
Debate Info

Of course! No, not just online.
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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 Of course! (6)
 No, not just online. (4)

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johnbonham32(2429) pic

Can a person make a legitimate friend via only the internet?

My grandson plays a lot of video games; Call of Duty, Warhawk, Battlefield, etc. He plays with people all over the world, and once I saw him with a microphone headset on, talking to someone. I asked him who he was talking to, and he said his friend Jerry. 


Can someone make a legitimate friend, not just an acquaintance through a medium such as a video game? Explain.

Of course!

Side Score: 7

No, not just online.

Side Score: 5
2 points

The entire purpose of the internet was to transmit information. I usually champion the fact that nothing over the internet is solid in fact, but the problem is, when you're trying to make friends, a little bit of trust goes a long way.

The fact that the internet can work is the same reason that 100 years ago, people got married after being pen-pals, why that 50 years ago, people got married from being pen-pals that also talking for hours at a time over the phone together, and why that now, people get married after meeting on dating websites and talking over the internet, over the phone, and over camera for anywhere in between months and years.

Human trust perpetuated by naivety will in fact save our culture one day if it can cause supposed 'complete strangers' to fall in love successfully and not separate.

If love can happen over such a distance, so can a friendship. All it takes is the trust to talk to them over a voice medium, and all it takes is a little bit more trust to believe that they aren't using a voice filter to not sound like the serial rapist they could be.

Side: Of course!

It's a sign of the times. It's a brave new world. People will no longer leave their homes to interact ;)

Side: Of course!
1 point

Yah I do the same! I meet people on black ops, mw2, and other online games. I still go and interact with my friends at there houses.

Side: Of course!
2 points

I still go and interact with my friends at there houses.

Which is not the same as only interacting exclusively through the internet

Side: No, not just online.
Srom(12206) Disputed
1 point

I would rather go and meet them then actually socializing with them online.

Side: Of course!
1 point

I make friends on other sites like this one and my ps3 and some other websites that I go to. Its fun making friends that are around the world.

Side: Of course!

There are some nice long lasting friendships on the Internet. You just have to find that right person.

Side: Of course!

It is hard to believe that someone can make friend via internet considering they have never actually met.

For example, I was good allies with Terminator, but I won't consider him a friend, just an acquiescence.

Side: No, not just online.
1 point

Well, my first reaction was tom say yes, but after pondering this a little bit, imwould say NO to Internet alone. I consider myself a fairly mature Internet user, but I could not imagine developing a true relationship with someone just over the Internet. I think some level of personal interaction is required.

Side: No, not just online.
1 point

well for fds... face to face interaction to facilitate mutual understanding is indispensable in my opinion. internet doesnt give us such chances. and we can hide too many things on the internet. is those fds legitimate?

Side: No, not just online.