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Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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Quocalimar(6470) pic

Can relationships become friendships after they breakup?

Do you think real, valued friendships, people that you'd invite to your wedding, and you'd want to say words at your funeral, can come after breaking up or not?

A funny picture


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 1

Those friendships are rare, but they do happen.. like once in a billion times.

Side: Yes

Absolutely, I stayed friends with quite a few of my exes for many years after breaking up. My girlfriend from high school and I broke up over 20 years ago and stayed best friends for most of our lives. We are still friends today after 25 years.

Side: Yes
1 point

No, because they both will remember their feelings to each other, which are not really feelings to frends...and usually one partner decides to broke up and the other just has to let him go. I mean at least one of them will suffer if he will not find the right person. It`s difficult to forget the feelings and also difficult to find another partner who can replace and be better than the ex.

Side: No