
Supremepizza's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Supremepizza's arguments, looking across every debate.

Me. I loathe myself for being inactive on this site for so long.

Maybe that will change... Maybe...

Did I say it was?


Joe, making a serious point?

What sorcery is this...

Hard rock.

If anyone dares say dubstep, house or whatever new cat-in-a-blender-sounding 'genre' of 'music' they deserve a good kick in the head.

Controversial video (when taken in this context) landing in 3, 2, 1...


Acting like you know anything is fairly dumb

Yes, because in reality we all have the I.Q of a snail and don't even know how to breathe.

What a fucking original debate, don't see these often, please make more!

Pity your whole argument is bust seeing as there is no God...

EDIT: For some reason my 'argument' posted twice so just disregard this one if you please.

I'm somewhat curious as to why he has a spotlight before a great majority of us that have been on this site for a substantial amount of time prior to him making an account.

And you can't really argue that it's because people like me aren't as active as they use to be considering I see users that have been inactive for over a year get the spotlight.

I'm not jealous by any means believe me, I'm just curious as to how this system works and if half the users that have gotten spotlights really deserve it.

I'm a bit drunk so that's probably the only reason I'm posting this, but that's just my 2 cents ;)

Some of us have lives dude, including Andy, we can't be on here 24/7.

Have sex in it, on it and around it.

If there were any aliens that came along with it, I would have sex with them.

If there were any artifacts in the ship I would try to have sex with them.

I would film everything I do as well to sell to scientists later, because unfortunately for them, I would have turned the ship into a tree house.

Good enough answer?

Your other choice was Romney. Mitt. Fucking. Romney.

Seriously. Mitt Romney.

America is screwed either way anyways, so I don't see the big fuss in all honesty ;)

U luv it bebz <3333

Wrong .



You can't argue that without P.E you're going to become some fat useless slob, because I dropped P.E the moment I hit Year 11. I didn't/don't do any recreational sports and guess what? I'm perfectly healthy both physically and mentally.

So no, it should not be mandatory.

Only if kids want to learn it, like any subject they shouldn't be forced too.

I took the poetry class in college and had fun, but that's just me anyway.

I'm not sure if you're trolling or that's actually your argument.

Please tell me you're trolling.


But can you link me to some kind of evidence... I'm not attacking you... I just want proof. As far as I know right now you're just saying things that you assume to be true without any investigation.

I do not wish to vote for a liar.

Not exactly an isolated case though ;)

This video pretty much sums up my feelings on good 'ol Mitt.

Mitt Romney Style

I definitely have never encountered him, ever.

In fact I've only actually recognised a few out of the last batch you've posted.

So this comment I'm posting is pretty useless, and yet I'm still typing it... I'll stop now ;)

Strictly speaking, yes. There is literally no question about it; it's a living, conscious (I highlighted that purely because I don't want some pro-life wanks calling me a hypocrite) being and you're taking away its life.

I could go into other aspects that make it more acceptable than killing a human, but that's not the point of the debate.

I'm just curious as to where you got these statistics from?

I just want to know if what I'm debating is actually true or not before I engage.

References please.


How does the word "noob" even relate?

What are you, 12?

What a well thought out and constructive argument. Well done.

The way you've worded this it looks like you think religious women would somehow be more likely to give you the truth when asking a them question...


supremepizza(1425) Clarified
1 point

I question why this posted twice...

Hellno, you truly are a mother fucker :P

If you want someone to blame for the downturn of society,




Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear-

Oh, oops, that's not right....

supremepizza(1425) Clarified
0 points

The purpose is to poke fun.

But really dude... Why so serious? ;)

Everyone who thinks God isn't real is stupid.

When I was twelve my Priest grabbed my secret parts and told me God said it was okay!


If you think I am wrong still then answer me this question: if God is not real how am I talking to you now?!

HA! I proved you all wrong again!

You're all really dumb compared to my infinite wisdom I learned from the Bible, and if you do not believe the Bible is good learning material I say you are EVIL!!!

Seriously though guys, the main purpose of this debate was to weed out all the morons. If you read the description and still thought I was being serious you really need to have a doctor look at you.

Do I troll good mummy?

I think it's cute that you took this debate seriously.

If you're neutral what the hell is the point in contributing anyway?

Redundancy is the only purpose, and something a great deal of this site's users apply a great deal too often.

Like, legit?

That's your argument?

You are joking right...?

The jist of what I managed to translate from your strange and unique language is that you think pedos are made.


They are born that way, just like homosexuals are born that way.

It kinda hurts to try to read the rest of what you wrote, so I shall leave it there.

If you read my argument you would see that I was actually making fun of myself by saying that.

Now you just look like a huge cunt (:

Satanism encourages unrest and encourages chaos in humanity.


Where would you rather write in the light or in the dark?


