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This personal waterfall shows you all of Panjen's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

You clearly didn't write essays much in school. Ever learn to use any other websites than wikipedia? Maybe official government, university, or professional sites when trying to get reliable important info? Pretty sure you're the troll here hun

1 point

America is pretty stupid, yeah. The reason people fight for gun rights is not to keep them safe, it's because they like feeling powerful. And the reason they don't understand why they shouldn't have so much unrestricted gun access is because they don't want to accept the fact that they might be wrong and that other countries have chosen to get rid of guns and have good results as obvious proof.

1 point

If, on the other hand, you're not one of Nom's many shell accounts

I'm not a shell account, haven't even seen the user before this debate.

I did read your argument and links, and everything else on this entire debate. I never go into an argument or discussion uninformed or misinformed as far as I can control it. But my comment was questioning whether you actually read his arguments? Because the only response you had AT ALL was commenting on one of the multiple sources he used, VPC. Which, by the way, still is a source that uses actual studies. But even if you don't want to use information from them, that is fine because there plenty of other studies out there that have done the same studies. Either way, my point was that you did not seem to have read anything he actually wrote and linked

2 points

Makes literally no sense to say I'm cherry picking. I gave a more recent update on your numbers, and then gave more info that you left out while cherry picking. You had originally asked why anti-gun people are so obsessed with gun control when there are other things, I was simply giving the response that clarified why. The numbers speak for themselves.

Plus, I'm not even someone who thinks no guns should ever be allowed to touch a person's hands, as I'm guessing you assume I am. I think they are unnecessary, just because I know lots of numbers that show how often guns actually end up being helpful in the "defending myself and my house" argument ("In 2007-11, less than 1% of victims in all nonfatal violent crimes reported using a firearm to defend themselves during the incident." :) )

We can easily get those numbers of deaths and incidents down by making it so that guns are only given to people who know how to use them, and no matter what, semi-automatic weapons or really anything more than a pistol and maybe a hunting rifle for those who love to hunt so badly should be allowed. If everyone who had access to a gun was trained in how to use one, as in had to pass a test of some sort, then there would be much less cases of accidents. And if there were only pistols and hunting rifles, then there wouldn't be regular mass shootings like we have now.

1 point

The only reason there is any hint of crime/race correlation for people that were born and raised in the US is because there are deep-rooted historical racism issues. This country was founded on racism, still has laws to this day forcing segregation, and constantly has too many people convinced that racism isn't a big problem. So, yes, the problems in the hood are most definitely thanks to white people, ranging from the Colonies to the founding fathers the people today. And the people that think otherwise and refuse to allow their eyes to be opened are included in those maintaining the problem.

1 point

Not sure if you just proved idiocy, denial, or pride (or all three honestly) by the simple act of only responding to the one with a link from VPC. The gave another solid few links that you fully ignored the existence of it seems. I'm impressed anyone has bothered arguing with you, because it's well-known you just can't fight stupid.

2 points

In 2015, 10,265 people died in alcohol-impaired driving crashes, accounting for nearly one-third (29%) of all traffic-related deaths in the United States.

NHTSA ( :) 10,874 people died in alcohol-impaired crashes in 2017

Gun Violence Archive ( , :) 15,656 people deaths from gun violence in 2017, and we already have 2,125 deaths this year.

So honey, if you're going to talk numbers, you better look up all the numbers before you open your mouth

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