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Debate Score:25
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 No (13)

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sabi(80) pic

Children Should Have Work Experience to Grow Up as Successful People

I don't mention children somewhere in Southeastern Asia, sitting in the basement without normal light and fresh air and making toys for 20 cents a day. By saying "Child Labor" I mean ordinary kids that moan the lawns, offer lemonade in summer and babysit for some money. I think that children should work. How do YOU think?


Side Score: 12


Side Score: 13
1 point

When children work, they understand the "price" of money, become more accurate with it and learn how to save and invest money successfully.

Side: yes

Children should work only to make them understand what it is like in the real world. They should become independent and they would also learn a lot more about the world, it's ways and how to live in it

Side: yes
1 point

Absolutely agree. Money really makes you feel independent, grown-up and mighty(that's the way I felt).

they would also learn a lot more about the world, it's ways and how to live in it

I like this point!:)

Side: yes
1 point

I feel that by doing such, children learns about money and its importance. Thus the drive to do well in their studies, to be able to achieve a well-paying job, is cultivated, and thus allows children to resolve their own questions of why education is required.

Side: yes
Zafik(15) Disputed
1 point

Ok. they work to understand the real word! But, would anyone can control him not being abused? No one cares about him! Even parents will not want to allocate additional time in this tense world! In such the cases it may actually break the child and surrendered in early stages of his life, which harms more them benefites.

Side: No
1 point

Children have to understand the world and then once they had enough work experience then they will be able to grow up as successful people.

Side: yes
1 point

Right, I support your points. I think job is the thing that makes you understand the cost of money, the relationships between people and the freedom of being wealthy.

Side: yes
Zafik(15) Disputed
1 point

But at the young age child does not need to know the cost of money! the only thing that they are required is studies! the child who succeeded eather on sport or education did not spend their time to the work experiience! So, what do you thing is it better to succed at school and university on sport or education; or understand the cost of money, the relationships between people and the freedom of being wealthy, which actually can be achieved later!

Side: No
1 point

Evverything the do depends on the child. That child could seceed from a hard life but no work. Work isnt the only thing that prepares a child for its future.

Side: No
sabi(80) Disputed
2 points

That child could seceed from a hard life but no work.

Hard life? What do you mean by saying that? Here in my country "hard life" in childhood menas that you don't have parents, a place to live, money, education; it is when you spend your nights somewhere at the railway stationor in the park, when you steal, when you fight, when you kill... How many people can you name which succeded from such "hard life"? Or do you mean something else by using these words?

I am not saying that work is "the only thing that prepares a child for its future". See the issue description.

Side: yes
kirsty125(85) Disputed
1 point

I know kids who have been raped and beat who seceeded and I say thats a hard life.

Side: No
Zafik(15) Disputed
1 point

But what if child by earning money and having enough capital will get on the wrong track? They don't need to ask money from their parents no more as far as they earn it themselves. No one can guarantee that this child may try drugs, or other bad things which eventually may be the obstacle of his futuure life!!

Side: No

It is not bad if they work. However, i have never worked in my life and i understand the value of the dollar. I don't think jobs make children successful but it sure helps.

Im 20 years old so it may be shocking that i never even worked. My parents keep telling me to focus on my studies but im at age that i must make money. To start making a living because if i do not, i will feel lousy about myself. And im not getting a medium wage job. I told my parents that im doing one of those pyramid money ideas. And they think it is a scam but i have seen proof in which i perceive as the truth.

Side: No
sabi(80) Disputed
1 point

I am 18 years old and like you I have always been told that "Study is your main job". It didn't make me stop earning my own money. When you get a job (I hope it is going to be well-paid and interesting, so good luck with that), you will understand this wonderful feeling of MAKING money, not just receiving it. I think this feeling helped me make the best desicion about my future career.

Side: yes
1 point

I'd say that "to work or not to work" is the child's choice. Why should we make children work when later they are going to do it for the rest of their lifes?

Side: No
sabi(80) Disputed
2 points

Most of the children that work do not babysit or moan the lawns for the rest of their lifes. This is a good experience for kids, and they can learn a lot from it.

So, using your logic, maybe we should ban kindergartens and preschools? Children are going to study for the rest of their lifes anyways!

Side: yes
lisbeth(11) Disputed
1 point

So, using your logic, maybe we should ban kindergartens and preschools? Children are going to study for the rest of their lifes anyways!

Why do you take everything SO literally?

Side: No
1 point

I, absolutelly agree with LISBETH. Child will have enogh time in the future to work or being more clear he will work almost compleately the rest of his life. Child wants to be young as much as possible. Growing ahead of time deprives him from his meaningful and joyful childhood! If there are no need to work economically I believe that the child must not work. He can do instead the music, sport activities, dance and so on!

Side: No
1 point

I think it is not good idea... they are children, and they should spend their childhood like all child spend... if they work from early life what would be interesting for them? they still have time to work in the future... just give them freedom, child labor is not correct and i think it should be controlled by government... because children should study, get education and then go to work...

Side: No

It is not a must for every child to have a job in order to be successful. I know plenty of people that didn't have a job growing up, but they are still successful. Many people would rather have their kids study than have a job. Some people can just barely make good grades without a job, how would adding in extra work make it easier?

Side: No
1 point

Children must not work! it may seem ok for some people, but we have to also take into consideration the facts that child's labour may be exploited! Child is really naive and eldery can easly put them into their sway! I am writing it beacause I know that how much children's manual works have been using unfairly in China, India, even USA and so on!

Side: No
1 point

Children Should not Have Work Experience to grow up as succesful people, because many children are simply created for success. They have talent. Why should they spend it on another job? We can not take away their chance to be the best just because they are younger than us.

Side: No