
Debate Info

Bronto Facts
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Bronto (1)

Debate Creator

johnthethird(-3) pic

Bronto Versus Facts

Bronto thinks he can defeat facts.

Facts think Bronto is an obnoxious imbecile with chronic NPD.

Who is correct in this matter?


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 0
2 points


1)This is the same Nom who once asked me, concerning Nazis,"who you gonna believe about what Nazis thought, Nazis?" (Because I quoted Nazis as an example of what they believed)

2)This is the same Nom who when asked how you will disarm 33,000 gangs and a billion legal and illegal guns says.....

That was it. That's his answer. The end.

3)This is also the same Nom who while belching "you're an antisemitic Nazi," chose to say the following:

(Nom caught proving he is Hitlerian)

Nom quote:

"Corbyn and his socialist army are coming for you. There is no escape. There is only assimilation or death."

Nom Quote:

"Shut up you extremist Jew prick." Jews oftheworldItscomingAGAINHATEisintheairYoucanFEELitcantyou

4)This is the same Nom who when telling Excon that he's not a Jew because he's not in the religion, rejects all examples of "Jew" being a race.

5)This is the same Nom who condemns Nazis but cannot condemn Farrakhan...who says Hitler was a good man.

6)This is the same Nom who condemns religion, misogyny, and homophobia...but loves Islam, which is a religion...that covers women up and kills gays...

7)This is the same Nom who says religion is based on fairytales...then...believes in Marxist Theory...which is based...on fairytales...

8)This is the same Nom who says the media that trashes Trump nonstop like lunatics and has many openly gay members is? Right wing...

Side: Bronto
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