
Sarik152's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Sarik152's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

We can't really define a "girly sport". We can deem sports "manly", though (e.g football, rugby,etc.)

1 point

Ripping a hole in your neck with one's teeth, while getting neck broken, in a pool being dunked in and out of the water, eventually drowning.

2 points

Only if you pass a test of competence (for under-18s), because I know someone who has his own political standpoint and why that is under the age of 16. He doesn't just go, "I VOTE FOR OBAMA! Why? Because." he goes, "Well, 'Dubya' was creating jobs before 2007, and Obama started creating jobs in 2010-11 because we were in a crisis, and ironically, we were lowered to AA in 2011, not 2008.

2 points

WTF? This is a dumb joke. You trolling, or are you a pedophile? Screw you, just get your ass off this site.

2 points

Only in horseplay. The child might get serious and be sent to his room because he knocked a guy's tooth out.

sarik152(26) Clarified
2 points

How do you edit the debate? I will try to change it to secularism.

2 points

I did mean secularism, not atheism. I could not find any other more useful term for secularism. We should not be saying, "There is no god!" in public, because that is blasphemy in some people's religion.

0 points

We should only use guns in the military, police, etc. but otherwise, only for hunting. If you absolutely need a gun, then get one. If you are a Blood, or a Crip, etc. don't get a gun. Do you want to stay life in prison? No. We should learn the three rules of gun safety (don't point to the face, unloaded, unlocked, and no bullets around when not being used, and don't touch the trigger unless ready to shoot.)

sarik152(26) Clarified
1 point

With children under 6, they may scream loud and be destructive, and you may be asked to leave. It should be fine in the checkout aisle to be kind to them if they have been good, but otherwise, NO!

1 point

You should not because you have not purchased the item, so it is shoplifting. You may not even buy the item, also shoplifting. It is uncommon that this happens, but it happens.

1 point

End STD/STIs! Condoms rarely break, so why not? Not having sex means that you may be teased for being a virgin (nuless you are a nun), but that is rare, thankfully.

1 point

There is no god, nor any deity. The earth is over 4 billion years old, not 6,000. It was gas that formed the sun, not "Let there be light!"

2 points

He was a communist, but tried to spark revolutions. If it wasn't for Castro's trade embargo, he wouldn't be so hated. He did help overthrow Fulgencio Batista, which was worse than Castro. He banned the right to strike or protest, making Cubans extremely angry with him. Surprise! The US backed that dick head. He is now an ubiquitous countercultural symbol.

1 point

Veggies are healthy, and I love salad. But for 10000+ years, we had been hunter-gatherers. I think that is a personal decision, and I could never give up meat, since I am a fatass.

2 points

It is not OK in ghettos, where gangs might use the uniforms to trick people and start a mass shooting, and in the suburbs and OK parts of the city, the slacker generation is still thriving, and ironing a kindergartener's pants every night is a burden! End conformity and extra housework! A gym uniform is OK because that is kept at school, and I think I'd rather be wearing gym shorts than jeans in a gymnasium.

2 points

It is our right! We the people of the United States! There is nothing in the constitution about gay marriage, so we can do it. Then Clinton signed the Defense of Marriage Act, banning all gay marriages. Republican Chris Christie of New Jersey (A blue state), vetoed that would have allowed gay marriage and will let the people vote in December. On another note, it is now fine in Maryland, N.H., N.Y, and after Prop. 8 was banned, in California.

2 points

It is in the First Amendment of our constitutionm and we should be irreligious, and have no official language stating the diversity of the US.

1 point

Natural selection=survival of the fittest. Those survivors will reproduce, and reproduce, becoming a new species, if not proven just a rare mutation.

1 point

Safe, legal, and rare. Prevent rape by sex-ed, use only highly-trained doctors, and include it in insurance. If an abortion is necessary (mental, physical, or deciding not to have a kid), then do it. Abortion pretty much only works after 3 weeks, and before that, contraception.

1 point

Also, kids might get teased at school for believing in Santa Claus after 4th grade, and it's too late, it would be heartbreaking fir a 5th grader to learn that something is fake. Tooth Fairy should end in 3rd grade, and the Easter Bunny, end it early.

1 point

He is a sign of corporate greed, and when kids don't get what they expected, they get angry. Anyways, how can a tubbyfuck fit down a chimney? Flying reindeer? An eternal life? Not possible.

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