
Debate Info

The Mongols were CIVILIZED. The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
Debate Score:229
Total Votes:236
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 The Mongols were CIVILIZED. (92)
 The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED. (99)

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MrsHamilton(10) pic


Were the Mongols good or bad for humanity?  Use historical evidence to support your arguments. 

The Mongols were CIVILIZED.

Side Score: 112

The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.

Side Score: 117
7 points

They reinvigorated cross Eurasian trade. The Silk Road trading routes that had existed for 1000 years before the Mongols, had fallen into disuse. But the Mongols highly values trade because they could tax and make money on it. This was part of their organized government because their government put these taxes in place and relied on them for profit.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

I support this because it emphasizes how the Mongols created an organized government and uses specific details like taxes.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
3 points

Xu Heng taught Zhu Xi’s Confucianism teachings to the Mongols, and with the respect of his intelligence it granted him to become an informed advisor to the conquest dynasty. Then prompting him to prevail Zhu Xi’s teachings as he set up the success of Confucianism of the Yuan Bureaucracy.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
2 points

They were able to organize the best army in the world with a small number of people, but able to kill and control larger amounts of people. They also conquered large amounts of land in a small amount of time.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

I agree that is very impressive especially because it took the Romans much longer.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
2 points

The Mongols were civilized with their practice of religious tolerance. They implemented several policies throughout the areas that they conquered that allowed people to practice whatever religion they wanted. This practice was not common at the time.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
SimiP(10) Disputed
1 point

Although this was true, at the time, and the Mongols did practice religious tolerance, they later supported massacre of Jews and Christians.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
PanayotisP(12) Disputed
1 point

Among the lands that they conquered, The Mongols mainly had the settlements surrender to them and prove loyalty. That is the only occasion where those from the conquered regions would be able to practice free religion.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

I agree even if they took peoples power they still allowed their freedom with loyalty to the Mongols.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
2 points

Under Mongol rule, merchants had a higher status than they had in traditional China. During their travels they could rest and secure supplies through a postal-station system that the Mongols had established.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
2 points

The Mongols increased communication through Eurasia by creating a pony express with horses and riders. With this, they could quickly relay information called the Yam system. They also Built roads, bridges, and postal stations for increased trade and communication.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
2 points

Another reason that shows how the Mongols were civilized people is that they protected the silk road after they had conquered those regions. The silk roads became very safe and authorized under Mongol rule.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
2 points

The Mongols were civilized since they protected the Silk Roads. They did this by punishing bandits. This allowed for trade expansion since the roads were being used and people were able to travel through several states.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
2 points

Women in the mangle empire had rights. Controlled domestic affairs, could get a divorce, we trusted advisors.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
2 points

Most likey the reason that the Bubonic Plahe spread was because of the mongols

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
2 points

They also made trade routes (like the Silk Roads) safer for merchants/travelers, this promoted trade and brought the Silk Roads into its 3rd golden age.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
2 points

Marco Polo: Traveled the silk Road and settled in Shangdu for 17 years where they gave Kublai Khan gifts and services (since Marco Polo served him for 17 years, he probably liked the Mongols and their intentions)

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
2 points

Juvaini - He was a wealthy governor in Baghdad and only lost power when the Khan he served under left power.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
DallasD(11) Clarified
1 point

How did he think about the Mongols? Did he have any interaction with them?

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
YoustinaR(14) Clarified
1 point

How did Juvaini, the wealthy governor, gain his wealth??........

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

Mongols instituted religious tolerance among all of the conquered territories.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
YoustinaR(14) Disputed
1 point

At one point, they did have religious tolerance, but later, they eventually supported the massacre of Christians and Jews

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

Army brutality- Ripped unborn children from mother’s wombs. Used prisoners as shields or moat fillers, took women from conquered towns.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
matthewWeiri(10) Disputed
1 point

This statement is showing the brutality and inhumane ways of dealing with people so I think this would work better on the uncivilized side.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

The Mongols increased communication through Eurasia by developing this pony express-like system of way stations with horses and riders that could quickly relay information.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

The Mongols had forged one of the greatest empires the world had ever seen.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

The Mongols tolerated all religions as long as it didn't interrupt the political view of the Mongols being the leaders.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
KennethS(11) Disputed
1 point

Hulegu Khan converted to Islam, and massacred Jew and Christians in his kingdom.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

