
Debate Info

Geniuses Karma
Debate Score:13
Total Votes:13
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 Geniuses (3)
 Karma (4)

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GreenThing(86) pic

BLM Activist trashes police, gets shot and killed in gang violence

Black Lives Matter activist — who said 'the police is no different from the KKK' — shotBlack Lives Matter activist — who said 'the police is no different from the KKK' — shot in head in London in head in London


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 9

In other articles it states she was shot by, you guessed it, other black people. Whodda thunk?

Side: Geniuses
1 point

BLM Activist trashes police

Hello G:

Well then.. Clearly, when ONE GUY acts up, it MEANS something.. What, I'll never know.. DUDE!!!


Side: Geniuses
BigNuts(56) Disputed
2 points

Well then.. Clearly, when ONE GUY acts up, it MEANS something.. What, I'll never know.. DUDE!!!

That it's a trend with the left. The trend being violence, murder, poverty and misery. In this case, karma thrown in for good measure. While you guys kill each other, we adults just watch the freak show you dipshits keep creating for yourselves.

Cuts in policing have 'led to 710 murders and more than 2,800 gunshot victims' across the US

Side: Karma
Mongele(643) Clarified
1 point

It's time for all decent folk to confront the Bongo's false propaganda narrative and portray the true picture of life in America.

George Floyd was a convicted criminal who spent four years in prison for his part in an armed robbery.

Prior to his disgraceful murder he had tried to pass a counterfeit $20 bill as payment for goods.

He certainly didn't deserve to die but due to being in a drug-induced semi-stupor and his criminal activity in the shop, in many ways he contributed significantly to his own demise.

Side: Geniuses
1 point

When the filth use hate filled rhetoric to incite racial hostilities they usually reap what they sow.

Anti-police propaganda is rife throughout the black communities in the U.S.A., and Europe but when it comes to looking for protection and crime solving the self same low-lives call on the good old, impartial, even-handed and reliable


The difference between blacks in the U.S and the U.K., is that no one asked them to travel a few 1000 miles and settle in Limey-land.

When they arrived they were housed, provided with immediate medical care and attention and automatically became entitled to exactly the same benefits as existing U.K., citizens,.

Did THE BONGO appreciate this welcome?

Like hell they did.

BONGOS who represent around 10% of the U.K., population are responsible for 90% of all violent crime and have been since they infested the country.


Side: Karma
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

The difference between blacks in the U.S and the U.K., is that no one asked them to travel a few 1000 miles and settle in Limey-land.

Hello racist filth:

So, that's how you view slavery?? Black people were INVITED to travel a few 1000 miles to a new land and settle in???

Dude!! You are one fucked up individual...


Side: Geniuses
ColemanHughe(62) Disputed
2 points

Hello racist filth:

Black leftists say things like, "name one good thing about white people," and, "be less white", and you are cozy with it. Also, most hate crimes on Asians are by black people, so you really don't have much room to talk. Just saying.

Side: Karma
Mongele(643) Disputed
1 point

Hi Junkie.

An ex-convict/criminal and self confessed dope addict calling anyone a ''fucked up individual'' must be the epitome of hypocrisy.

You must be on one of your illusionary drug trips again.

The point I was making was;- NO ONE ASKED ''THE BONGOS'' TO TRAVEL TO THE U.K.

YES, Blacks in America are mainly the descendants of slaves and in this context some of their bolshie attitude is understandable.

But this Only-Black-Lives-Matter Bongoess rabble-rouser had no association with slavery but everything to do with crime and insurrection.

The blacks going to Britain were NOT slaves but applied for entry into the United Kingdom and were accepted and welcomed.

These Bongos flooded in during the 50s and 60s and quickly established their own Ghetto shit hole NO GO ZONES.

They quickly developed their culture of drug dealing, gang/turf warfare, rioting, looting and causing billions of £s of destruction to commercial property.

The average cop on the beat in the U.K., is unarmed and relies on the specially trained armed rapid response teams for back-up when necessary so they do not and cannot shoot blacks.

The darkies in the U.K., should have no axe to grind with those citizens of their host nation but their nature doesn't permit them to behave like human beings.

What did the Brits get in return from the blacks for their magnanimity?;- Violent crime, rioting, looting, and a drain on their public services.


Side: Karma