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Climate change is manmade Climate change is not manmade
Debate Score:300
Total Votes:406
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 Climate change is manmade (62)
 Climate change is not manmade (36)

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jennydregne(6) pic

Climate Change

Climate change is manmade

Side Score: 161

Climate change is not manmade

Side Score: 139
7 points

The current warming trend is of particular significance because most of it is very likely human-induced and proceeding at a rate that is unprecedented in the past 1,300 years. Carbon dioxide level (per million) it has been elevated since the 1950's.

Side: Climate change is manmade
2 points

Could you list your sources? And do you know any specific things that the humans did to create climate change 1,300 years ago?

Side: Climate change is manmade
7 points

While it's proven that Climate Change has been around for millions of years, it is not an excuse that humans aren't contributing to the recent rise in levels of CO2, N, and C in the air. When fossil fuels are burned to make energy, as it is in factories and for cars, it releases harmful molecules into the atmosphere that trap UV rays from the sun and eventually warm the earth over time. And now that deforestation and pollution, that kills of vegetation, is hugely popular around the world, it is almost impossible for plants to create and displace the greenhouse gases in the air. Not only has our skyrocketing number of world population demanded more space, but also food. Agriculture is a tremendous contributor to the Nitrogen levels from animal feces. Yes, animal poop is not directly made by humans, but induced because of our farming habits. And with a warming period upon us that has had the highest level of nitrogen in the last 40 million years, it shows that since the beginning of the industrial revolution humans have been one of the main contributors to Global Warming and Climate Change.

Side: Climate change is manmade
Rivers(8) Clarified
1 point

I must ask you just one thing: what would you tell a Young Earth Creationist? How would explain to a individual who would tell you the Earth is somewhere to four-thousand to five-thousand years of age? This comes from pure curiosity... I would never support such a ridiculous ideal like YEC.

Side: Climate change is manmade
6 points

By burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas, humans have added nearly 400 billion tons of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere between 1870 and 2013. Owning to the fact that over the past 100 years the oceans' acidity has risen by 30%, therefore effecting the plant life, such as algae. The impact of the oceans becoming acidic devastates algae in a sense of decreasing the amount of oxygen, killing algae. Troubling "us" in view of the fact of algae by being one of the aquatic life that consumes CO2(Carbon Dioxide), making CO2 levels escalate quicker than if these fossil fuels were not to get burned. Just some facts.

Side: Climate change is manmade
Rivers(8) Clarified
3 points

By relying entirely upon facts and not the prospective opposite, you have become a mere populist to the science you state. I would suggest for the purpose of your posts, that you stray from the methodology you have taken upon yourself and have your writing theme take upon a movement towards less statistical posts. Without arguments with a structural basis of facts, the post can be considered more original or creative than other individuals- since you have to develop your own thoughts into worldly ideologies instead of fact-thoughts. To give a primitive outline of the whole of my remarks I will state a competitive state of thought that has existed for many a year- similar to the difference I see with the issue of your stylistic format to the one which I utilize: it would be considered of similarity to the rationalism vs empiricism debate that has existed since times start. Postulate your own thoughts, do not make them become reliant on evidence as induced by empirical facts. This is just a thought, so of course you do not have to take this into effect...

Side: Climate change is manmade
GenericName(3430) Clarified
5 points

To ask people on a debate about a scientific issue to form arguments that are not reliant on empirical facts is to ask them to debate a scientific issue in a non-scientific way. What's the point of debating science if you are going to ask people to dismiss empirical evidence?

Side: Climate change is manmade
alethia_k(9) Disputed
2 points

Locke-J's opinion is stated when they picked this side of the debate even after seeing all the data.

Side: Climate change is not manmade
5 points

As is very often the case here on CD, I notice that the Debate thread title and it's description are not specific enough.

There can be absolutely NO doubt that the Earth's climate has changed fairly significantly over the past couple of decades or so. There can also be no doubt that during that period--which, BTW, is incredibly brief when compared to geological time--we have seen some perplexing aberrations in our weather.