Mongols maintained and guarded trade routes. Allowing for interactions among territories.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

The Mongols used advanced military tactics and were adaptable.They utilized shortbows and horses in combat as an example and also learned to siege castles and fortresses as they expanded their conquest.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

The Mongols forcibly relocated people who were useful to them, like artists and musicians, and especially administrators.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

One out of several civilized things that the Mongols established a unified army. The Mongols had an extremely powerful army because they were unified and they were all very skilled.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

Mongols created and supported relations among different groups.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

The mongols were civilized because they incorporated enemies to their own tribes instead of just killing them off. Instead of wiping out the entirety of a civilization, they welcomed in people who would be useful to them.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

Genghis Khan was one of the best leaders in the world. It's not easy to get that title so this justifies his qualifications.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

The Mongols funded medical and astronomy advances for the people.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

They relocated artisans and skilled political or government figures across their empire to manage it for them.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

Women had better lives because they controlled domestic affairs, they could divorce their husbands, they were trusted advisors.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

Extended the Grand Canal to allow for more trade and more ideas to be spread through the merchants and people

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

The mongols improved places they conquered and created governments

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

Lastly, the Mongols practiced religious tolerance. While many other empires in this time didn't the Monolgs were open to it and were courteous of the people they had conquered.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

The Mongols were civilized through their successful ruling. They were successful because of their understanding of centralized power, influencing the nations they ruled over to do the same in the future.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

Though the mongols can be seen as uncivilized they still had their own form of government.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

The mongols expanded trade and communication in many important ways.The first was their protection of the Silk road which discouraged theivery and encouraged the use of it as a trade route.Another was the Yam system which was a communication system that transported messages.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

I agree that the mobgols greatly improved the safety of the silk road so the communications was increased by the comgols.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

Relocated people who were useful to the Mongols. (Artisians, Musicians)

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

More bridges built under the rule of Genghis Khan(more infrastructure)

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

Practiced religious tolerance among the empire. Warriors treated well, promoted wealth based on merit, established a vast postal system, and enforced universal rule of law.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

They were tolerant of different religions, people who they conquered were allowed to keep their original religion.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

Cuisine was able to travel along trade routes. Because of the Mongols’ trade routes, rice became a major part of the Persians’ diets.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

Built infrastructure for conquered lands and expanded the Grand Canal to facilitate trade. They also maintained the Silk Roads

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

The mongols were able to build a system of roads and continued to maintain and guard their trade routes.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.

They built roads, bridges, and postal stations. ( ex: extended grand canal)

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.

In doing this they increased trade and the spread of new communications and ideas.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

Funded advances/studies in medicine and astronomy throughout their domains.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

Increased communication called the Pony express which allowed the spread of ideas.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

Incorporated captured people that surrendered into his tribe rather than making them a slave.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

The Mongols tolerated people who were of any religion, this is because their religion would not gain many converts.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

Women in the Mongol Empire had rights. They controlled domestic affairs, could get a divorce, and were trusted advisors.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

The Mongols increased communication through Eurasia by developing the Yam System which was used by Merchants, horses and riders. It consisted of weigh stations and was an area where information could be quickly exchanged.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

Promoted higher tax breaks and benefits to traders to promote trade.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

They valued merchants and artisans and didn’t kill them (gave them a chance to make goods since they knew that merchants and artisans could help them)

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

New trade channels established between Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and Europe

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.

They practiced religious tolerance (didn't mind other religions)

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

Organization of military, Genghis Khan organized the entire Mongol society into military units of 10,000, 1000, 100, 10. Effectively order/control groups.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

They helped rebuilt cities they destroyed (Zhongdu in China, which was earlier destroyed by the Mongols, was rebuilt also by the Mongols)

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

The Mongols were very tolerable to many beliefs, allowing diversity within the empire.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

The Mongols increased communication throughout Eurasia, this was a result of trade routes (like the Silk Roads) being used more because they were safer.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

I agree with your argument because they developed this pony express-like system of way stations with horses and riders that could quickly relay information.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

The Mongols preferred skill over stature by birth when it came to governing.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

They practiced religious tolerance among the Empire. Warriors were treated well, promoted wealth based on Merit, established a vast postal system, and enforced Universal rule of law.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

Khan's social policies were liberal for that time. One example of this was him putting forth a policy that supported religious tolerance. This inspired Loyalty in formerly oppressed groups like Taoists and Buddhists.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.