Satanism is like eat now pay later. But once you have eaten, you will have to pay... forever.

Are you fucking serious? You're trolling right?

It is because Satanism does not promise salvation.

No, because we don't believe in magical sky genies.

You're too retarded for me to warrant further further discussion with you.

Anyone who knows anything about this site knows I'm the token Satanist.

Therefore the real discussion is "Supremepizza vs Christianity"

Therefore I win the ego award.

Here is my rebuttal.

Supporting Evidence: Here is my rebuttal. (

This argument can pretty much apply to most discussions like this:

My body, I'll do what I want, so get lost.

Personally I don't agree with suicide, but you have every right to do it if you so choose.

Nice spelling bro.

But no, Kim Jong-il, they should not.

Yes, Mr. Original Debate Creator.

Learning, obviously.

Is this actually a legitimate question?

You may as well ask if you'd rather be retarded/ignorant or informed.

I would rather cut off my balls, throw them into a vat of hot gravy and gobble them up than have Hellno banned.

Kindly fuck yourself, you won't be missed if you do leave.

Not sure if srs....

The likelyness of that happenning is about as high as you passing a spelling test.

You mentioned the Rebels ;)

Bonetown .

By-passing Trojans and internet identity thefts. I win.

How long is this going to go on for? :P

Please tell me more about your system that can be infested with hundreds of viruses with one click. I win.

Will Darth Vader fight back?

No, the rich do not have the responsibility to help the poor, but if they want to manage the problem and prevent riots, they will help the poor.


What, these are the only two forms of games?

No. Console games win.

Sex is evil.

People shouldn't have sex because it's evil and wrong, and if you have sex before marriage the little troll living in the woman's vagina will bite off your penis. On top of this, having sex before marriage will cause the Devil to anally rape you in your sleep until you cut off your balls.

h@iL $@t@N nD Fk d@ h@++3rZZZ!!!!!!


You're a fucking idiot.

Wrong .

You're both cum chugging mother fuckers, stop bumping this old shit onto the feed.

... What?

Nope, that's censorship.

*Mass murderer, actually.

Definition for serial killer:

Web definitions:

someone who murders more than three victims one at a time in a relatively short interval

*Irrationality vs. Rationality.

supremepizza(1425) Clarified
1 point

This was meant to be a supporting argument.

Yes all lot of are addicted to it to the point they can't go one day without having sex or looking at people having sex.

I went 23 seconds without having/watching it once... can I have a cookie?

Here's my definition: Not accomplish-able.

Yes, it would actually be the most hilarious thing I've ever seen.

I'm an awful person...

I think you should have the seven-up votes I got... just sayin'.

It becomes the reason of divorce of most families.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... oh wait... you're being serious aren't you?

Basically my take on the whole situation is that it's pretty much been blown completely out of proportion by a large chunk of social networking users, as well as 4chan... However I must say the latter is much less "PC".

Reading back over my argument now I realize how, to put it bluntly, brutal it is. But that probably has something to do with the fact that I wrote it at like 4am. Nevertheless, nestled deep within the vulgarities my stance is as it is in black and white.

As for why my stance is so strong: When I was in school I knew two girls that were bullied for "sexting" and ultimately killed themselves because people called them sluts and made fun of them. Not to sound crude or anything, but they both partook in a threesome several times that year, so honestly, what did they expect people would say about two fifteen year olds banging one guy at the same time? They, like Amanda, put in little to no effort to try and get help, and they like Amanda only got people caring about them after they died ( On a second note I may add that there were certainly no global internet "crusaders" showing their "support" for the girls ). In fact the whole situation was almost identical to the Amanda one.

At the same time I knew/know a rather overweight kid who was teased and ridiculed, beaten up and abused because he was not only fat and a homosexual, but an open Satanist as well. Myself and one other person were all friends because we were all in the same boat. I wasn't beaten up and such for being gay or fat, I'm neither of those things, I was bullied because I was "dumb" enough to stand up for the poor guy. The same goes for the other friend.

All three of us went through absolute hell, and I'll be darned if anyone says the two girls that chose to act like sluts had it worse off.

But did we kill ourselves? Hell no.

We all reached out for help, and unfortunately the other two went to live in America so I don't know about them, but I moved into College and became one of the most well-respected and liked people there. I know that sounds really egotistical, but it's true.

So I'm sorry, but when I see people rallying up like this over something that is not only a common occurance that for some reason has been isolated, but also HIGHLY preventable, I can't help but cringe.

If it were my daughter, sure, I'd be torn apart. But she isn't, and for better or worse I have taught myself to always put rationality before emotion.

I typed this on a phone so sorry for the errors and such, and I apologise for the length. I hope I answered your question Andy.

I went to up-vote you but my phone isn't letting me which is pretty annoying.

