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Debate Score:17
Total Votes:17
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riahlize(1568) pic

Can God create new rules for us to live by?

To those who believe God (Abrahamic deity) exists....


Is it possible that the Bible will be added to? A Newer Testament? Is it possible for God to create a new way for us to live other than what the Bible already wants from us?


Side Score: 7


Side Score: 10

Omnipotence... There is your answer unless of course, omnipotence is an exaggeration which would not surprise me.

Side: Yes
Jungelson(3955) Disputed
2 points

He God truly is omnipotent and omnipresent, why does he not do something?

Side: No
zephyr20x6(2386) Disputed
1 point

Idk, this god could do nothing if said god wanted to, However this is about if god can do this not whether said god willand why or why not.

Side: Yes

And master Satan will always find ways to break them. ;)

Side: Yes
Azra(543) Disputed
1 point

You gave zero evidence. You didn't even really say anything. Besides Satan isn't all that.

Side: No
1 point

The reason I say no is because of the fact that revalation was already written which kind of summed it up. I am not too sure but I think there is a verse that says he didnt come back to add or change law but I may be wrong on that. I mainly dont think so because of the book of revalation was like an ending to all. It would be nice to see more books though.

Side: No
1 point

No, due to a lack of God. But if he could, then he should, because currently the world's in a whole lotta shit! To put it bluntly..

Side: No
Azra(543) Disputed
1 point

Have scientists fully proven he doesnt exist by 100%? Also this debate was for the religious.

Side: Yes
Jungelson(3955) Clarified
1 point

Oh my apologies, I shall leave...

Side: Yes

I would need to believe God exists to believe he made rules for us to live by.

I think any God that would make rules for us then would condemn us for doing what comes naturally since it was made by him, is not God. By that I mean homosexuality. If he made the rule that homosexuality is an abomination yet he made the men that he already knew would be gay and would not be able resist it, then he is not a good God he's a tyrant or a kid with some toys and he loves breaking them.

Job was his favorite.

Side: No