would taste so bad that people would never consume the stuff, let alone get near it.

But we both know that is beside the point, and that meat is not murder, but that murder is murder and meat is meat. Murder is immoral, while meat is just part of life. Anyone who says otherwise is most likely just a hypocrite who goes to Micki-D's and orders a big mac supersized with a large coke and side of fries, and 6 piece chicken nuggets, or just orders off the dollar menu. You know what I'm talking about.

you can't say no to chicken nuggets
1 point

Yes, you speak the truth. Couldn't say it better myself. But that will not stop me. High protein, as is found in meat, is essential for good nutrition.

Of course some animal farms are treating the animals not so great, but most people who criticize this are just hypocrites who go to Micky-D's and order super sized double cheeseburger and chicken nuggets. Or just order off the dollar menu. You know what I'm talking about.

1 point

No, meat is not murder. murder is murder. And meat is meat. And you can purchase both for the right price. But murder is immoral and wrong. But meat is not. But you will probably disagree.

2 points

still kinda hot. So there ya go. Yup. Ya. You know what Im talking about.

1 point

Also points for originality.


4 points

Three Trillion dollars better. Or is it more than that amount? I lost count.

But seriously ppl, ya. Think about it. He actually has real business experience. And also his brain is not drug addled. Have you noticed how halting Obamas speech is? Looong pause.

2 points

Well, some women are primarily valued for their appearance, at least for their day job. If an underwear model can make some easy money lounging around on cushions or on the sand in some tropical paradise, it would be stupid of her not to. Sure she could get a 9 to 5 job or a corporate job, or make her own business. But really, if shes hot and smart she can do both. Look at Heidi Klum, she is a business woman with her own line of items. She is smart and beautiful. Sometimes you can have it all.

2 points

Absolutely, because it serves a great purpose of ogling at a beautiful body. And there's nothing wrong with that. Pageants have come a long way in terms of including bathing suit competition. Its done less tastefully than it used to be, but that is mostly a problem with choice of musical score, and lighting.

2009 Miss America Pageant - Swimsuit Competition
1 point

This is the kind of stupid debate topic that is only used to garner more points on create debate.

But getting back to the question, it depends if you use milk. And if you use milk, what kind of milk; whole, 5%, 2%, skim milk? And what about chocolate milk? What kind of chocolate milk? Store brand, Hersheys? And I've even seen strawberry milk before. What about milk for the lactose intolerant. What about milk substitutes, like soy milk. What about powdered milk? What about baby formula milk? So I think I just milked that one for all its worth.

3 points

If aliens made contact with us, the government wouldn't even know about it because they are so stupid and they have their heads up their asses. So, no, they wouldn't even know about it.

1 point

You are correct, Breaks do improve productivity. Here is one site that says so.

I should add that legalizing marijuana would mean an end to destructive mandatory sentencing of long jail times, which has ruined so many young peoples lives. So it would be worth it to legalize just for this reason alone.

1 point

Don't forget the lives wasted with mandatory sentencing of excessive jail times that has ruined so many young peoples lives.

1 point

Yeah, I think the reason it's gone on so long is dealers and laundering banks make their money under the black market system. But it could change again. Look at prohibition.

The biggest effect would be an end to brutal mandatory sentencing of long jail times that has ruined so many young peoples lives.

1 point

Ya, legalizing will solve those problems. But I don't think there is a big black market in alcohol, so I would not be too fussy over how it was legalized exactly. But it would be better to have less hassles over it.

But the main benefit would be ending mandatory sentencing, which has ruined so many young peoples lives.

1 point

Ya i agree with the sentiment, legalize. I can understand why you would want to have some control over distribution, keep it away from kids. But i don't know what a public store is. Where would you buy it then, a private store? I don't know what that means.

But anyway, the greatest benefit would be an end to mandatory sentencing that has destroyed so many young peoples lives.

1 point

And don't forget so many lives ruined with excessive mandatory sentencing of jail times.

1 point

Nice, but please tell where did you get this from? Thanks.

1 point

Whoah, are all these for real? Thanks man.

The greatest benefit of legalization would be an end to mandatory sentencing, which has ruined so many young peoples lives.

1 point

Its amazing we didn't learn our lesson after repealing prohibition, yet cannabis is far less harmful than alcohol, it even has medicinal properties.

But the greatest benefit would be an end to mandatory sentencing practices, which have ruined so many young peoples lives.

