
Debate Info

science excon
Debate Score:42
Total Votes:56
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 science (10)
 excon (13)

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Are you a science denier if you think decisions should be made based on money, not science


Side Score: 18


Side Score: 24
2 points

I'd imagine not. You aren't denying scientific evidence in favor of religious belief, you are simply altering the decision while not necessarily denying the science.

Side: science
Bootstrap(226) Disputed
2 points

I'd imagine not. You aren't denying scientific evidence in favor of religious belief, you are simply altering the decision while not necessarily denying the science.

Of course he's denying the science. Money is a completely arbitrary human invention. It has nothing to do with the natural world and therefore it has nothing to do with science. It's like asking are you a science denier if you believe decisions should be made based on comic book characters from the 1980s instead of the laws of physics.

Side: excon
Mint_tea(4641) Clarified
1 point

On the strictest sense money has nothing to do with science save for that you need money to be able to preform scientific discovery. Science is science, money can grease the wheels to encourage findings to read a different way but the science is still absolute.

But you don't have to deny science to make a decision based on money.

Side: science
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

JEWEL when will the EARTH end according to WACKO LEFTIST ???????????????????????

Side: excon
1 point

Money is the root of all evil (that's why churches are always begging for it .. to get it off the streets ;-).

Science, on the other hand, they choose to ignore, so it must NOT be evil. They'd rather deny it, let it go its merry way. THEY are the science deniers, they make decisions based on the money they get off the streets, so, YES. Logical??? ;-)

Side: science
2 points

Science, on the other hand, they choose to ignore, so it must NOT be evil. They'd rather deny it, let it go its merry way. THEY are the science deniers, they make decisions based on the money they get off the streets, so, YES. Logical???

They absolutely are science deniers Al, and everybody with half a shred of intelligence knows it. They depend upon rhetoric, superstition, populism and myth to push their false reality onto the world. That, and of course lots of MONEY.

The proof is in the pudding, of course. You have one of Brontoraptor's puppet accounts underneath you (i.e. Gremlin), who has upvoted himself more than once again (as per usual) and downvoted you the same. They do stuff like this very deliberately, as a form of false marketing. They want to convince other lowbrow minds that their beliefs are popular, and that their popularity is proportionate to their scientific validity.

Side: science
Gremlin1(118) Disputed
1 point

Most of that evil money is the hands of liberals who own Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter, and Amazon.

Side: excon
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

ROAD ISLAND JOE do you think for 16 TRILLION dollars Old Crazy Barney can heal the GLOBAL CLIMATE ????????? ROTFFLMMFAO !!!!!!!!!!!

Side: excon
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

.........…………………………………………………. Nope ……………………….. :-(

Side: science
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Science deniers? You are the denier of the Science of Biology when you say Homosexuality is a natural normal sexual orientation.

I know of no Christian that denies Science unless you are calling the THEORY of evolution a proven Science, WHICH IT IS NOT!

Hypocrite as always.

Side: excon
0 points

They are based on money. That's why all scientists who say the leftist ideology is full of crap are blackballed from liberal universities and defunded.

Side: science
1 point

Are you a science denier if you think decisions should be made based on money, not science

Hello hater:

I haven't the first clue what you're trying to say.. Hate must make you stupid..

As a Jewish human, I make scientific decisions based on science, I make money decisions based on money, and I always defend myself against haters.

When haters like you murdered 6,000,000 of my ancestors, we said NEVER AGAIN.. So, I will ALWAYS defend Jews against haters like you. That would be ALWAYS!

As I missing the insult???


Side: excon
1 point

I haven't the first clue what you're trying to say.. Hate must make you stupid..

You know you're a retard when you not understanding something leads you to conclude that the person saying the thing you don't understand must be the stupid one.

I make scientific decisions based on science, I make money decisions based on money

What about when the two conflict with one another? Like when rich people make decisions based on profit rather than what is good for the environment or the human species. The problem with capitalism is that rich people make all the decisions based on what keeps them rich and/or makes them more rich rather than what is technically the best course of action from a purely logical and scientific standpoint. As a capitalist, you believe that whoever has the most money should get their way rather than whoever is objectively right and pointing to what is actually best for everyone.

Side: science
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Are you a science denier if you think decisions should be made based on money, not science??

What about when rich people make decisions based on profit rather than what is good for the environment

Hello hater, science denier, non English speaker, and all around stupid fuck:

In the language I speak, you asked about ME.. If you want to know what I think about OTHERS, you need to use different words..



Side: excon
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

You said never again? Then why do you support the Democrat Party that supports killing viable Jewish babies?

You are not much better than the Nazi's that killed your ancestors. They also denied the right to life of Jewish people. You deny it even to viable unborn babies, yet you call yourself better?

Side: science
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
0 points

SUPER STUPID do you think for 16 TRILLION dollars one SOCIALIST politician can heal the GLOBAL CLIMATE ??????? Speak up you IDIOT !!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: science