They established the largest land empire ever by their great success in conquering

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

Allowed religious freedom, as they understood that outsiders did not have religious ties to their land, and were tolerant of other religious beliefs.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

The Mongols created, maintained, and protected many trade routes between Europe, the Middle East, and Asia.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

Genghis Khan- He united the Mongols and defeated/conquered many other neighboring empires to expand the Mongol empire.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

Kublai Khan: The Mongols were a grand empire who brought unity everywhere

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

Hoelun was the mother of Genghis Khan and supported his efforts of conquest.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
SaloniP(12) Clarified
1 point

Did she support his techniques and the ways he was conquering his enemies?

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

Xu Heng taught Zhu’s teachings which stated that people needed to listen to a spiritual form of Confucianism; i.e belief in spirits, stopping barbarian encroachments (intrusion of one's property and rights), self-cultivation, and moral reflection.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

I, Sorghaghtani Beki, will sned promote my son to the Mongol leading role because it will continue to thrive with more power and dictation.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

Mongol warrior: The army cannot give mercy to the enemy, or they will win.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

Marco Polo: He developed a close relationship to the Khan

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

Nasir al-Din al-Tusi: Mongols had good military tactics that ensured they would conquer their enemies.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
MaxB(11) Clarified
1 point

Was your person part of the Mongols or was he someone that just recorded information about them?

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
SaloniP(12) Clarified
1 point

He was put in charge of the ministry of religious bequests after he married a Mongol.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
YoustinaR(14) Clarified
1 point

What military tactics did the Mongols use to conquer their enemies?

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

When Hoelun's oldest son attained the title of "Genghis Khan" he rewarded his mother by giving her control of 100,000 people and 4 military commanders.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

Genghis Khan- Genghis mandated the creation and use of written Mongolian.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

Mongol warrior: It was an honor to fight for the khanate.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

Marco Polo: the Khan gifted Marco Polo paizasc (made them safely go back to venice)

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
bahaa(12) Clarified
1 point

Why did the Khan gift Marco Polo paizasc and allowed him to safely go back to Venice?

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

He trusted him greatly and he sent him on trips to help them

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

(Witness Juvaini) - This was a historian who's work experienced success under Mongol Rule.His most esteemed work was a history of their conquests so he benefitted from them.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

Sorghaghtani Beki has rights here, although it comes nowhere near equality, I have more rights than I would anywhere else.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
PanayotisP(12) Clarified
1 point

What are some of the rights that women have in this society that differs from another empire in this region?

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

Mongol warrior: rewards are given to soldiers who follow orders and display valor.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
akroner(10) Clarified
1 point

what are the rewards, were they luxurious? What is valor?

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

Hoelun ended up adopting orphans during her son's conquests and had a great love for them.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
ThomasO(11) Clarified
1 point

Why was she adopting orphans during her son's conquests? If she already had children, what was the need for more?

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
bahaa(12) Clarified
1 point

I think she adopted them just for more loyalty. The sons she adopted became her biological son's (Genghis Khan) close advisors.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

Kublai Khan: The Mongols helped advance trade routes and manage them

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
areejkhan0(11) Clarified
1 point

How did the Mongols help advance and manage the trade routes?

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

Nasir al-Din al-Tusi: With the fall in 1256 of Alamūt to Hülegü Khan (c. 1217–1265), grandson of Genghis Khan, he immediately accepted a position with the Mongols as a scientific adviser.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
YoustinaR(14) Clarified
1 point

Was he successful? What did he do in this position?.......

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

Genghis Khan- He viewed the Mongols as his top priority. He had many armies, and clans to protect him but also the empire. He also kept conquered people who were useful to the empire.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

I agree with this since Genghis Khan was most benefited by the Mongols and would consider them civilized.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

Nasir al-Din al-Tusi: Married a Mongol and was then put in charge of the ministry of religious bequests.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

I am needed here to drive large wagons for our very powerful nomadic tribes. I am needed here and follow the pursuit of a woman. Sorghaghtani Beki

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

Juvaini - His book, about the Mongol conquests, held views that justified the conquest and supported the Mongol rule with light criticism of them.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

