
Saintlouis's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Saintlouis's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

the idea that people are becoming increasingly intolerant is nothing more than pessimism. In recent years, for example, we can see people becoming increasingly aware of Islam and its practices.

1 point

The Arab spring and failing western economies should stand as an example, we already live in changing times.

2 points

I would ask him if he honestly thinks he's the best man in the entire United States for the job; a lawyer with no economic experience leading a nation in recession.

2 points

savings and investment stimulate the economy. Areas that receive the greatest investment are areas with the greatest potential returns which are the areas with the most potential for growth. profit driven banks and investors will put money on what they think will grow most, generating the best profit. Government taxes would discourage savings, encourage over consumption, and would misallocate resources on bad bets, such as the government projects on ethanol and failed renewable energy companies.

2 points

Fear. Take for example, the cold war.

The USSR and other communist states promised a perfect utopia to the world, but that merely started wars in the east with those who refused. On the other hand, fear was use in the form of fear of mutual assured destruction and prevented another world war.

1 point

English teachers do indeed seem to put forth an unnecessary amount of energy in the interpretation of literature

A practice I still see no practical use of.

1 point

History has shown that no single nation, or league of nations, can take the world for itself.

2 points

Define what would make a country great

Military strength, economic strength, population. The US ranks highly in these.

2 points

You tagged your arguement as "citiznes sould be apologetic"

A beter explanation would be appreciated.

0 points

Capitalism has proven to be the most productive sort of economy. Communism failed trying to supply itself and as for socialism, China, the leading socialist economy is rising, but still the US more than doubles its income despite less than 1/3 the population.

1 point

I would be proud of my country wherever i would be, but America I love above most because we are big. REALLY big.

1 point

A rather normal day. Some people were deeply saddened but I wasn't really because I live 800 miles away in St Louis.

To me, it was of little importance. Although I pity those who died or lost loved ones on 9/11, I have no friends or family in New York city, or New York State, or the north east at all.

And I may sound cruel, but I tire of listening to Missourians who are saddened by the thought of 9/11 as if they were there, or less than 800 miles away for that matter.

2 points

Democrats often have good ideals but their optimism surpasses reality.

Republicans normally know how to run a nation better, but seem to care more for themselves than Americans.

Neither is good, but Republicans are less shitty.

1 point

I believe there's a verse in the Bible about animals being made to serve man as he sees fit, I don't remember it word for word though.

1 point

A communist is a very bad thing.


1 point

1) that's a lie

3) so what

5) Bullshit

8) another bullshit ass lie

10) the constitution is meaningless

12) more bullshit

14) more nonsense

15) more bullshit

16) Total complete nonsense

17) more bullshit

19) more bullshit

20) you are so full of shit.

22) that's another lie

hyena activity

24) The American people are already slaves.

I will dismiss this argument as bullshit

white corruption has fucked up the entire world

Not Europe.

2 points

Suppose the Earth were round, if I were to travel to china, how could I got back up?

1 point

today's maths and science are a gift of India

Yes, but India did little with that knowledge.

India lacks the potential to lead the world because their leaders have never been half of what Europe has produced.

1 point

you are a synical asshole

no one wants you on CD so hurry up and leave.

A bit ironic, eh?

1 point

sports are freaking retarded

The stupidest argument I've seen all week.

1 point

I find it most entertaining to watch super-men test their unnatural strength against one another.

2 points

Although I hate the man, I see no dis-respect toward Martin Luther King Jr. from the part of Glenn Beck.

1 point

Why can't we just talk about how glorious the victory instead of discrediting the achievements of one another?

I wish it were the former axis nations bickering of who lost the war than the allies bickering of who won it.

2 points

Although the age of great European empires taking the rest of the world would be more interesting than what we have today, nations shouldn't have their freedom to govern taken simply because another is stronger.

Also, the desire t become an empire has caused wars between imperial powers of epic scale, such as the WWI.

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