
XMathFanx's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of XMathFanx's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

While most of the world’s population can look forward to living longer, white people in the United States without a college degree are living shorter lives due to an epidemic of drug abuse and alcoholism.

To my understanding, there also has been a decline in life expectancy due to poor dietary habits and lack of general exercise.

1 point

Do not worry about tomorrow

This would hold if one lives by a sensible code on the daily. However, if one were to act recklessly in the absence of considering their future self--then, this would be a short-cut path, destination==> self-destruction.

1 point

Best of luck with your future endeavors .

1 point


Proper/normal male behavior is now criminalized in daily life, in the USA. There is a huge societal game of "I'm not touching you", like ill-mannered children play, occurring. The decline has been accelerating rapidly, even in my lifetime I have noticed an extreme difference.

The goal is to take out the protective class, i.e. men, so that evil can have its way uncontested. To achieve these ends, the tactic at use has been psychological subversion, rather than the bludgeon, leading to legal subversion, over an extended period of time.

Frankly, action to re-seal Pandora's Box in America, or otherwise separate into what should come after to replace the nation (i.e. smaller nations of the kind previously discussed) must happen relatively soon before memory of the Way is lost to upcoming generations, born & raised in an inverted reality--one of the levels of Earthly Hell. (Much like the reality present in the popular short story Harrison Bergeron, or some other dystopic nightmare of a similar vein).

xMathFanx(1722) Clarified
1 point


Cultures, not races.

There are plenty of white people I don't want to live with.

xMathFanx(1722) Clarified
1 point


individual issues

What is your core philosophy ?

xMathFanx(1722) Clarified
1 point


Generally, "centrists" lack a true philosophical core. Hence, adopt a "top of the head, issue-by-issue" approach to politics.

xMathFanx(1722) Clarified
1 point


If every state makes their own rules, unfettered by federal government, you WONT like living here. You'll have people moving to the states that have the "rules" THEY want to live by, and you'll have THOSE states arguing with the next one about what they should do to stop people from running back and forth undermining THEIR rules!

It seems you just conceded foreign culture(s) immigrating freely is inherently subversive and will necessarily destabilize the primary culture and group. Do you believe that stays constant across scaling--small to large?

xMathFanx(1722) Clarified
1 point


The idea of a nation is to get a grouping of people who are on the same page to work and co-operate together in order to support a common vision of life. Now, the US population is strongly divided, not even close to on the same page--it would seem reasonable to consider orderly and respectful dissolution into separate such groups.

1 point


Yes. In fact, that is precisely what has happened in the past few decades as bullies have veered away from direct, physical control to passive aggressive, often online/virtual or otherwise indirect, forms of illegitimate dominance & abuse.

In the popular culture, simply look at the portrayal of Flash Thompson from the (2002) Spiderman starring Tobey Maguire versus the latest (2017) Spiderman Homecoming depiction. Video links relevant to discussion below:

1. Spiderman (2002):

2. Spiderman Homecoming (2017):


Furthermore, human conflict, and those who seek to replace an even handshake with a strong arm, are inevitable. In order to defend against it, for the sake of oneself and others, people must acquire skills of power, dominance, and control properly reigned in by a strong moral compass. Attempts to legislate against the natural order, in this regard, will necessarily injury the person(s) the lawmakers have claimed intention to protect and maintain their psychological and bodily integrity.

Spiderman (2002): Peter vs. Flash
xMathFanx(1722) Clarified
1 point


xMathFanx(1722) Clarified
1 point


Europe is a union of separate nations. However, I am suggesting a union of states, sub-nations if you will, all connected to the parent nation conglomerate. The benefit of this is in increasing the power of the nation as a whole relative to various smaller independent nations, safeguards against the type of balkanization that has occurred in Europe and elsewhere, greatly increases the strength of the Military/defense force from foreign threats (i.e. outside of North America), and maintains a much more robust economic world power. Additionally, of course, it allows the citizenry to choose the general type of lifestyle and legal structure they desire to live in, and have control over what is in their reach and no further (in principle)--rather than smaller groups influencing the governance of 330 million, many of which do not agree with the state of affairs at all; which, of course, is the current predicament.