Kublai Khan: Mongols used advanced millitary tactics to advance war

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
4 points

When coming upon an enemy settlement Ghengis Khan sent a small group to ask the settlement to surrender. Upon refusal, Khan killed all members of that settlement. This shows his extreme ideologies and opinions on loyalty.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
3 points

Mongol’s conquests were a major factor in transmitting and transporting the bubonic plague, from Southern China to Central Asia. it followed familiar paths of trade and military conquest. A large amount of the Mongols' spreading of the plague was believed to be intentional as a way of Biological warfare.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
3 points

Alauddin Khilji: The Mongols could have set India back 200 years in advancements but due to his success against them he preserved it. This shows the Mongols brutality by showing how they are able to destroy entire cultures and move on.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

With their doing so, they destroyed decades and centuries of history and they didn't even know it

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
3 points

Al-Mustasim: The Mongols took great advantage in his weak defense and looked past his surrendering. Because of Mustasim's history of ignoring Helugu, Helugu saw this as an act of aggression and completely ignored a surrendering.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
2 points

Used psychological warfare to scare their enemies, meaning they would leave things like bones to scare their enemies into surrendering without a fight.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

They also wouldn't bombard towns they would send a few people in to ask for them to surrender and if they wouldn't then the rest of the army would kill everyone.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
2 points

they used barbaric methods to wipe out civilizations and spread fear to surrounding groups of people.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
2 points

Made those that didn’t surrender suffer/ killed them. Wiped out ⅔ of China’s population. 10% of the world population.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
2 points

The Mongols forcefully recruited people in places they conquered that were useful such as craftworkers, miners, and anyone that could read or write.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
2 points

Used psychological warfare to terrify their enemies and destroys morale of opposition. They also slaughtered millions of people in cold blood because they wouldn't join them.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
2 points

In 1245, Pope Innocent had sent another mission led by Ascelin of Lombardia and met with the Mongol ruler Baichu near the Caspian Sea in 1247. In response Guyuk demanded that the Pope appear in person at the Mongol imperial headquarters. The Mongols met with Innocent IV in 1248, who again appealed to the Mongols to stop their killing of Christians.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
2 points

Al Mustasim: He was an Abbasid Caliph of Baghdad. Viewpoints of his differed from those of his conflicting advisors. This gave the opportunity to Helugu, a grandson of Khan, to conquer the Caliph and his advisors, killing him and the already surrendering advisors.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
2 points

Resident of Balkh Bukhara in 1220: "Our town had not recovered and it’s mosques, colleges, and bazaars are in ruins."

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

They killed millions (such as killing the caliph along with 200,000 people in Baghdad)

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

I agree that this was very uncivilized and was uncalled for. They did not need to kill this many people.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

I agree with this because over the time the Mongols were conquering, they killed millions. My person I had to research, Muhammad II, sultan of Khwarazm, one of his governors was killed by getting molten silver put into his eyes and mouth.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

Very brutal conquerors, they killed many people while conquering empires

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

I completely agree the Mongols were such brutal conquers.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

They were brutal conquers, and would do things like destroy/burn cities.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

For some cities that were difficult to conquer, the Mongols catapulted bodies that had the Bubonic plague. “And at least according to one story, the Mongols intentionally spread the plague by catapulting their plague-ridden cadavers over the walls of Caffa in the Crimea”

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.

One example of why the Mongols were uncivilized was that they lived in clan-based Barbaric societies.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

The Mongols spread disease (most likely responsible for the Black Death), and sometimes on purpose.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

I completely agree that this is uncivilized. This is like coughing on someone today in hopes the get covid and die.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

They were responsible for helping the spread of diseases such as the black death

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

They are partially part of the spread of the black death. The threw dead bodies as a weapon.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

Although the Mongols practiced religious tolerance at some point, they later supported massacre of Jews and Christians

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

Spread diseases; most likely responsible for Black Death. Sometimes on purpose.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

Army brutality- Ripped unborn children from mother’s wombs. Used prisoners as shields or moat fillers, took women from conquered towns.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

They killed the people who refused to surrender, they killed millions and millions of people through their conquests.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.

