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Debate Score:35
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Atheists, do you pity theists?

If not, would you prefer to stay an atheist over a being a Christian, Jew, Muslim, etc?



Side Score: 18


Side Score: 17

The poor fellows are restrained from every pursuing true greatness and knowledge.

Side: Yes
2 points

Personally, I do. Having a belief in something supernatural (that is predicated on faith) narrows the mind.

Side: Yes
2 points

They live in a delusion denying everything in the world that contradicts with there beliefs.

Side: Yes

Many people waste their lives living by pointless rules in the name of an imaginary friend they were indoctrinated into believing

Side: Yes
Nomoturtle(858) Disputed
1 point

some people also waste their lives going to the gym, others waste their lives trying to be happy, others still waste their lives trying to answer the questions we pose of the universe. there are lots of ways you can waste you life. it is only 'using' your life when you believe there is some sort of purpose or value in whatever it is you are doing. i can agree that some are 'indoctrinated' into believing something and that people should have the ability to choose what it is they wish to believe in, as some people in some ares or religions are forced or are not allowed any other options. you can also call the beliefs and actions of others pointless, but you are jut as unfair as those who indoctrinate religion if you try to force out the beliefs of others.

Side: No
Stickers(1037) Clarified
1 point

some people also waste their lives going to the gym, others waste their lives trying to be happy, others still waste their lives trying to answer the questions we pose of the universe. there are lots of ways you can waste you life.

it is only 'using' your life when you believe there is some sort of purpose or value in whatever it is you are doing.

Devoting your life to a "purpose" does not necessarily feel rewarding, or outweigh a focus on improving your own life. If you've spent your entire life working for a purpose, then you've died before the alleged crops are reaped.You can conceive of just about any purpose to life, but the only tangible and measurable improvement lies in how well something makes you feel, be it making money, hobbies, spending time with loved ones, etc.

i can agree that some are 'indoctrinated' into believing something and that people should have the ability to choose what it is they wish to believe in, as some people in some ares or religions are forced or are not allowed any other options.

Well, yes. I agree with you on that.

you can also call the beliefs and actions of others pointless, but you are jut as unfair as those who indoctrinate religion if you try to force out the beliefs of others.

Honestly, I'm not slighted at the attempts of Christians to convince me to adopt their religion, or people of various ideologies doing the same.

I don't think that TheEccentric has a reason to force you into following his belief system, if that's even possible.

Side: Yes
1 point

How would you know that the way Theists live their lives is a waste? If the way Theists live is a waste then what way of life isn't a waste? Just anything non-religious? Or perhaps a life with no rules?

Side: No
1 point

If the way Theists live is a waste then what way of life isn't a waste?

A life lived the way you want to not how you're told to. I know someone who suppresses his sexual orientation due to him being indoctrinated by ignorant religious beliefs.

Just anything non-religious?

No, non-religious people can waste their lives just as much as religious people.

Or perhaps a life with no rules?

There should be only one rule for living your life that people should be forced to abide by and that is treating over living beings with respect and not harming them. Apart from that a life that is not wasted is a life that has no rules.

Side: Yes
Stickers(1037) Clarified
1 point

I think that you're confusing theism with religion. Theism does not necessitate purpose, or meaning in life, I can understand the confusion, since theism and religion are inextricably woven in western society, but that's a different discussion.

Who says that life has to have rules? What have rules done for you? Rules and principles will not feed you, or keep a roof over your head. It's how we interact with the immediate reality that actually matters, and that's all that we really know. Although sometimes people act according to principles and rules, the decision making process that guided them to do this was facilitated by a physical and well-oiled machine, as were the ideas themselves.

Side: Yes
Jace(5211) Disputed
1 point

By what standard do you conclude that theists categorically have wasted their lives? If they feel their lives are fulfilling, then what basis do you actually have to claim otherwise?

Side: No

You're correct. I concede that I don't have one.

Side: No
1 point

they are limiting themselves as human beings for something so illogical and oppressive.

Side: Yes
1 point

They will never know the true beauty of the universe. They will never get to benefit this world. :(

Side: Yes
2 points

It must be much easier to be a believer in god(s) .. .

