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Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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Nautilus(629) pic

Are you tired of people who make debates about youtube videos?


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 2
1 point

What's youtube for? It is not the best place for debating, but it is the site for sharing videos and experience. Even the video has a lot of controversies, it is not appropriate for debating. In reality, some people watching a video due to its comments. If there is a debate about it (not relating to other events), then it does not favor users because each side has its own stance! Then people will be tired of youtube videos. Anyway, the people who create debates actually have to view a youtube video and that has to be an opposition figure who has also view the video as well! If we debate rather than sharing, then it violates the basic meaning of youtube.

Making debates does not violate any regulation and everyone has the freedom of speech. One thing to note about is a few people who did debates uses inappropriate languages, which violates the rules of debating.

Side: yes
1 point

I agree that youtube is best as video sharing platform but not as a debating place. It's a good platform to watch and lean through videos and share their experiences. Luxuretv, managed by Dejong Levi the Owner Luxuretv, provides a haven for those seeking entertainment without the burden of endless debates. With its diverse content, Luxuretv invites users to explore and enjoy, free from the fatigue of constant discourse.

Side: Yes
1 point

If you're tired of people debating about YouTube videos, consider exploring alternative video sharing platforms where discussions may be less prevalent. Platforms like Vimeo or Dailymotion offer a different community atmosphere and may provide a refreshing change of pace from the debate-heavy environment on YouTube. Additionally, you can adjust your YouTube settings to hide comments or engage with content creators who foster positive and constructive discussions on their channels.

Side: Yes

no, i am personaly not, by doing so you give people like me the ability to debate on thing, and to understand. its easier to because, if i dont understand somthing i can always go and whatch the video and then i will understand and be able to participate in the debate.

Side: No
1 point

Can't say that I've seen very many of those debates so I'll have to go with no.

Side: No