
Debate Info

Yeah.. FUCK TRUMP No, let's talk some more
Debate Score:164
Total Votes:569
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 Yeah.. FUCK TRUMP (106)
 No, let's talk some more (40)

Debate Creator

excon(18262) pic



Side Score: 117

No, let's talk some more

Side Score: 47
4 points


Bwahahaha! Civil war? Not one right winger has been involved or died yet. Just keep killing each other and destroying your state and city economies and trade routes. We don't give a crap. Go ahead. Make my day. We'll watch you starve, seeing we control the trucking, farming, energy production, etc. You'll all have destroyed each other before you make it into the hot zone where we all go to our windows and pick what is left of you off from long range. Assuming you even have the sack to try to come over here. ROFLMAO.

Side: Yeah.. FUCK TRUMP
-2 points
mrcatsam(663) Disputed
2 points

Like I've said before, judging an ethnic group based on their achievements in a racist society is like wasting ammo on a rabbit carcass because you're not sure if it's dead. Obviously black people were oppressed so they weren't as productive as white people, but they have made a significant positive impact in society by opening businesses and other means.

I think it's our responsibility to have compassion for other groups of people because it is simply more productive than listing random things that happened to be invented by white people.

Side: No, let's talk some more
Jace(5211) Disputed
1 point

Sweet mary mother of fuck do you think you could racism any harder. (No need to answer.)

Side: No, let's talk some more

I'll referee ;)

Side: No, let's talk some more

Yeshua said a nation divided, will not stand, and I believe dividing nations, is wrong. It is better, to pursue more Constitutional and diplomatic terms. I don't care what any political Party says, I am sticking to my moral code of honor.

Side: No, let's talk some more
1 point

Yeshua said a nation divided, will not stand

Nobody gives a shit what Yeshua said, least of all you. You ignore his commands on a daily basis you mad munter.

Side: Yeah.. FUCK TRUMP
2 points

Many including myself, serve Yeshua...........................................................................................................................................

Side: No, let's talk some more
1 point

You probably care more, about, Marx. .

Side: No, let's talk some more
Mint_tea(4641) Clarified
1 point

Yeshua said a nation divided, will not stand

You mean a house divided. Sam Houston is the one that changed it to nation.

Side: Yeah.. FUCK TRUMP
YIsRisenLord(1202) Clarified
2 points

U don't care, House, nation, Marine marching band, troll, much?.

Side: Yeah.. FUCK TRUMP
1 point

That's not the issue. The issuue is a group divided will not last. A nation, a house, a church.

Side: Yeah.. FUCK TRUMP