But the Million Dollar Question is: Why?

That is to ask: Are these changes simply a part of the Weather Cycle? Since, after all, almost ALL things in nature DO work in cyclical fashion.

Or, rather, are these changes man-made? Has our pollution and Co2 emissions, our fossil fuel usage, actually altered the global atmosphere and caused, or at least exacerbated these climactic changes.

So, Debate Author: If you kindly elaborate on your debate title, I will offer my thoughts on this topic. I am assuming you are asking us if we think GW is due to us. Mankind. But I am not sure.

Meanwhile you might want to check-out this link, as it offers some nice perspective and insight on issues regarding climate change, as well as global warming.................

Side: Climate change is manmade
jennydregne(6) Clarified
7 points

Thank you for your comments. I struggled with creating this debate. Unfortunately, CD only allows for a set amount of characters when you create your question. But, I will see if I can add the man-made piece. That is definitely the view I intended for this debate.

Side: Climate change is manmade
Jace(5211) Clarified
3 points

There is a section called "issue description" in the debate creator interface. You can use that to clarify the debate prompt.

Side: Climate change is manmade
5 points

“Punta Arenas authorities have recommended the local population to take the normal precautions for this annual phenomenon basically limiting time exposure to the sun, long sleeves, wide brim hats, UV protection sunglasses and sun cream.

They also cautioned that even with cloudy skies UV rays are equally intense and dangerous since radiation equally gets through.

Claudio Casiccia, head of the Ozone Laboratory said that the high UV indexes can be explained for two main reasons: first as the summer season approaches, the ozone angle becomes more perpendicular, particularly from September until January. Secondly, for the next five days the Antarctic Ozone Hole will be marking its peak approach to the south of Chile (and Argentina).

The regional delegate from the Chilean Health Ministry Maria Isabel Banciella called on parents to pay special attention to children and teenagers whom must be protected from sun exposure and unexpected radiation.”

This statement is from a new article regarding the radiation exposure in patagonia, due to the hole in the Ozone layer.

The Ozone layer’s structure is particularly vulnerable to CFC’s produced my aerosol, & refrigerants. This is due to human activity including Spray cans & well refrigerant, Antarctica had previously weak Ozone protection but when human kind produced these CFC’s in mass it scorched to the weak antarctic zones to puncture/deteriorate the slim remnant causing this alert to take place

Side: Climate change is manmade
5 points

People need to stop burning dead dinosaurs. It is bad for the air cats. The north pole is being destroyed by dinosaur fumes. Please stop making St. Nick mad. He will not give you presents this year if you continue to breath bad dino fumes on his home. Listen to the Illuminati people. They will tell you how to live.

Side: Climate change is manmade
4 points

St. Nick will drown in the murky depths of the melting ice caps. If we keep doing what we're doing, we will never get presents again, for he will be DEAD. It's time we help save that jolly old man like he saved our souls from satanism (with the exception of a few, Natasha.) It shall essentially be our primary goal to end this wretched stench of our becoming deaths as well as his.

Side: Climate change is manmade
5 points

This entire conflict has risen to notice since the industrial revolution. Considering that our population is constantly rising at an extreme rate, 7 Billion people create a lot of harmful gases. They need a home(which calls for wood and heating), a car(which calls for gas and oil), and food(which calls for farming with excessive amounts of nitrogen being released from manures). Not to mention businesses with factories releasing these harmful gases, not worrying about the footprint they leave, in an attempt to make a profit. Humans have made the companies, cars, homes, and everything else that is a main contributor to Climate Change. So while it is not 'technically' coming from humans, we created these things so it's indirectly coming from humans.

Side: Climate change is manmade
3 points

The greatest of conflicting dilemmas facing a race known as man: overpopulation.

I agree to the relative point you made.

Side: Climate change is manmade
4 points

Well, yes.

Side: Climate change is manmade
Nana-llama(44) Clarified
5 points

I'd appreciate if you please state your sources and arguments so I may actually have a good argument to base my specific views off of and discuss with you.

