
Debate Info

Lady Gaga Britney Spears
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 Lady Gaga (4)
 Britney Spears (1)

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Venufan(11) pic

Bad Romance in a Circus

I want to know who you people think is a better artist not just in singing but fashion and music videos. Who's just more enjoyable.

Lady Gaga

Side Score: 7

Britney Spears

Side Score: 1
2 points

I personally like Gaga just as much as I do Spears both of their music has good beats and the lyrics are easy to catch onto. I do have to say that I am a Spears fan aswell and I always have been, but I feel that both gchicks have different styles of music.

I like both of them equally.

Side: lady gaga
2 points

She's hilarious and i love her music and videos

Side: lady gaga
2 points

I love lady gaga!!!!! She is freaking amazing!!! i hate Brittney Spears with a passion.

Side: lady gaga
1 point

I personally like Gaga just as much as I do Spears both of their music has good beats and the lyrics are easy to catch onto. I do have to say that I am a Spears fan aswell and I always have been, but I feel that both gchicks have different styles of music.

I like both of them equally.

Side: lady gaga
1 point

Who you call'in "you People"? whats up wit dat?

The minimum length for an argument is 50 characters. The purpose of this restriction is to cut down on the amount of dumb jokes, so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possible

Side: Britney Spears