1 point

Should we give libs the west coast and New York, and create our own country?

It would be wise, in my view, to break-up the nation into the states as mostly independent entities which relate to the country as a whole through the union of the flag, military, and generalized economic system, though with few federal oversights. That is, embrace a variation of Anti-Federalism.

1 point

Does the fact that Atheists on average are more intelligent and educated show that Atheism is more logical than Theism?

They are not--many atheists are SJWs and pseudo-science fan-boys/girls.

Neither group (religious v non-religious) is inherently more intelligent.

1 point

Are Jews Really Smartest Race?

Note: Comments below are not limited to any one person nor group, as they apply generally out of principle

No, there is no reason to suppose that--other qualities factor in to establishing control, particularly through an artificial source such as money. For instance, the willingness to use deception, manipulation, and other vice-ridden tactics in order to achieve a means, particularly when opponents are not, or are otherwise naive due to a failure of recognizing not all people want the same thing nor abide by the same (or any) moral code.

xMathFanx(1722) Clarified
1 point


Are you familiar with Know More News YouTube channel?

1 point

Learning Cello on my own in mid 30


And, yes, one is able to pick up on any skill from playing the cello, learning to draw well, video editor, golf, mathematics, so on and so forth.



Plan and Strategize.

Execute with Discipline.

Have Patience.

Positive Results Will Come.

xMathFanx(1722) Clarified
1 point


The message inside of the entertainment is crucial, as is the way athletic events are played/held as well as what they are intended to stand for. As of current, the overwhelming majority of entertainment and sports are a poisonous drug, though occasionally some great, positive stuff gets through.

Change the entertainment==change the ideal==change the culture

2 points

Why bother

Defeatism is a very dangerous mind-set to get into.

Also, I think it is unnecessary. If one wants to reach the people, they have to identify where the power is at, and meet them there while wielding it. A tremendous amount of power in our society is in entertainment and sports, therefore they can function as conduits for being heard and taken seriously. Therefore, training in such as as music, art (i.e. video making, comic books, etc.) and extreme, impressive athletic feats that captures the public's attention is a potential route to being heard, if so desired.

Building readily available alternatives to the mainstream, often and overwhelmingly degenerate mind-poison, is a very challenging and likely highly rewarding endeavor.

xMathFanx(1722) Clarified
1 point


It was nice talking to you, Nom.

'Till next time.

1 point


It is the former.

Though, the world makes a lot more sense once this realization truly sinks in.

xMathFanx(1722) Clarified
1 point


The Tell-Tale Heart is a relevant allegory to those who commit a wrong, that escapes the direct attention of others, though not themselves. Which, in time, brings about one's own self-destruction. I am pointing out to you, through making use of this story, that your snarkiness, manipulation, and deception is taking a higher toll on you than you may be consciously aware of.

xMathFanx(1722) Clarified
1 point


Have you considered the possibility that this type of bizarrely irrelevant anecdote is precisely what prompted SlaveDevice to reprimand you for rambling in the first place?

It is entirely relevant to the point.

However, I have considered that I skip too many steps and should better show all my work as you, Slave, and others may have trouble keeping up with the pace--very much how solving a math problems breaks down actually. I will take that into further consideration in the future and attempt to adjust accordingly.

xMathFanx(1722) Clarified
1 point


Then, you find nothing devious, underhanded, subversive, or generally passive-aggressive about your comment?

I find that doubtful. That is, I think you are well aware of intentionally, strategically implementing the snide remark and are now playing the innocent as a means of washing the blood cleaning after being seen with blood on the palms.

Remember, one never truly gets away with anything--the conscious will not allow it, as is beautifully illustrated in Edgar Allen Poe's tale of the "Tell-Tale Heart". You are hurting yourself with the collection of moral debt. The only who escape the weight of immoral baggage are 100% psychopaths, who are condemned to lead a cursed life.

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