1 point

Hooraaah. But seriously, it don't harm no one but the smoker, and that is really debatable too. It even has medicinal benefit. Its way safer than alcohol, which we still have legal after repealing prohibition. And ending the ban would mean ending cruel mandatory sentencing that ruins so many young peoples lives. Be wise. Legalize.

2 points

Yes, marijuana is actually less harmful than alcohol, yet we didn't learn our lesson after ending prohibition. Marijuana should never have been made illegal in the first place.

2 points

Yes, because then mandatory sentencing would be stopped, and young lives could be saved from insane jail sentences.

2 points

Exactly, it costs so much, but accomplishes so little. Really all making it illegal does it raises the black market price. So the beneficiaries are drug dealers and money laundering bankers.

Its tragic because mandatory sentences are so excessive they ruin young peoples lives with long jail times. This is inexcusable. It should never have been made illegal in the first place.

2 points

Agree completely, the way the law is it has ruined so many peoples lives with jail time and criminal records with overly harsh and excessive mandatory sentences. Its just insane. It doesn't really hurt anyone, alcohol is far worse, yet when people tried to stop that with prohibition, it didn't work at all. It seems we haven't learned our lesson from our own recent history. So sad and tragic, because it was completely preventable. Be wise Legalize.

3 points

It sounds like you are against second hand buzz. That's fine with me. It should be legalized, that way people don't have to go behind the law to do it, which brings up all kinds of problems. So, ya i agree.

2 points

Amen brother, plus it could be used for medical purposes. And hemp could be used for so many things, even to make clothes. There is no need to import for hemp production. USA used to be a producer of it for ropes and stuff. It should never have been made illegal.

2 points

I generally support the legalization of marijuana, which is really just another plant so whats the big deal. But I probably wouldn't want to tax it. At least not much. Cuz then how are people gonna afford snacks for the munchies right? But seriously, taxation is good to convince govt to legalize it, although its actually onerous to add more taxes, so if it is done, it should be done as little as possible.

2 points

It should never have been made illegal in the first place.

1 point

Making the best of the world we've got is the best and only thing we ever have done, and ever could do.

1 point

Well, technically the bombs were dropped not thrown. But anyway, the bombs did convince the Emperor of Japan to surrender. So the war was over quickly and decisively. Japan would have starved anyway, but than the possibility of facing invasion, would have been truly terrible. This way, getting it over quickly means less people probably died.

Remember though that the firebombing raids were far more destructive than the atom bombs were.

1 point

Maybe you are used to changing the subject or trying to put words in someone else' mouth and then giving them flack over it, and getting away with it. But not with me. I called you out for what you are. A shifting liar who is only interested in inflating their own sense of self importance and someone undeserving of respect. I disrespect you. Next time, just stick to the point and don't lie.

1 point

Probably, yeah. But don't forget viral. Many cancers are caused by viruses, which are infectious disease.

1 point

I never thought of it that way. But now that you mention it, basically yes.

1 point

Collective rights stem from individual rights. Those individual inalienable rights are absolute. Logic, as in modus ponens, is limited by premises. This is true in moral issues too. Biology may or may not tell us directly or indirectly a set of moral principles.

2 points

Well a religious person once said- God is my rock.

But anyway, I was just contrasting science which judges the material, with ways of judging the immaterial.

And any use of LOGIC to try to form a moral code must invoke the intangible. That is what religion does.

see? I did refer to logic. I responded to your point.

That's all I was saying.

But I'll assume you already read that.

As for your example,

Can you say WHY it is wrong to cause someone pain?

1 point

No. You don't deserve respect because you lie about what I said, and then proceed to criticize me on that basis, and you failed to address the points in my original argument. You are just serving your own sense of self importance by defending equality of women, which does not address my original argument, but only feeds your own vanity.

1 point

how perceptive of you.


1 point

If its simple it wouldn't need debating would it? I don't think anyone can determine a moral code using science, which is a method of learning about the physical world. And any use of logic to try to form a moral code must invoke the intangible. That is what religion does.

1 point

Au contraire mon ami, it is you who have responded to my comment. Everyone is free to their own opinion, only you chose to respond to mine. Therefore it is you who is insisting upon continuing this charade.

1 point

Science cannot give you a system of morality, either directly or indirectly, because it can only deal in tangibles, and morality is intangible.

Morality, ethics, religion or whatever you will call it all deal with the intangible world. If you get right down to it, you can try to justify the ten commandments using logic, but you will fail, because ultimately these rules are moral premises.