Side: Climate change is manmade
TheCapConKid(293) Clarified
4 points

Click the yes, it will send you to a link.

Side: Climate change is manmade
4 points

"Manmade" is a stretch. Man "stimulated" and guilty of making a bad thing MUCH worse is not, in the least, a stretch! Choosing to ignore the responsibility of his part, and refusing to try to correct those mistakes, is treasonous against mankind AND is an abuse of "Gods Creation" (if you must)!

Side: Climate change is manmade
Nana-llama(44) Clarified
1 point

I much concur with much of your statement, but who's to say as for us being "Gods Creation" that is to mean we are prominent and/or special in his eyes. Is it possible he merely wishes for the better or worse of our, at times, inanimate humanity. Or does he just wish to only let his eyes set upon what is wrong and right. His morals, if he is to be, are unclear to me. You may think you know all about his true ways, but one shall consider the unclearness of things as well. Not everything in life can be unscrambled, and maybe it's better left that way.

Side: Climate change is manmade

Yesterday, the weather was cloudy, windy and rainy. Today, it is perfectly clear, sunny and cool outside. What a dramatic change a day makes.

Side: Climate change is manmade
Rivers(8) Clarified
4 points

To what may I ask does this avail to the larger "picture" of climate change. I could have lived in an archaic society thousands of years prior and the same occurrence would most likely have happened. So this is simply just nature's sporadic flights of change.

Side: Climate change is manmade
GenericName(3430) Clarified
2 points

And what evidence are you basing that on?

Bah: That's what I get for commenting based on the Waterfall, didn't notice you were referring to someone who was talking about weather instead of climate.

My mistake.

Side: Climate change is manmade
Nana-llama(44) Clarified
3 points

Beautiful observation you've made, but we are talking about climate change, not the weather changing? Please clarify if you are trying to make a point here about climate change more specifically and/or if you are trying to make an analogy?

Side: Climate change is manmade
GenericName(3430) Clarified
2 points

Weather =/= Climate

Side: Climate change is manmade
3 points

Rising levels of atmospheric greenhouse gases are a direct result of human activities such as burning fossil fuels which causes significant and increasingly severe climate changes (global warming, loss of sea ice, sea levels rise, stronger storms, and more droughts).

Side: Climate change is manmade
3 points

Over the 20th century, global temperatures rose 1.4F cause of humans burning fossil fuels

Side: Climate change is manmade
1 point

I agree climate change is man made and according to information collected by ----- since 1880 earth's temperature has risen 1.45(C) with a large spike of 0.13(c) occurring in 1940 the start of the 3 industrial revolution showing climate change is man made.

Side: Climate change is manmade
3 points

2010 Anderegg study found that 97-98% of climate researchers publishing most actively in their field agree that human activity is primarily responsible for global climate change

Side: Climate change is manmade
3 points

Rising levels of human-produced gases released into the atmosphere create a greenhouse effect that traps heat and causes global warming

Side: Climate change is manmade
GarageMonkey(13) Disputed Banned
6 points

I do propose that you please list your sources so you can back up your content. Its one thing to post an opinion based on facts, and its another to copy and paste things off of websites.

Side: Climate change is not manmade
alethia_k(9) Clarified
3 points Here is the link Mermaid is getting the info from.

Side: Climate change is manmade
2 points

Climate change is definitely real, why else is it so hot in summer? There is scientific evidence that the earth has been warming over the last hundred years. God is the creator of the universe and he controls whether the earth is warm or cold. Greenhouse gasses are rising into gods territory and if this continues he will burn the earth and turn it into a ball of fire. If we decrease the amount of gasses going into the atmosphere then the creator of this world will save us all from global warming

Side: Climate change is manmade
J-Argon Clarified
7 points

Please state your specific opinions to support your statement. There is nothing in your statement to argue against or support.

