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 Am I missing something or do Democrats have no answers to our nation's problems. (20)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

Am I missing something or do Democrats have no answers to our nation's problems.

Have you noticed Trump reaching out to the Black community, asking them what have they got to lose by giving Republicans a chance. Democrats have proven over and over they care nothing for minorites other than keeping them dependent on Government programs and thereby securing their votes.

So maybe I missed what Democrats are doing to solve the problem of 72% of our Black children growing up in broken homes. Welfare does nothing to stop that hideous cycle. Case workers are terrible replacements for parents.

What are Democrats doing to save Black lives and prevent drive by shootings? They are hideously weak on crime as we see in Progressive cities like Chicago (with the strictest gun laws). The killings of Black people goes on non stop and keeps getting worse. WHAT ANSWERS DO DEMOCRATS HAVE? It's not the gun, it's the broken families! Democrats have no answers so they put the blame on the gun to make people think they are actually doing something.

You ask what are Conservatives doing? They are speraking out to the problems of broken families. They have the intelligence to understand IT'S THE FAMILY STUPID!

Trump wants less taxes and regulations on small businesses so they can create real jobs in these inner cities. He wants kids to have more access to better schools with school choice (which Democrats refuse to allow).

When it comes to jobs, what do Democrats do to business? They put mandates on business to force them to pay for healthcare. They want mandates of $15 per hour forced on small business which KILLS JOBS! What do you think happens to poor families who will now have to pay more for food and the necessities of life when these stores are forced to raise the cost of their products?

Democrats have no answer. Socialism is a killer of jobs but still Democrats want to transform America into yet one more dead european style socialist country.

Please wake up and see this new age extremist Democrat party for who they truly are. There nominee is HILLARY CLINTON!
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Democrats advocate victimhood, ie, you're not responsible for the decisions you make, the actions you take and your lot in life; it is someone elses fault. That is a dead-end philosophy and why those that follow it are still in the same boat their in generation after generation; they are waiting for someone else to remedy all that ails them. This is where liberals come in with all the promises of free this, free that; we're gonna solve everything for you, no need to do anything because we got it covered. They are still waiting.

I can never understand why the Democrats get elected so often.

Their dogma seems to be the opposite to what made America great. Innovation, self reliance, a strong work ethic, a competitive spirit. These admirable characteristics can still be observed in American sportspeople as we witnessed in Rio.

However, on the industrial and commercial front we have permitted the Democrat's doctrine of welfarism along with it's promotion of a 'something for nothing' society erode the foundations upon which America's might was based.

Time for America to get back it's traditional values and vote the progressive Republicans, led by Donald Trump into power.

3 points

Blacks have been voting Democrat for at least 50 years and what has it got them ? Nothing. Take a look at the inner cities run by Democrats they are a complete disaster. If the 1st Black president cared so much for them then why didn't his trillion dollar stimulus plan work for them in the inner cities. Blacks in America will keep voting Democrat and hoping for a change they will never see.

1 point

what has it got them ?

reduced unemployment, reduced poverty, increased wages, better education, decreased violence, anti-discrimination laws, etc. etc.

If the 1st Black president cared so much for them then why didn't his trillion dollar stimulus plan work for them in the inner cities.

It did.

2 points

No, you're not missing anything- How can Democrats possibly have the answers to our Nation's problems when they're the common denominator in causing them...

Exactly correct................................................................................

3 points

Yes, and apparently one of the Democrats of which I speak have shown their tolerance by down-voting my opinion and your response... Proving once again how blatantly hypocritical they are.

1 point

You don't actually listen to what Democratics, or the Left in general, have to say. So yes, you are missing something.

DBCooper(2194) Disputed
2 points

Black Democrat voters have been voting for Democrats for 50 years and it has gained them nothing.

1 point

I can clearly see where you're coming from but, in common with most white Americans, there is a fundamental flaw in the main thrust of your argument.

The Democrats did try, as did the Republicans to reach out to the blacks, but for every forward step they made the black took two backwards.

There must come a time when the Yanks realize that blacks enjoy wallowing in self pity and bellowing about how they cannot get an even break in the white man's world.

This cry of discrimination echos throughout Europe and nowhere less so than the U.K.

What steps have the blacks taken to ingratiate themselves and fully integrate into the white dominated societies in which they live and succeed just as the Jewish and Asian people have.

Indeed, many ethnic groups are able to exploit their right to equality and the liberal laws of the west to surpass the achievements of their white counterparts.

However, not so the blacks. In the main, but certainly with exceptions, they are more comfortable lying back and doing little or nothing but blaming their self imposed plight on the big bad white man.

So far, and in common with your European cousins, you Yanks have swallowed this myth and are chasing shadows, which you'll never catch, trying to rectify a perceived problem which not only will never be fixed but is unfixable.

The whinging, resentful self-pitying blacks need a kick up the backside and made to realize that they and only they have the solution to their social and financial position.

FromWithin(8241) Clarified
2 points

I agree with what you are saying but what you are missing is that the Democrat party is the main proponent of the victim mentality. It's Democrats screaming how the White man is at fault for all the Black mans problems.

Antrim(1287) Clarified
2 points

Well, as you have highlighted before, a large proportion of the Democrat's vote comes from the Black community, so we all know why ''Shillary'' is bellowing exactly what the blacks want to hear.

Trump does seem to have the will and ability to place ''the black problem'' exactly where it belongs, with the blacks.

Everyone, including Obama/Shillary know that successive U.S., administrations have done everything possible to enable blacks to blend into American society. Equally, everyone, including the wily Democrats, know that not only does it suit the blacks not to engage positively in the advancement of their nation, but they simply do not have the inclination nor the ability to do so.

If left unchecked this ever growing tumor will overwhelm America and choke everything which made this magnificent, freedom loving country what it is.

The bullet is going to have to be bitten sooner or later and now that we have an American Presidential candidate willing and able to face this arduous task he must be given the nation's approval to commence the process.

1 point

They are speraking out to the problems of broken families.

And what's their solution? Shame people? Say that broken families are bad? How's that working out for you?

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

It's not working when the vast majority of the media and all of the Democrat party keep crucifying Republicans when they speak to moral values and the break down of the family.

You truly can not be that naive so you must be working for the Democrat party.

Why would shaming people work if the vast majority of the media crucifies the ones trying to educate the people?

The Left has been doing all in it's power to separate any mention of our Christian heritage from public. The Left HATES any mention of morality!

YOU ARE THE PROBLEM! Did you notice how you and the others on the Left insult any debate I create speaking to moral values being the problem?


pirateelfdog(2655) Disputed Banned
1 point

Then why, even in places where the liberal media has little influence, does abstinence only sex education fail?

DBCooper(2194) Disputed
1 point

Blacks have been voting Democrat for 50 years what has it done for them. If you can explain what in roads that vote they cast has done to improve their lives.

pirateelfdog(2655) Disputed Banned
1 point

Ah yes, black people were certainly better off in the 60s then they were today.

The black unemployment rate has averaged lower than the current rate in only 2 years on record: 1999 and 2000.

Down vote with no response? Are you not in favor of reduced black unemployment?

Wages increased 5.2% in 2015, the sharpest annual increase on record.

Along with the largest drop in the poverty rate since 1968.


Down vote with no response? Are you not in favor of reduced poverty and increased wages?