
Prfctcircles's Waterfall RSS

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2 points

I think birth control should be covered under insurance along with every other prescription. Who is to decide which is worth covering and which isn't -- that's not right.

If I take birth control maybe due to dysmenorrhea; to help relieve the symptoms rather than purely for not getting pregnant there's no reason it shouldn't be covered.

If someone takes xanax because they're anxious well their pills are covered. Say it's a woman she doesn't WANT men to foot her bill she just wants to afford to feel relief.

If an obese person takes a pill to lower their cholesterol well it's their fault they put themselves into that situation but their pill is covered under insurance and they WANT to be relieved of pain/symptoms/problems.

This is not a male vs. female question, the question is whether BC should be covered under insurance and it should ALL prescriptions should be.

I believe in natural remedies over prescriptions any day but BC should seriously be covered. And women who uses BC and has unprotected sex.. well you're an idiot because that's not the best idea of BIRTH CONTROL anyhow.

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