Side: Climate change is manmade
Rivers(8) Disputed
7 points

What is needed here is overcoming this impossibility that you truly express your English skills in this manner. But who am I to criticize your prose? Is prose not a subjective value to the each of us? I apologize for making blunt rude remarks... but may you actually use clear English to represent your thoughts on this pressing issue?

Side: Climate change is not manmade
Rivers(8) Clarified
4 points

I apologize to all incoming and present debaters for this comment. The debater I was responding to changed their remark, so that is why my comment along with the one J-Argon did above mine is out of place. Again I apologize.

Side: Climate change is manmade
Rivers(8) Disputed
5 points

I seriously doubt you believe in any incarnation of a higher power (Allah, God, Yahweh, etcetera) supposed by your first part of your third sentence: "Greenhouse gasses are rising into gods territory..." You originally capitalized God at the start of your exposition, but later on- as shown by the above quotation from your text- contrasted yourself. This may have been a capitalization mistake, but from prior experience, a true Christian fundamentalist (as you imply by your association with divine force being of great influence on the weather conditions) would have made perfectly sure that God would be capitalized.

It may be that you instead reject the dualist Judeo-Christian interpretation of said deity and instead associate Nature and God as one...?

Side: Climate change is manmade
Jace(5211) Disputed
1 point

Climate change does not exert a uniform effect upon all geographic localities; some places will become hotter in the summer but others will not. There is scientific evidence of this, though, as you observe.

What there is no evidence of, however, is that God created the universe and is causing climate change. It seems absurdly convenient that this God of yours will only address global warming if we effectively do it for him first.

Side: Climate change is manmade
2 points

We're all concerned with climate change relating to CO2 but we all need to notice what humans have done in terms of nitrogen & CFC's

With increases in agricultural uses of nitrogen-infused fertilizers putting them into the air, Nitrogen has an increased cycle than CO2

In the 1990's CFC emissions from aerosol cans (which as we all know were popular then) were immense and the chemicals of CFC's eat away at the Ozone layer, there is doubt that humans couldn't have had in impact in terms of CFC and with the thinner ozone layer more hot radiation is allowed to skim the earth.

So with the nitrogen greenhouse gas from agricultural means, plus, the increased radiation from the thin ozone layer due to CFC creates man-made global worming

Side: Climate change is manmade
2 points

Every month this year has been the hottest on record, with the period of January to August 1.51F above the long-term average. If it hits 3F we would be looking at 5 feet in sea level change. That small of a temperature change can bring some of the most powerful cities to ruins. An increase in CO2 emissions causes more greenhouse gasses. Its just a fact. There is no saying we aren't aiding in the climate change. We are in need of a change soon.

Side: Climate change is manmade
2 points

According to this website presented by the AAAS, climate change has already revealed that it's definitely human induced to a degree (pun intended). So rather than keep debating with other public parties whether or not its human induced, we shall hence start focusing on how we can further prevent our man-made impact on our very own Earth. And for those of you who believe that our overall impact takes accumulative time, you would be somewhat wrong. Though the temperature increase within our atmosphere has taken time, there's direct causes of climate change as shown in the following article. Note: This article/paper clearly states that this isn't just another paper, but it is an accumulative set of data, surveys, and studies within multiple consecutive years.

Side: Climate change is manmade
2 points

Mankind is the main cause of rapid climate change in all forms. Ecosystems, in their natural state, are finely-tuned and well-balanced. With increased technologies and practices has led to increased GHG emissions in increasing global warming and climate change as a whole.

Side: Climate change is manmade
1 point

Over the past century our burning of fossil fuels has increased the amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide. This happens when we burn carbon and that is mixed with oxygen to make carbon dioxide. This obviously gets dispersed into the atmosphere thus adding a pollutant to the air. Well it isn't all man made, we still should watch what we put into our breathing air.

Side: Climate change is manmade
foratag(257) Disputed
0 points

Carbon dioxide is NOT a pollutant. I don't know where you got that information, probably from a left wing website.

