
Debate Info

Milky Way Snickers
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Milky Way (4)
 Snickers (1)

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PhxDemocrat(13121) pic

A Candy Bar Dilemma

You are real hungry for a candy bar.  You go to the vending machine and there you see a Milky Way and a Snickers.  So, which candy bar do you get?

Milky Way

Side Score: 5


Side Score: 1

Milky Way is SO GOOD! There has not been a better cheap chocolate than Milky Way..

Side: Milky Way

I do like Snickers but I do prefer a Milky Way over a Snickers bar. When you first bite into a Milky Way, a euphoria happens.

Side: Milky Way
1 point

I live in Australia and would walk to the next machine and buy a Picnic bar

Side: Milky Way
1 point

I prefer milky way because biting its weak shell and into its malleable core makes me think of eating people.


Side: Milky Way
Joel_Mathews(2284) Clarified
1 point

What the heck?? Are you a cannibal? some people are just born crazy...

Side: Milky Way
ProLogos(2794) Clarified
1 point

You were there when I was born? O.O

Who r u mystery man?

Side: Milky Way
1 point

Snickers because, I'm getting some protein while I'm at it, you know because of the nuts that are in the candy bar.

Side: Snickers