
Debate Info

Books Screen version
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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 Books (8)
 Screen version (3)

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SergeiDaniel(41) pic

Books Or Screen Version


Side Score: 9

Screen version

Side Score: 3
2 points

I would rather have the book verison because I don't want to look at a screen to view a book because when you read a book that is on a screen your eye site can go bad so I would rather have the book then the screen version.

Side: Books
SergeiDaniel(41) Disputed
1 point

Your eyes might also get worse even while your reading, especially while reading in a quite proper way and under normal conditions....

Side: Screen version
1 point

I usually read the correct way when reading a regular book. I don't ever read a book with a screen on it. I don't own a kindle or any other ebooks.

Side: Screen version

I like to lean back with a book rather than lean forward with a screen.

Side: Books
1 point

Answer on this question is obvious, of course books. The main idea of the books to let readers create their own vision. People can use imagination for creation of the faces and actions, every event they perceive in different ways and they evaluate a book through their own analysis. So, Books give us more freedom for thinking and interpretation of the plot.

Side: Books
1 point

Of course books! Because screen version can not show and express all what was written in book. I am always feel disappointment, when I watch screen versions of books, which I have already read. Book is like a script using which you can create your own movie in your mind.

Side: Books
1 point

I support the side of books because always when you read,it is more interesting and captivating to imagine and create the film in your minds, it means you can just read in enjoy with the book, however when I watch the movies , i feel frustration, because the producers chose wrong persons to the roles. so i prefer books, rather screen version)

Side: Books
1 point

I totally support books. We all now that reading is very helpful for us. It has a lot of benefits. Reading improves our memory. Many studies show that if you don’t use your memory, you lose it. When you read you use your memory, you try to memorize the main points, ideas, details of story or event. Also, reading improves your vocabulary. When we read we can meet some new words, then in order to understand it you can look this word up in dictionary or read the rest of sentence and then understan it from the context. Anyway you remember this word and in this way you enrich you vocabulary. One more benefit of reading is that it improves your concentration and focus. When you just sit in front of TV you are not needed to focus on something, you just relax and watch programmes, but when you read you have to concentrate on what you are reading and focus in order to undertand whole text. Also, it improves your imagination. When you watch TV you look at the prepared pictures, but when you read you have to creat your own pictures, imagine all situations and acts by yourself. and finally, you are always ready to talk to someone, you have something to talk to. When you read you learn a lot and know new things, after you can talk to someone about these things and discuss them. Thus, to my mind, books are more beneficial than screen versions.

Side: Books
1 point

you start to think only when you start to read. books improves your vocabulary and imagination. books have more advantages than screen versions of something

Side: Books
1 point

of course, books.

all of us know about harm of screen version ..firstly it is problems with vision.

and screen version can't give us such indescribable feelings during reading. While reading a book you can touch it , feel smell of sheets of paper..and book comes to life in your hands.

Maybe it is only my perception...but for me there is nothing better than books.

Side: Books

I prefer the screen version because you get to see how the characters look on the screen.

Side: Screen version