Side: Climate change is not manmade
cmath790(7) Clarified
1 point
J-Argon Disputed
1 point

Carbon dioxide is considered a pollutant when burning fossil fuels, but carbon dioxide as a naturally occurring part of humans exhaling, for example, is not really considered a pollutant. But then again, oxygen wouldn't be considered a pollutant using the same classification as I would assume you are using, however, if oxygen in the atmosphere reaches a concentration too high or low, it will have a devastating effect on a human's body.

Even if carbon dioxide is not a pollutant, its concentration in the atmosphere has an effect on a number of different things.

Side: Climate change is manmade
1 point

Or look at the fact that the parts per million of CO2 have gone up 30 parts per million in the past 10 years. You can't tell me that we aren't a cause to global climate change. But I just see that our existence kind of depends on it. We need to farm for food so we cut down trees for land. We need to burn something to stay warm so we burn things and that makes carbon dioxide. We need shelter so we cut down trees to make houses. It's all inevitable cause and affect.

Side: Climate change is manmade
1 point

There are human fingerprints on carbon overload. When humans burn coal, oil and fossils to generate electricity or drive our cars, carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere, where it traps heat. A carbon molecule that comes from fossil fuels is lighter than the combined signal of those from other sources. As scientists measure the weight of carbon in the atmosphere over time they see a clear increase in the lighter molecules from fossil fuel and deforestation sources that correspond closely to the known trend in emission.... so yeah "BOOM"

Side: Climate change is manmade
1 point

According to and Co2 absorbs infra-red heat so the more Co2 in the atmosphere the warmer the air gets. It is true that much of the Co2 in the earth's atmosphere is natural and is being emitted by many living organisms like humans and animals. But there is a natural balance between them and plants that absorb Co2 so the Co2 we produce is extra and off sets the balance causing earth to heat up.And clearing forests at the same time we let off Co2 does not help it only causes earth more of a Co2 in balance.

Side: Climate change is manmade

There is a 97% consensus on climate change being man-made. Co2 from human industry is the main driver. New here or I would add a picture. I recommend crankyuncle and skepticalscience.

Supporting Evidence: 97% consensus video. (
Side: Climate change is manmade

Solar panels are now cheaper than coal. :)

"Energy produced by solar panels is now cheaper than that produced by coal- or gas-powered plants in most nations"

Supporting Evidence: Solar cheaper than coal. (
Side: Climate change is manmade

Its basically proven now, lets stop arguing about and actually take action.

Side: Climate change is manmade
Nana-llama(44) Disputed
4 points

Are you even taking all the information into account? Yes, I believe we all know climate change is indeed happening, but the fact still remains if it's manmade or not?

I definitely concur that we should take action and try to sustain our wondrously beautiful Earth, But unfortunately, this is not what this debate is currently about.We already know and are trying to take action upon such horrendous effects that have been made.

Side: Climate change is not manmade
6 points

To say climate change is manmade isn't exactly to be true. As many others have stated on here it is a naturally occurring process and has been for all of known life. Yes we manufacture cars and such which produces even more nitrates and carbon emissions into the air, but as Rivers suggested earlier this would have happened anyways. Yes, maybe it would't have happened by the industrial revolutin, but who is to say Our known Mother Earth wouldn't have come up with some other way to make this happen? We can never truly know. Now I know the arguement focuses on whether or not this is man-made and I'm standing here essentially claiming it really isn't completely our fault, but if you read the first couple sentences with great care you may not help but find yourself seeking truth in my words if you, as well, are even a bit of a believer in fate. Plus every thing we do in life and make is all natural. Every chemical and just EVERTHING in general essentially all narrows down to Earth. Also, who is to say that climate change is a bad thing. What if this is what is going to, in turn make Earth a better place. Maybe our time has come to end, and another to begin in our place.

Side: Climate change is not manmade
fakemermaid(7) Disputed
3 points

I agree with your comment because there is always two sides - it isn't all humans doing, there is natural causes. its a fact. And I agree with your last few sentences because yeah, who knows. The universe may have other things in store for the planet, we might just be a phase.