Anyway, yeah I agree, I'm somewhat baffled as to why I have most of them on there to begin with, or more why I let them be there. Oh well, time to do some cleaning.

I actually posted a Facebook status about this only an hour ago and was immediately met with butthurt people calling me a "c*nt". I now question why I have over 700 friends on my profile when I dislike most of them... Anyway, here is my status, please excuse the grammatical errors:

"Oh look, more people who become concerned about a matter like Kony and turn a tragedy into something personal for about a week. None of you care about Amanda Todd; you won't even remember this in three months so stop pretending to be humanitarians. Kids in Africa are starving and have AIDS and I see countless memes trolling the shit out of the situation and people sit back and take it as nothing, but when people see a rich little white girl get called a "slut" and kill herself it's fucking hands across Australia and anyone who makes a joke in its direction is the Devil incarnate. Furthermore, this shit happens everyday, so get the fuck over yourselves and realize that this is what people like to call "life" and stop acting like this is a one off scenario.

So please, before telling people like me with a morbid/dark sense of humor to "grow up", realize that we're only doing it because we love taking the piss and getting a reaction out of morons acting the hero over something we know to be utterly blown out of proportion, and then take a look at yourself and see how pathetically hypocritical and arrogant you are and what a total retard you must be to attempt to be some internet king and stand up for something that was, is, and always will be unpreventable by any human that will ever exist."

Now more closely related to the debate, here is my stance: nobody is responsible for her death but Amanda.

In most cases, especially this one, suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

I have been in exactly the same situation as her, to an extent of course (I don't have breasts obviously), and you know what I did? I moved the fuck on. I got help. I acted.

My childhood was miserable and awful for about eight straight years, but did I kill myself? No.

Now I know that other people have a different mindset and think differently, and I am fully aware Amanda "tried" to get help with her video, but it's still the principle of the matter. In extension, come on, why would you think a YouTube video would help? Teen girls looking for attention post them everyday, why would this one be taken seriously out of all the others?

Why not ball the police? Embarrasing, yes, but a whole lot more reasonable, not to mention rational, than killing yourself.

Are the people that bullied her and the weird black mail guy to blame for her death? No. They didn't kill her, she killed herself on her own accord.

There is no denying, however, that both those parties are wankers of the lowest form.

Even if you disagree with me, I think we can all agree that this was tragic and wish it didn't happen.

Lol ;)

Killed? Wow... Now that escalated quickly now didn't it?

I seriously wonder about some people sometimes.

It's ridiculous that she did at all, apparently freedom of speech and to ones own opinion is being stretched thinner each day.

...But then again... It IS Romney ;)

Yeah of course, but it's kind of a funny situation and depends on what people see as worthy of being hit or not... I dunno, I'm more on the fence falling towards the yes side than actually coming to a definite conclusion.

What is wrong with spanking a child?

The debate is about hitting, not spanking.

Not at all, but I find it quite an annoying double standard that boys can't act like girls without being ridiculed. People are stupid.

I'm more concerned about the fact that America has nukes, actually.

AveSatanas just got knocked the fuck out ;)

I dunno, maybe he gets off on it ;)

First off I'd gather every single person that's ever pissed me off or I just plain don't like on top of The Empire State Building, and everyone else who's kinda annoyed me gathered around its base.

I would make sure I was in possession of a mini-gun and had a speaker system attached to my waist that was triggered to detonate with C4 as soon as my heart stopped beating.

I would then proceed to push everyone off the State Building and then jump off myself, blasting "Free Falling" from the speakers and gunning down everyone in the air with my mini-gun, I'd hit the ground, everyone would die, and I would be put in the history books.

Perfect? I think yes ;)

If "everyone is forgiven for their sins" I can't help but see Hell as ridiculously redundant.

Yep, right now as I type this actually.

Oh dear God... I remember her :/

We'll just introduce the guys to this:

And everyone's problem's will be solved ;)

I can only imagine the other things that must have popped up while searching for this...

I'm going to assume that you guys are choosing me because you need a woman to reproduce the island, yes?

I actually get the sneaking suspicion some other users think you're the only female on here :P

I'm gonna be completely honest... I only up-voted you for quoting GTA IV :P

Parker from the first Red Faction. Always and forever.

Okay, ummmm, I can't pick three, that's too hard :S

So in no particular order:








There are definitely more, I just can't remember their names.

Okay Saurbaby, I concede, we're all as arrogant as each other.

Do I get your seal of approval? :P

I don't get paid for another three days, I'm certainly sober as I'll ever be ;)

And congrats are in order (:

You didn't say what kind it is? Does it provide coconuts? Dates?

Condoms. Edible condoms.

Let your imagination run rampant ;)

Yeah but... yeah but... but... but... yeah okay you have me there :P

It's just personal preference, neither is indefinitely "better".

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