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Are E-books better than paperbacks?


Side Score: 9


Side Score: 11
1 point

Eh, it depends. I like to have a hard copy of my books. But E-books allow you to have a large selection of books in a small tablet device. And, generally, costs for e-books tend to be cheaper than hard copies.

Side: Yes
1 point

Yes, because we can store a lot of books in e-book, its very convenient and its very effective and efficient. we can get a lot of information from E-book more than paperbook

Side: Yes
1 point

Yes in my opinion e-books better than paperbacks because it is convenient. You can download so many books and put them on your lob top or phone. Read it wherever you are. If you want to get with you many books it will be very heavy but with e-books it more useful!

Side: Yes

The value of what is written in a book IS NOT in the book itself, its the ideas and what is written. It doesn't matter HOW the content gets to the people, merely that it does. The works of Shakespeare and Homer are no less valuable if it's printed on paper, carved in stone, or displayed on a monitor. This being said, the debate is about paper versus e-books. In my opinion E-books are better simply because you can get them out to more people. Scanning a book, or not printing one at all, and granting access to billions over the internet is much more affective at spreading that work than printing copies.

Side: Yes
1 point

E-books are better in my opinion, because yes, of course the convenience, and the ability to spread further throughout the population, but also because a lot of kids, teens, and some adults are going to be much more eager to read it on something digital, and play around with a wider variety of books. Another thing to look upon is how much we are saving trees, and pollution when we read something off a screen, as to when we actually print it off, with no less quality. I also prefer reading E-books because I do have some double vision problems, and I often find myself not checking out a book from the library, or purchasing it in the store because of how small, or how large the print is, when most of the time, you can adjust the font size on an E-book making it much easier to read.

Side: Yes
1 point

For portability, I guess yes, and since there are advance technology to use when reading and or receiving ebooks. Paperbacks, however will remain part of the history, this is how all where started and perhaps will ended also from here.

Supporting Evidence: custom kindle case (
Side: Yes

It is so advantageous to be able to increase the font and read with pleasure.

Side: Yes
2 points

Usually when I'm finished with a book, I let others borrow it. That's kind of hard to do with an e-book.

Side: No
Emperor(1340) Disputed
1 point

Hack it and remove it's DRM protection.

Then send it along as a free book.

Of course, that's illegal or something, so don't really do that.

Side: Yes
GuitarGuy(6096) Disputed
1 point

That sounds a lot more complicated then simply handing the book to someone else once you're finished.

Side: No
1 point

No because you can bring paperbacks to school and places like that without worrying about it getting stolen.

Side: No
1 point

Or you could but the E-books on your ipod and keep it in your pocket.

Side: Yes
1 point

As for me, paperbacks 100 times better. when i read book on computer or ipad i look aside whether something new happened in my facebook or some other social networks. also as everybody knows it damage eyes. also the process of flipping pages is amazing, when you read page by page and understand that the end of the book is coming and want more and more. maybe e-books have some benefits but i will always choose paperbacks than e-books

Side: No
1 point

Paper books stands out because it gives an individual an opportunity to highlight important information. However, paper books are much more expensive than e books. At the same time nowadays students have an opportunity to read everything these online and for free.

Side: No
1 point

If you fell asleep on an e-book, you might break it. And books have this lovely papery aroma that I'd miss if I had an e-book.

Side: No
1 point

In a culture obsessed and addicted to technology paperback books still prove to be a valid reading instrument giving readers a much needed disconnect from laptops, Ipads and cellphones.

Side: No
1 point

No they are not, The hard copy are always the best! i have both a kindle and many books, better for the environment but still the origional's are so much better!

Side: No
1 point

Paperbacks are good ... They help restore the story's charm . You get into a different world when you read it in paperback ... But in e-books ... you get deviated ... you might scroll other websites also ... :)

Side: No
1 point

Books don't run out of batteries. Sure ebooks are more compact, but you can't beat that new book smell.

Side: No