Side: Climate change is manmade
pinterrr(1) Disputed
2 points

Yes there are 2 sides, but the LEADING cause of climate change wouldn't be nature, it would be us. You see, Nature cleans up after itself, we don't.

Side: Climate change is manmade
Jace(5211) Disputed
1 point

Climate change is naturally occurring without human influence, but that is not evidence that current climate change cannot be attributed to human influence. We can know that nature on its own would not have increased climate change absent human influence by observing what rates nature has contributed while humans have also been contributing. It makes no sense to argue that aspects of nature not affected by human influence would differ absent human influence.

Whether or not we should care about climate change is an entirely different question than whether current climate change is driven by unique human contributions.

Side: Climate change is manmade
1 point

Climate change is detrimental because the rate of change is too fast for species to adapt.

"Negative impacts of global warming on agriculture, health & environment far outweigh any positives."

Side: Climate change is manmade
5 points

climate has been changing drastically since there was life. Now I'm not saying humans aren't maybe speeding it up or affecting it, but for the most part i would say its a natural occurrence.

Side: Climate change is not manmade
GenericName(3430) Clarified
5 points

With complex systems like climate we don't need to be the ones doing the majority of it, we simply need to be "affecting it" for us to be able to damage it.

Side: Climate change is manmade
rummifoo(29) Clarified
2 points

yes, we may be affecting it but we have had come backs. there has been come backs in the measurement of ice, there has been comebacks in cleaner air and polluted places have been cleaned up. we may ''affect it'' but we have always tried to clean up after ourselves.

Side: Climate change is manmade
fakemermaid(7) Disputed
2 points

As the population rises the more fossil fuels we burn and the more pollution we create, yes natural occurrences create climate change but humans are affecting it drastically more and more each day.

Side: Climate change is manmade
5 points

The argument that should actually be made is this: whether climate change if man made is antagonistic to the state of nature or if humans should be optimistic about this incoming and present change. But then if it is just natural causes, than we can only expect nature to change as nature needs.

Side: Climate change is not manmade
4 points

While no one can go against the facts that say humans do have an effect on CO2 levels on the planet. Our total effect on Climate Change is only 0.28% of the total. It is proven that most Climate Change is produced by nature(animals and the water cycle) and agriculture. So we should not blame this on factories, cars, and fossil fuels, but I think we should find a better way of farming that gives off less Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide.

Side: Climate change is not manmade
Nana-llama(44) Disputed
1 point

I much appreciate you stating your viewpoint and conclusion of such information, but this debate focuses on if its true or not (which you just verified). NOT the actual conflicts of such changes and as to why they happen. So, therefore your stance against climate change is a contradiction of what you just stated.

Side: Climate change is manmade
OutcastPeach(13) Disputed
4 points

I believe that the question is stated wrongly. It should not say "Is Climate Change true or False?", but is "Climate Change human induced or not?" Not only has Climate Change been happening as a natural process for millions of years, but it is also proven to have happened before in Europe hundreds of years before the industrial revolution.

Side: Climate change is not manmade
Rivers(8) Disputed
2 points

The irony of your comments, is that you yourself have not given precise evidence of your personal stance on this topic.

Side: Climate change is not manmade
J-Roc77(70) Clarified
1 point

Our total effect on Climate Change is only 0.28% of the total.

This seems like a misunderstanding of the science, a snippet that hasn't been put in with other evidence or it lacks the comprehension of mechanisms at work. Can you elaborate why you think that human effect on climate is only .28% of the total?

Side: Climate change is manmade
Jace(5211) Clarified
1 point

Duplicate. Content deleted.

Side: Climate change is manmade
Jace(5211) Disputed
1 point

Agriculture is a part of human activity, so why are you treating it as a distinct category is beyond me unless you are deliberately trying to skew the data.

Human contribution to emissions need not be statistically significant in order to be climatologically significant. If the (purported) 99.72% of non-human (excluding agriculture for some reason) emissions are relatively on par for the planet over the course of its existence then that contribution would not exert any particular influence on climate; effectively, that % is the stable rate to which global ecology is adapted. Even a slight deviation from the norm would be enough to create considerable climate change which would otherwise not occur due to the complexity of the system.

