
Shomos5's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Shomos5's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

liberals policies are great.

because they give equal rights to everyone

1 point

ever since the late 90's simpsons has become boring.

\Futurama is a great idea the characters are funny

and it only got better with age like south park or

family guy.

4 points

umm i dont know of you being serious or not

can you clarify what if your being serious

2 points

where is there any fact inh religions?

and just because we havent found them doesnt mean there not there

2 points

360 has a bigger and better game libary. downloadable content for games like MW2 come out earlier on the 360 you can stream movie and music or any kind of media directly through the internet more games are avaliable to have your own music playable so it alot of little things. plus 360's cheper evr the redesign which has no RED RING and is super quiet

so yeah

1 point

for the price of the bottom of the line mac so starting price which is a grand you can get aa top of the line PC equal to a top of the line mac and you know why because there is no apple logo on it

1 point

her mmusic is terrible

she is fucking ugly

at her australian tour she asked little kids to flash their penises?

what the fuck kinda artist is that?

1 point

SO UGLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o

2 points


2 points




1 point

exactly. I'm 12 years old and im constantly around kids hat seem to think that disney and nickelodeon stars care about them and think that the produce genuine entertainment. why cant they see that it all coporate bull shit and they are all in it for the money. all the comedy in the shows are cliche's

1 point

Miley Cyrus is the A WHORE!

i wont be supprised by the time she's 20 she'll have made 100 porno's

4 points

there is evidence but its really up to you if you believe in them. i do because me, my family and my friends have all had experience with seiing dead relavitives things flying of shelves and weird noises but again its your choice wether you believe

2 points

i didnt believe at first but i aked some people in my family and they have told me some pretty freaky experiences they had like some one sitting on the end of their bed and stuff like that so I'm a believer!!

1 point

to be honest atheism makes more sense than any religion. Its the only fact based way of explaining the universe. I mean i can point out one major plot hole in any god based religion. if god created everything who created god? and is there any hard evidnce that god is real?

1 point

give me one good reason why they are scum?

you probably cant

1 point

they have the right to hate us we totured and enslaved them for over 300 years does that website have any thing about that in there?

1 point

black people are normal just like everyone else. what makes them differnet to us apart from there appereance? what is the differnce between any race? apart from apperance NOTHING. we are all people. I sometimes feel ashamed because of what our race has done to Black people or any other race that has been discriinated against. for over 300 years they were tortured because they were different, not because they were bad. and just to tell people who think they are we all originated from countries like africa and asia.

1 point

ofcourse you have the Swastika as your logo. There is nothing wrong with being gay of another race your still a human being.

Its people like you who are the problem its people like you who have the problem so you dont have the right to say wether its wrong or not

3 points

its not an illness its a personal choice no one is asking you to agree. and its a personal choice if you choose not to agree

2 points

Apple boasts that its hardware and software are better. Many people also say microsoft is a software company. bothe are very debatle topics. I think apple products are designed better but PC's are easier to upgrade making them more future proof. I think apple are alittle greedy because the force to buy a new machine of you want to upgrade your computer specifications or send it to apple to upgrade adding to the cost. So apple is very greedy making you pay for things like OS updates, windows service packs are free. Imagine paying 150 dollars each service pack. So I prefer microsoft best because the encourage you to upgrade your machine in stead of spending more money on a new machine also allowing more third party software and hardware. Whereas with apple everything has to come through them.

So i hope if your thinking of moving from a PC to a mac read this and really mac your choice before you buy.

2 points

we can argue all about the features but the most important thing about a console is the games. xbox has the better games halo gears of war fable forza. these games are equal if not better to the ps3's library

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