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 Blue MAGA hats: how hilarious is that ? (4)

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Gypsee(347) pic

Blue MAGA hats: how hilarious is that ?

So a blue MAGA ( made America great already ) hat is starting to be popular among Democrats. 
What do you think ? 
I laughed thinking “Dumbasses”
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1 point

I find Democrat MAGA hats to be a very accurate representation of the United States : a bunch a blue and red Magats

1 point

Should be good. The red ones, the Make America Gross Again ones, caused nothing but trouble. Gross!

1 point

I laughed thinking “Dumbasses”

Hello G:

I live in Arizona. It turned blue.. Yet, I didn't see one yard sign for Biden or any pick up trucks draped with Biden flags. Even today, long after Trump LOST, I still see Trump flags.

Are they dumbshits? Nahh.. They just drank the koolade.


1 point

Are they dumbshits? Nahh.. They just drank the koolade.

No, they are dumb. I was watching these idiots at a makeshift rally in Tucson last night and they are morons. A lot of them were carrying automatic weapons.