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Democratic Presidential candidate 

Sen. Bernie Sanders 
said on Saturday that climate change is directly related to terrorism.

“In fact, climate change is directly related to the growth of terrorism,” said Sanders.

Can you Leftist support Barney's idiotic claim ?

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5 points

This is great news. In order to quell Islamic terrorists, we should focus on the cause -- climate change -- perfect. Take the military budget and put it into windmills and solar farms. No soldiers have to die. Forge the swords into battery cases.

Well then -- problem solved -- thx Bernie.

1 point

He never said it was the cause. He simply said it was related, which is clearly is.

He never suggested that working on climate change would solve the problem of terrorism. Only that they were related.

He is very clear that while climate change is the world's number one problem right now, that doesn't diminish the importance of other issues, such as terrorism.

daver(1770) Disputed
2 points

Ok I read your link to TIME.

How is one event related to another if not by cause and effect.

Has terrorism gotten worse than in the past, or have the Sunni and Shea been murdering each other for over a thousand years?

Has world hunger gotten worse because it's hot, or is it simply millions more to feed?

Bernie is pandering to the mindless minions on the left; the hapless, the clueless and the blissfully unaware that populates the democratic party. it's an utterly ridiculous statement, but it will score points with their followers.

You mean terrorism is leading to more violence? No, it is not directly related to climate! They do the kidnapping while climate change makes 100 degrees have chances to 25%! Anything relating to climate means things are moving very fast. Terrorism isn't moving fast or getting more violent. If it was related, we would see people abandoned in the desert with no clothes and temperatures would be more higher

Jace(5211) Disputed
0 points

Sanders never said it was directly related. His actual argument is that where climate change destabilizes nations and regions it opens up opportunities for radical, violent extremists like ISIS.

Climate change is also not sudden or uniform in regards to localized temperature changes. Very basic science.

foratag(257) Disputed
3 points

Oh yes he did. Here is his exact quote from the debate.

Sanders: "Absolutely. In fact, climate change is directly related to the growth of terrorism. And if we do not get our act together and listen to what the scientists say, you're going to see countries all over the world — this is what the CIA says — they're going to be struggling over limited amounts of water, limited amounts of land to grow their crops, and you're going to see all kinds of international conflict."

Sorry Jace, but you are wrong.

2 points

Many people claim ISIS is evil and barbaric and do no good in the world. However, if you follow this to its logical conclusion, the global warming alarmists see at least some good in ISIS and truth in Sanders statement. Here it is.

Global warming is caused by man and over population, among other things. Every person that ISIS beheads decreases global warming a tiny fraction. If ISIS can gain in numbers and strength and behead half the worlds population global warming will cease to exist, or at least go into hibernation. Then, with global warming no longer an issue, terrorism will decrease or end all together, at least according to Sanders. Two problems solved at once thanks to ISIS.

Now, I don't believe this, but by Sanders comments, this is completely logical. Yes, I see why many people want him as president.

0 points

That argument is equivalent to saying that murderers are good because they slow overpopulation. Do you support that logic, even though you understand that overpopulation is caused by humans?

Cartman(18192) Disputed
0 points

He has indicated he doesn't believe that. Do disagree that Bernie might believe that though?

Jace(5211) Disputed
0 points

This does not follow from Sanders' comments at all because at no point does he argue that climate change should be the exclusive factor for consideration. Nor would it follow even then. ISIS feed upon and perpetuates instability, and instability is an obstacle to implementing efficient and sustainable energy systems. Any armed, militarized conflict also generates its own carbon footprint which otherwise would not exist. Moreover, if ISIS were to win then it would establish its own status quo and there is every reason to suspect that population growth would be greater under extremely conservative Islam given its attitudes towards women and child bearing; in the long run more children would be born and therefore more people.

0 points

What am idiotic thing to say. He believes that people are responsible for global warming and that global warming is responsible for terrorism. So, he is saying people are responsible for terrorism, will no shit. Just trying to push an agenda while terrorists attack the world.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
2 points

Do make the tie in for what Barney has said ! Can you do that ?

Cartman(18192) Disputed
0 points

How is Barney not pushing his global warming agenda by mentioning global warming is responsible for everything?

Jace(5211) Disputed
0 points

The preponderance of evidence favors the conclusion that people are responsible for at least some of the climate change which science rather conclusively has established is occurring; this is not a matter of belief so much as it is thought. Even if people were not responsible the fact of global climate change and its repercussions remains. Sanders is not saying that climate change is the only variable contributing to terrorism, but he is making what I consider to be an entirely valid observation that when climate change detribalizes economies and nations it opens up opportunity for violent extremists that otherwise would not exist. The argument is no that people are directly responsible for terrorism, but that we share at least some of the responsibility for creating some of the conditions which permit and enable it to thrive. Can you seriously argue that terrorism would be as serious an issue were it not for national and regional instabilities? If not, then his point is valid.

0 points

He is not a philosopher. He is trying to convince people to vote for him. There is no evidence that climate change affects the stability of nations. Can you point to a country that would be more stable if the planet was cooler?

I wonder if you believe anything that hasn't been told to you by Breitbart.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
2 points

Is Barney's claim true ? If so do show how that claim is true !

0 points

Eh, no thanks. It's not like you'd listen if I did.

0 points

Maybe Fox News.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
2 points

That is the tie in you can make ? Barney is tied to Fox News ?