The Mongols may have had major success but they were uncivilized due to the fact that they did not last very long.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

The mongols didn't leave behind any architecture, language, or culture.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

Before attacking somewhere the Mongols asked if the inhabitants would surrender, if they did not surrender then the Mongols would kill as many people as possible after they had won the battle.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

When asking for surrender he would kill everyone if the leader didn’t surrender. Very extreme when eliminating an empire.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

They created mass destruction and were very barbaric, killing all aristocrats if the enemy refused to surrender.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

In order to kill the defenders of a siege, Mongols would catapult plague-infested corpses over the walls of wherever they were besieging.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

Ghengis Khan and the Mongol’s did not leave behind much in terms of Agriculture and language. In Persia, they completely blended in, making them completely unrecognizable by the 15th century.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.

They did not leave behind much architecture due to living in mostly tent-like structures traveling a lot.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

They only gave two options for people; to either surrender or die. Because of this, they wiped out 2/3 of China (10% of the world's population)

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

Sent dead bodies who were diseased to the enemy town they were trying to conquer in order to kill the population.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

Put taxes on trade products so that they could gain more wealth and power.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

Genghis Khan's definition of happiness is to vanquish your enemies, take what is theirs, and watch their loved ones weep.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

The Mongols were probably responsible for the Black Death. By opening up trade they also opened up vectors for diseases to travel, in the case of the Plague via fleas infected with Yersinia pestis.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

The Mongols were uncivilized because of their use of psychological warfare to terrify their enemies.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

The Mongols were horrendous uncivilised people they ripped out unborn children out of a mother's womb.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

decimated millions of peoples, wiping out a large chunk of the world population.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

Their empire didn’t last. Within 80 years they’d left China and been replaced by a new dynasty, Ming. And in Persia they blended in so completely that by the 15th century they were totally unrecognizable.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.

Their empire didn’t last and within 80 years they had already been replaced with the Ming Dynasty. Some Mongols went to Persia later on and they blended in so well to the point that they became unrecognizable.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

Mongols pillaged and killed people during there conquering's.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

The mongols were extremely violent and brutal to the point where they would wipe out a civilization for disagreeing with them.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

Their way of victory was slaughter among other people where hey hooked an arm and a leg on two horses then physically tore the people.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

The Mongols were seriously brutal conquerors. The Mongols destroyed entire cities, and most historians estimate the numbers they killed to be in the millions.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

They attempted to win their battles by any means like killing every citizen of a town or spreading the Black Plague by throwing dead bodies over city walls.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

The Mongols ripped unborn children from other mothers wombs

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

The Mongols were also uncivilized because they burned down millions of cities/villages if the civilians didn't comply with them.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

The mongols burned libraries and castles when on their raids.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

Russia suffered vast devastation and death due to the mongols attacks

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

The Mongols sometimes wiped out civilizations of entire towns after defeating their armies.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

The empire was fairly short-lived and quickly split into warring factions after Genghis Khan died.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

Mongols massacred people and showed little mercy to the people who fell victim to there attacks.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

The Mongols destroyed cities and years and years of history and architect

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

Lastly, the Mongols were uncivilized because they helped spread the plague again at people who didn't comply or resisted being conquered by them. In doing so they killed millions by this.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

The mongols did not even end up using much of their conquered land, so they conquered all that space for nothing

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

While their empire was powerful it did not last. It did not have a good enough base to stay more than 80 years...barely the avg. human life.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.

They established a huge land empire but didn’t leave architecture to show civilization. They weren’t interested in art or architecture and had yurts that weren’t permanent settlements.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

Treated the dead poorly in ways of decapitating the dead or using them for attacks.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

They didn't treat their subjects with enough respect, especially in China, and only appointed Mongols in high government positions which led to revolts.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

(Ibn al-Athir)“Al-Athir obtained his information from first-hand witnesses, and he describes the great destructiveness and swiftness of the invasions throughout a large area of the Near East.” Which shows us that this historian saw great destruction from the Mongols and how swift they were when destroying areas.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

Muhammad II, sultan of Khwarazm:

Genghis Khan sent 200,000 of his best men and 3 of his best generals to fight my army!

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

Military Historian

As the Mongol Empire grew, so did the military tactics. They grew so strong and so fast.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.