1 point

Sounds needy. Reminds me of this.


Avril Lavigne Girlfriend
1 point

Obviously you would have either gotten your point across by now, or accepted that you are unable to clearly express yourself. Either way there is no point in continuing to respond, and doing so is just a clear attempt at point grabbing.

1 point

The rejection of religion, atheism, is the rejection of that theology, and not the embrace of an alternative morality.

Ideologies are used to justify atrocities, as exemplified by modern day Communism under Stalin or Mao, or of Fascism under Hitler or Mussolini; Both of which reject religion, and neither of which are moral, killing tens or perhaps hundreds of millions of people.

Modern day religion doesn't hurt anyone, it serves a social need for many people. It is a free choice, and religion and science peaceably coexist. There is no problem. There is no need for a solution to religion, because it is not a problem.

The Catholic Church is not a stand in for all the religions in the world. I'm sure many protestants appose the Popes actions in Africa. Each religion must be appreciated separately. For example, you can't lump together Lutheranism with Catholicism even though both are Christian religions.

Religion does provide answers that science cannot, because science only deals in the material world. Science is a method, a way of learning about the physical world. It cannot deal in ethics because ethical values are not tangible. Does that mean ethics are not real? Of course not. Can other ideologies exist without an overtly religious character, but still provide a system of ethics? Sure, why not. But a code of ethics cannot be formed using science, because morality is not tangible. This is the great strength and message of religion; ethics and moral virtue.

1 point

joecavalry speaks the truth. He does have the most points.

1 point

I think your just a shameless point grabber.


1 point

If you post a question, you should expect that people are going to give their own interpretation and responses. Not to accept this is hypocritical.

0 points

You are out of order. You are commenting on the people rather than the topic of the debate. No one needs or wants your help either explaining themselves or in understanding the question. Just stick to the question, hold the arrogance and hold condescension. Do you get me sweetheart?

As Good As It Gets-I got you know whose at my table
1 point

what are you implying?^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

2 points

Fuck the game.

I'd rather play monopoly or even hungry hungry hippos.

Supporting Evidence: Monopoly Game (
1 point

Religion gives people answers to things which science cannot: moral values, death and the afterlife, the meaning of life, and other spiritual issues. And while some choose not to follow any religious belief, others find great comfort, community and fulfillment in religion.

The benefits of science, logic, and objective attitudes are wonderful. But these are not discouraged by religion today.

At one time the Catholic Church did persecute people for their beliefs. Galileo is a prime example. They also burned books they considered heretical. But today, even the Catholic Church has acknowledged science, as in Darwin's theory of evolution.

I use the example of the Catholic Church because of its history of intolerance to objectivity and inquisitions. But the misdeeds of the Catholic Church cannot be blamed on another religion, Buddhism for example. A disagreement with one religion is not cause for attacking all religion in general. And the misdeeds of the Catholic Church are not unique to that institution. The Nazis burned books too, and this is a modern day non religious example. And modern non religious wars have caused much more death than any war that might be blamed upon religion.

But today religion and science can and do coexist peacefully. If people choose to follow religion, why try and stop them? Why try to get rid of something they find useful and fulfilling in their lives?

I end with a quote I included before as a counter point to your saying that religion has killed lots of people.

“…it becomes apparent that those who make the claim ‘religion has been the cause of more wars than any other factor in history’ may speak from ignorance or have ulterior motives for the assertion. Further, this type of assertion seems rooted in anti-religion posturing…Men and nations have a history of warfare and the root of conflict is power and gain…Occasionally war is fought over religion, as is perhaps the case during the reformation period in Europe. More often than not however, the cause of war can't be laid at the door of religion.”

-Maj. John P. Conway

Under War's Bloody Banner

By Carl Teichrib's_bloody_banner

0 points

Please get out while you still can. These people are just luring you in like sirens and succubuses. They just want to feed off of you to satisfy their false sense of self importance and vanity. Some of them even believe they are arguing for a worthy cause, but they are really just wasting your precious time. Go back to reality, and never haunt this venue with your avatar again. Free yourself from their tentacled clutches. Live dammit. Live.

0 points

You interrupted a private conversation to comment upon the people talking, rather than the subject. That is out of order. Next time stick to the subject and avoid these little misunderstandings.

1 point

I sense a little hostility towards religion.What do you think about that?

1 point




Say hello To My Little Friend

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