Side: Climate change is manmade
OutcastPeach(13) Disputed
6 points

Climate Change is a natural process that has happened for millions of years, that is why I believe it real, but not in the context that humans are the only ones creating it. Also when I say that agriculture is mainly non-human is the fact that huge amounts of Nitrogen is released when animals produce feces. So yes humans control farming, but animals are putting these gases into the air.

The question can not just simply be stated as if it's "true or false", but if it's human induced or not.

Side: Climate change is not manmade
OutcastPeach(13) Clarified
1 point

CO2 is a natural gas that is created by all cycles and without it- No life could survive. So obviously we have to say that humans do contribute to it because we breath it out.

Side: Climate change is manmade
4 points

I believe that climate change is not just all human made. It is a natural process that equals itself out. We do play a small role in climate change, but not big enough to make a drastic change in the world. Yes there are some small changes that have been appearing here and there in the world lately, but those will take care of themselves. That is what the world is made to do. The earth is self cleansing.

Supporting Evidence: Mother Earth will take care of it. (
Side: Climate change is not manmade
KrUsTYSEvENR(2) Disputed
1 point

It's all ready been stated the climate change is not completely man made but we still play a role in the change in climate by releasing large amounts of Co2 each year. Although humans are only responsible for a small portion of the total Co2 in the atmosphere it can have a huge impact by off setting the balance between plants and animals. Meaning more Co2 and less things to absorb it final outcome=warmer climate. wright now we are burning more fossil fuels and cutting down more forest then we ever have and this increases every year with the growing human population. sources

Side: Climate change is manmade
4 points

I've seen a few references to God on this prevalent issue. Though I don't fully disagree nor agree with his existence, I do find it peculiar how we twist the words of the bible and/or of God him(it)self. If such an existence is to be, then how are we to know the true ways. In no way do we hear from this prevailing force the words set upon us. We are only given our minds to comprehend things into our own viewpoints. So even if we are to hear the true words from this Ultimate Force won't we just make our individual interpretations rather than what was initially intended from the Creator. So how can one expect our minds to fully develop the knowledge of the truest comprehendance on each word thrown upon us.

Now even if certain individuals viewpoints on God is to be of physical form, then I still have yet to argue. Many supporters of God claim that climate change is, in fact, man-made. So if that's to be true in your eyes, then aren't you contradicting your "own" beliefs? You say God created us, yet we are the ones at fault for worldly issues. Doesn't it, in turn, break down to Gods fault. After all, he is the one who made the decision to bring us into form.

For those of you looking for certain biblical quotes to refer to, here you are---> study/

Side: Climate change is not manmade
J-Argon Disputed
1 point

We chose to burn fossil fuels in abhorrent amounts. So if we are looking at this via a religious standpoint, you are saying that since God created us, and we chose to burn fossil fuels and produce CFC's, then God is at fault for climate change? If two individuals have a child, they are only responsible for that child (by law) until the child turns 18 years old. After this point, the child is fully responsible for their decisions and the parents are no longer responsible for the child. I am not saying that the same rules apply for God being responsible for our mistakes and a parent being responsible for their child as it is an example.

And if we are using the Bible as a reference, then I believe it says God knows the future, and he lets us choose the paths we take, and he also created the universe. So if he has full control over everything and he gives us control over our own decisions, he can't himself be held accountable.

Side: Climate change is manmade
Nana-llama(44) Disputed
3 points

I never mentioned anything what so ever in my comments about God controlling our actions. So, therefore your argument is somewhat invalid. I claimed for those of whom believing in God say that he is our Creator. So if that is to be true, then he is the one at fault for allowing ourselves to exist. So if God is to know the future he would've seen our horrendous behavior towards Earth. Plus, even given our so-called "Free will", he still made the ultimate choice to summon us into existence.

