
Pakicetus's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Pakicetus's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Likely so for the first two. At the very least, there doesn't seem to be much that can be done to change it for them (chemical castration aside).

The latter, no idea. I wouldn't be surprised if things such as trauma could influence it.

pakicetus(1455) Clarified
1 point

Never denied it in the first place, yeah. At the same time, I have the right to stick my hand into a pool drain; doesn't mean I should.

1 point

they do not have the right to force them on others.

Then it's a good thing I wasn't doing so.

pakicetus(1455) Clarified
2 points

Mostly because, from what I've seen at least, Sanders doesn't seem to the massively corrupt liar as she is.

2 points

As a centre-right libertarian, I'd rather vote for freaking Bernie Sanders over her.

2 points

Nobody denied it was your right. That said, something being your right does not make it a good decision. It is my right to smoke; this doesn't mean it's a logical thing to do.

1 point

The whole/majority isn't exactly politically neutral:

1 point

Islamaphobia, or anti-muslim sentiment is extremely prominant, and extremely accepted in society.

Which society? What constitutes as "extremely accepted"? Most people whom I've seen display anti-Islamic sentiment are labeled as "racist", or "Islamophobic".

Even though terrorist groups and actions have been done by isolated people, the country has united against the billion+ people who are members of the religon.

To start off, while terrorists themselves are a tiny minority, many Muslims worldwide aren't exactly hippy dippy lovelies themselves:

So much so, that the republican party fought to show Obama as a Muslim, as if that discredited him as a presidential canidate.

No. Certain Republicans/right-wingers accused Obama of being a Muslim. I don't recall the Republican Part officially espousing this belief at any point in time (although I wouldn't be surprised if they were involved in the birther controversy.)

What can/should be done about this, or anything?

Learn to differentiate between blind paranoia and criticism of a religion, for one. Dismissing it all as "Islamophobia" (like oh so many do) doesn't help in the slightest.

Or what is your opinion on Islamaphobia in general?

I don't know. What are we considering "Islamophobia" here?

Some argue that islamaphobia is the most accepted form of discrimination in the United States. Do you agree?

Not in the mainstream media. Dunno about elsewhere, you'll have to be more specific.

1 point

Chile vs Venezuela. Take your pick.

1 point

Capitalism has left more people behind than it has brought out of poverty.

citation needed

If you look at how many people are required to support capitalism without benefiting from capitalism your argument falls through.

citation needed, once again.

We intentionally keep that population poor so that we can grab a disproportionate share of the world's resources for use here in the USA.

guess what I'm going to ask here

pakicetus(1455) Clarified
1 point

A bit, yes. While I don't think it was sexist, Taylor shouldn't have worn that type of shirt to such an event.

That said, the backlash regarding it was excessive. It should have been noticed quickly and briefly, at most.

1 point

Found the uninformed fascist!

1 point

It's getting out of hand. Cough ShirtGate and the Trevor Noah backlash cough.

1 point

1) This post is over a year old

2) I was going solely by the logic the person I replied to was using. They didn't mention how anyone had to be an adult.

Disputing something =/= agreeing with the opposition.

1 point

If you need to use physical abuse to get your children to behave, you're a horrible parent.

2 points

Remember when we had challenge debates? Yeah, me neither.

1 point

Why should she be expected to have to bring up the child of a man who emotionally scared her, especially when conceiving this child was never her fault?

Who says they have to bring up the child?

What is the child was going to be born with some horrible deformity? Surely it would be kinder to prevent suffering?

Do you feel like killing grown folks with horrible deformities? I mean, surely, it would be kinder to prevent their suffering?

1 point

Which Republicans? All of them? What about the ones who never contested his citizenship? What about the non-Republicans who said he was Kenyan too?

2 points

Hilary "Women have always been the primary victims of war" Clinton?






1 point

In the comment you replied to, I never claimed it wasn't. I only said there was no such thing as free healthcare (which is true).

As for the statement you made, that's just insane logic. If you can make/get your own healthcare, then by all means do so.

That said, this doesn't mean that other people should be obligated to provide it to you.

2 points

Not technically, no. Beyond reasonable doubt, in de-facto reality, yes.

pakicetus(1455) Clarified
1 point

It may not apply to some of their political viewpoints outside of abortion.

pakicetus(1455) Clarified
1 point

Preference of policy, being what sort of laws they'd advocate for.

That, or people could call themselves "pro/anti-legalization-of-abortion". But that's a bit long.

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