Side: No
1 point

this is true which is why i don't really have a yes or no answer to this argument

Side: No
2 points

Pity them? Hardly.

I lack the disposition for theism, but if somehow I could choose to be a theist I would not elect to change. I recognize I have my own delusions (we all do), but I see no compelling reason to add theism.

Side: No
thousandin1(1931) Clarified
2 points

I agree with you here to an extent, even if we disagree as to any benefits of theism. I personally believe that there are real tangible benefits associated with religious fellowship, prayer, and the like, even without any god having to exist.

At the same time though, I wouldn't want to fundamentally change myself in order to enjoy those benefits. The only way that I could possibly become a theist again would be to literally undo decades of learning and experience from my life. If "I" were a theist, then "I" wouldn't be "me."

Side: Yes
Jace(5211) Clarified
2 points

There are benefits to theistic structure, but unlike some of the harms of theism these benefits are entirely non-unique. As an atheist I have found equitable support and community, without the unnecessary drawbacks of theistic delusion.

Side: Yes
1 point

No. Theists have reassurance, comfort, strength to persevere in the face of tragedy and defeat. They enjoy the fellowship of other theists. They have the respect of their peers. They live in a strong support network.

Preferring to remain an atheist is not how it really works. People who have come to atheism through reason, cannot return to theism without abandoning reason. (Unless of course Judgment day arrives.) If someone has come to atheism through disillusionment, it is much easier to return to theism.

Side: No
Jace(5211) Disputed
3 points

Atheists can also have reassurance, comfort, strength to persevere in the face of tragedy and defeat. Atheists can also enjoy the fellowship of other atheists, as well as that of theists. Atheists can also have the respect of their peers. Atheists can also live in a strong support network.

Not all theists have reassurance, comfort, strength to persevere in the face of tragedy and defeat. Not all theists enjoy the fellowship of other theists. Not all theists have the respect of their peers. Not all theists live in a strong support network.

I think you have some serious misconceptions about theists and atheists alike...

Side: Yes
1 point

Atheists can also have reassurance, comfort, strength to persevere in the face of tragedy and defeat. Atheists can also enjoy the fellowship of other atheists, as well as that of theists. Atheists can also have the respect of their peers. Atheists can also live in a strong support network.

This isn't a dichotomy, though. Every single instance of these that is available to an atheist is also available to a theist. The aspects that come from faith or belief, however, are unavailable to an atheist by definition.

He's not suggesting That this is Theists:1 Atheists:0. More like Theists:10 Atheists:6, or something to that effect.

Not all theists have reassurance, comfort, strength to persevere in the face of tragedy and defeat. Not all theists enjoy the fellowship of other theists. Not all theists have the respect of their peers. Not all theists live in a strong support network.

The same could be said for atheists, except atheists have at least one fewer avenue available to them to 'correct' this circumstance. If nothing else, a theist can always connect and bond with someone else via their shared faith. I don't believe I've ever connected with and bonded with anyone via our shared atheism.

I think you have some serious misconceptions about theists and atheists alike...

I think you're discounting some of the big reasons that religion has been referred to as the opiate of the masses. There is definitely something to what he's saying here- god needn't actually exist for theists to reap these benefits, only their faith.

Side: No
Stickers(1037) Clarified
1 point

Just to be clear, I'm not trying to assert that it's possible to have a meaningful, if any, control over your own beliefs. By referring to "preference", I mean it strictly without implying "choice".

Side: Yes

Nah, I just feel bad for those guys. Most Theist I know were raised from Birth to believe in God, they were technically BRAINWASHED!

Side: No
1 point

Although I do pity theists at times, it's very a rare occasion. Theists are people who believe in what they believe just like everybody else. Who cares whether it be God or mermaids? Theists have their tastes and atheists have theirs.

I would remain an atheist over being any other religion. I enjoy the freedom to only please others and not worry about where I end up after I pass. I don't have to worry about all the things that "God" expects of me.

Side: No
1 point

dont see any reason to pity a theist. in some ways i even envy them.

Side: No
1 point

NO, why in the world would I?!?! I don't get it seriously. I wish I could let myself believe in a god, or deity, but I can't seem to let myself, believe.

Side: No