In 1245, Pope Innocent IV issued bulls and sent Giovanni da Pian del Carpine to the "Emperor of the Tartars". Asking the Mongol ruler to become a Christian and stop attacking Europe. The Khan Güyük replied in 1246 in a letter demanding the submission of the Pope and the other rulers of Europe.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

He admirers Iranian state traditions and showed dislike for the Mongols(which he referred to the Turks). -Rashid al-Din

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

As the Mamluk Sultan of Eygpt, the Mongols were my enemy. They were horrendous uncivilized beings.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

Resident of Balkh Bukhara in 1220: When the Mongols invaded, they had not only looted and slaughtered people but but most of their cities burned.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

Muhammad II, sultan of Khwarazm:

Genghis Khan’s army defeated mine. He killed everyone, all 4 million of my subjects, and even killed the animals!

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

Zhao Bing, also known as the emperor bing of song, saw the mongols as uncivilized as they conquered the Song Capital, forcing Zhao Bing to flee

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

(Ibn al-Athir)“He also mentions certain customs that made the Mongols especially effective invaders.” This reveals that the Mongols were effective raiders and they were really good at attacking other areas. Which put him in a frightening situation because they were a great threat to him.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

Muhammad II, sultan of Khwarazm:

I heard that Genghis Khan caught my Governor Inalchuq and killed him by putting molten silver into his eyes and mouth!

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
KennethS(11) Clarified
1 point

Would Genghis Khan be this brutal to all of his enemies, or was it only this governor?

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
realavallie(11) Clarified
1 point

Did your witness retaliate or surrender when attacked by the Mongols?

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

I support this comment because it shows a mature rebuttal to make you think twice about how and why things ended the way they did.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
GiannaKubica(13) Clarified
1 point

Why did Genghis Khan kill Muhammad II's governor? Is it because they didn't surrender to Mongol leadership?

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
LaasyasriR(12) Clarified
1 point

He killed Muhammad II's governor because Genghis Khan had sent expensive gifts in a caravan to Muhammad II, but the governor had them arrested, most likely out of fear, saying they were spies, and when Genghis Khan sent ambassadors to resolve the issue, Muhammad killed the merchants along with one ambassador.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

(Ibn a,-Athir)“Al-Athir concludes by asking for divine protection for the Muslims against the Mongol threat.” This shows us that he was so threatened by the Mongols he asked for divine protection for the Muslims. The historian was scared and he viewed the Mongols as a threat.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

The Mongols killed my people they were an atrocious group of people. - Qutuz (Mamluk sultan of Egypt)

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
LaasyasriR(12) Clarified
1 point

Was there a reason the Mongols killed Qutuz's people? Did he do something to make the Mongols angry?

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
michelab(11) Clarified
1 point

Was it their killing that made them uncivilized or is it the way they killed that made them uncivilized?

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.

Alauddin Khilji: People told him about the brutality of the Mongols and how he shouldn't fight them but he ignored this all and still fought them going in with no fear which leads him to defend and defeat them protecting India.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

As a Resident of Balkh Bukhara in 1220, you can see the mongols “ferocity and destructiveness” just by looking at the archaeology of great cities they’ve ruined.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.

Pope Innocent IV's attempted to bring Russian princes into the crusading movement against the Mongols. He urged them to explore whether the Mongols were planning attacks on Christianity and to join together against them.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.

Alauddin Khilji: It was clear that he saw them as Uncivilized as he didn't fear them even after hearing all the bad things they have done

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

After defeating the wretched Mongols at Kitbuga I felt victorious.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

Lu Xiufu saw the mongols as uncivilized due to the fact that when he attempted to negotiate with them, they ended up forcing him to surrender

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

At the time of Xu Heng's death the song court banned Zhu’s teachings, due to the dominance and influence that the teachings had over social and political structures.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

military historian

if one person out of a whole village refused to surrender the whole group was killed and the village raided and burned to show authority and discipline.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

Rashid al-Din wrote one of the most important books about Mongol history called Compendium of Chronicles. It explained the story of the Mongols all the way from Adam to his lifetime. He describes the Turks (Mongols) as brutal and savage.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

military historian

The mongols were great horsemen. they had an advantage due to these horse. when their horses and bow skills were combined they were unstoppable

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
1 point

The mongols sent troops to raid and attack Zhao Bing and the Song Remnants

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.
Ola_S(10) Clarified
1 point

Why were they sent? was there an eminent threat or was it for the mongols to gain power.

Side: The Mongols were CIVILIZED.
1 point

Al-Mustasim: Became the last Caliph of Baghdad after a ten day destruction of his city of Baghdad.

Side: The Mongols were UNCIVILIZED.