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Come to think of it... so am I No, you are not omnipotent
Debate Score:31
Total Votes:31
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 Come to think of it... so am I (12)
 No, you are not omnipotent (14)

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SecuritronX(106) pic

Am I Omnipotent

Omnipotent: Ability for a being to do anything consistent with it's own nature.

For this debate, we are using a definition of omnipotence that is consistent with the Judeo-Christian God.  God can do anything in accordance with His own nature.  God cannot do anything that is against His nature.  For example:  God cannot lie nor can God be illogical, as these things are inconsistent with His nature. 

Based on this, I submit that I too, am omnipotent.  Being all-powerful, I can do all things- except that which is inconsistent with my nature.  My nature is such that I cannot fly, turn invisible, accurately predict the future, or perform telekinesis.  There may or may not be a few other miscellaneous things as well.  My inability to perform these actions however, should not be taken as a lack of omnipotence on my part.  On the contrary, I am all-powerful.  These acts are simply inconsistent with my nature.

If you find I am not omnipotent, may I ask how many things against one's nature are allowed before ruling out omnipotence?   I have pointed out 2 things which God cannot do, due to inconsistency with his nature.  It is possible there are more.  How many would it take for God to no longer be considered omnipotent?

Come to think of it... so am I

Side Score: 15

No, you are not omnipotent

Side Score: 16
2 points

Nice world play. ;)

Side: Come to think of it... so am I
2 points

I think there's a misunderstanding. The only thing God cannot do is the logically impossible, due to his nature. Square circle, stone so heavy he cannot lift, etc.

On the contrary, there are many things that you cannot do that are logically possible. Lift up a plane ( I assume, unless you're a complete tank, which is possible), fly, shoot lasers out your eyes.

God however, can do these things.

Therefore, God is omnipotent, and you're not.

Side: No, you are not omnipotent
1 point

Why is god incapable of doing the logically impossible? Logically it's not possible to have a square circle, or a married bachelor, yes, but logically it's not possible to have wine that's actually water, or a dead person who is alive. Gods nature is magic; his area of expertise is the impossible. He can do whatever the hell he wants - reason, logic, and laws of physics be damned.

I dont think OP is omnipotent, just wanted to point out that when measuring and evaluating a being like god, none of our assumptions about reality have any bearing because god operates outside the bounds of reason.

Side: Come to think of it... so am I
ChuckHades(3179) Disputed
1 point

Logically it's not possible to have a square circle, or a married bachelor, yes, but logically it's not possible to have wine that's actually water, or a dead person who is alive. Gods nature is magic; his area of expertise is the impossible. He can do whatever the hell he wants - reason, logic, and laws of physics be damned.

Those examples are not logically impossible. Turning water into wine is logically possible, as is being resurrected.

Whereas, a square circle is logically impossible; it is either a square, or a circle, it cannot be both, no matter how powerful a being is.

Side: No, you are not omnipotent
SecuritronX(106) Disputed
1 point

"The only thing God cannot do is the logically impossible, due to his nature."

I disagree. We are told quite specifically in Hebrews 6:18 that "it is impossible for God to lie..." I do not believe lying is a logically impossible act. God also cannot be immoral, or commit a sinful act. God cannot commit suicide. God cannot do these things, not because they are logically impossible, but because they are simply inconsistent with His nature.

Just a little play on words showing how difficult a concept like omnipotence becomes when it must be consistent with God.

Side: Come to think of it... so am I
ChuckHades(3179) Disputed
1 point

I disagree. We are told quite specifically in Hebrews 6:18 that "it is impossible for God to lie..." I do not believe lying is a logically impossible act. God also cannot be immoral, or commit a sinful act. God cannot commit suicide. God cannot do these things, not because they are logically impossible, but because they are simply inconsistent with His nature.

I wasn't actually referring to the Judeo Christian God, but whatever.

For a start, suicide is not an act of power, it's an act of lack of power.

And I would argue an omnibenevolent being does have the power to sin, be immoral, etc, but chooses not to, due to his nature. In the same way that I have the power to kill someone, but I choose not to, due to my nature.

Side: No, you are not omnipotent
1 point

No your not omnipotent because humans aren't all powerful you are just a mortal like I am and we can only have a limited about of power. Try to pick up a car because humans can't pick up car with their bare hands. An all powerful person would be able to do it with their pinky finger which you can't do.

Debate over.

Side: No, you are not omnipotent
MuckaMcCaw(1969) Disputed
3 points

Wow, you missed the whoooooole point didn't you. Do not declare a debate over until you GET the debate...this might take a few years, but we can be patient

Side: Come to think of it... so am I
SecuritronX(106) Disputed
1 point

It is simply against my nature to lift a car with my bare hands. Like I said, I cannot do things that are against my nature, just like God can't do things that are against His nature. There may be more things that go against my nature, than against God's nature. So the question becomes; how many things does it take to make you not omnipotent?

Side: Come to think of it... so am I
1 point

just like God can't do things that are against His nature.

Why not? His nature is an unknowable, incomprehensible, ethereal, magic sort, therefore it is in his nature that he should be able to do whatever the hell he wants.

Side: No, you are not omnipotent
1 point

God cannot make a married bachelor correct? He cannot make a round square. He cannot make A equal C if A equals B but B does not equal C. Being all-powerful God cannot be not all-powerful. These are simply word games that have no bearing on anything.

Side: No, you are not omnipotent

Yeah, but the only way to get around it word games as well...for instance, it has been suggested that the Hebrew Word we translate into almighty does not mean "omnipotent" but rather "the most powerful dude around"...and if Christians had been translating it THAT way all of these years, atheists would have a lot fewer arguments....ahhh translation, such a word game...:)

Side: No, you are not omnipotent
1 point

How is god unable to produce a married bachelor, yet able to make a living dead person?

He cannot make A equal C if A equals B but B does not equal C.

Jesus = A

Dead = B

Alive = C

God cannot make Jesus alive is Jesus is dead and being dead is not being alive. Yet supposedly he did. You're trying to apply logic and reason to magic. It just doesn't work. Either accept that your religion is founded on impossible, incomprehensible black-magic or reject your religion, because there's no making sense of this kind of fairy tale reasoning.

He can't alter the properties of shapes to make the impossible, but he can alter the properties of nature to achieve the impossible? How does that make any sense?

Side: Come to think of it... so am I
lolzors93(3225) Disputed
1 point

Jesus was dead then alive, not dead and alive at the same time.

Side: No, you are not omnipotent