
Tapiwa's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Tapiwa's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Thursday is the closet day to Friday one of the best days of the week for school children and Tuesday is closet to Monday

1 point

people who think the world is over populated are the people should be taken to Africa they just living in a place full of people

1 point

when you take a long road trip to another country in Africa you pass quite a large amount of unused land

1 point

they should just smoke cigars pot makes people go crazy who knows what they can do after smoking some pot

1 point

if your father was caught for rape how then do you know that you are a child of rape

1 point

well most children would be irresponsible because the alcohol the take will kill their mind and even make them dim in class

1 point

well most children would be irresponsible because the alcohol the take will kill their mind and even make them dim in class

1 point

well most children would be irresponsible because the alcohol the take will kill their mind and even make them dim in class

1 point

babies would be fed a bottle of alcohol for them to stop crying

1 point

babies would be fed a bottle of alcohol for them to stop crying

1 point

babies would be fed a bottle of alcohol for them to stop crying

2 points

they have been taking away part of America and are slow multiplying

1 point

well the mexicans are very good part of america because they add variety to the country

1 point

ninja are faster,better and have stealth and do not kill without reason

1 point

self defense is not murder it is killong without the intention of killing

1 point

they are bringing grievance to their family by taking away their life and GOD did not give anyone to take away their life

1 point

yes it is their life their ending sand they should have the right

1 point

abortion should be banned because this foetus which has just developed how do you know that it wont grow up to be the most succesful person in the world or be someone great , it is like endindg someone,s life before it begins

1 point

the guns we protect so much what is used in war?, guns what is used as aself defence weapon in most cases where there is a loss of a life, so guns have the power to protect and harm

1 point

not really if you use them for the right reasons e.g to hunt

-2 points
2 points

well men have the manpower to do a lot of things physically and the greatest people in life were men einstein and many others

1 point

yes it really a c4 because most terrorists connect themselves with them

1 point

seriously why get in involved in something you are not wanted

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