Side: Climate change is not manmade
Rivers(8) Disputed
3 points

It is lie often told the by Reverends that God has given us free will but at the same time thank Him for all our graces. But what of all our vices?

Side: Climate change is not manmade
3 points

The argument for and against climate change is unneeded and should be headed onto other pressing 'conflicts.' The choice of this debater for choosing "climate change is false" is merely to aggravate the others, who as a majority will inevitably choose the prospective thesis. "Climate change is false" presumably has no chance at overcoming the anti-humanism of the opposing side, so the best that can be offered as 'evidence' for this side of this debate is precise rhetoric-- informal logic versus empirical evidence.

The view that will be upheld in this dialectician's side of the debate has inadvertently been stated in the first segment of this stated 'argument.' It is therefore the oppositions job to make a discovery of what was indirectly made as the argument and defend against the initial thesis-- become the antithetical force you know that you are!

Side: Climate change is not manmade
Lombard(4) Disputed
2 points

Just because individuals don't believe that climate change is a valid argument doesn't mean that it isn't a problem. It is true that Humans may not greatly contribute directly, but we do play a part indirectly. As humans we have created large areas that create lots of green house gasses. An example is Centralia, Pennsylvania where a plan to burn a little garbage ended up lighting the coal under the town on fire causing what was once Centralia to become a almost ghost town. This coal is also a special type known as Anthracite coal which is 92-95% carbon. This is just one of many things that release green house gasses not to mention the animals we have for food and there effect on the environment.

Side: Climate change is manmade
Jace(5211) Disputed
-2 points
cmath790(7) Disputed
6 points

Yet he has truth to his argument. I recommend that next time you comment you relate your "argument" to the actual debate and not trying to bash the debaters.

Side: Climate change is not manmade
Nana-llama(44) Disputed
3 points

I realize this may seem true to you, but if you're going to make a comment like that at least point out the details you find not to your liking within Rivers statement.

Side: Climate change is not manmade
Rivers(8) Disputed
2 points

Thank you for your comment, but I hope you respond with a refute that is more focused on the actual argument.

Side: Climate change is not manmade
3 points

The question asks "Is Climate Change Man Made?" We have already stated with multiple facts that Climate Change has been happening for millions of years. So as proven, Climate Change is NOT man made. We have added to it, but we did not create it.

Side: Climate change is not manmade
3 points

Climate change is not man made and is a scam. First of all the earths temperature hasn't increased for more than 20 years and if global warming was everything people make it out to be, the temperature should be sky rocketing. Many predictions about things that would happen would because of global warming have already been proven wrong, such as Al Gore predicting that all glaciers would be melted by 2013.

Side: Climate change is not manmade
GenericName(3430) Clarified
1 point

So why do you believe the global scientific community is trying to employ a "scam", and why do you believe they don't know what you are stating?

Side: Climate change is manmade
LockeJ(5) Disputed
1 point

This is in fact a lie. You are even producing a project about melting ice glaciers, are you not? And also many other things have been proven wrong, such as Y2K or 2012. The thing is, we have proof of it happening. The question is, is it man made or not, you are saying Climate change is not true altogether. Please, if you are going to write something on here, at least read the question first.

Side: Climate change is manmade
3 points

Not that this is an agreement nor an argument but I have something to say. We have both stated the facts and opinions but are missing another point. Not to say that climate change is not man made or is man made but to say it is, in a way, machine made. When thought about, yes, these machines/factories are made by humans but they are also emitting these things themselves. I am not saying these factories and machines have a mind of there own, I am just stating. Is it really man made? It is a natural process anyways. "We" are just speeding it up. But is it really our fault? The answer is, sort of inconclusive. No, it is a natural process, but yes, "we" are releasing these toxins into the air and making it happen at a faster pace. But another question about it is, How do we fix it?

Side: Climate change is not manmade
3 points

So obviously climate change does happen naturally but we as the human race ( though not all humans have contributed.) have given it a nice big push to help it move faster. The question shouldn't be, is it man made or not but, what are we doing to slow it down and is it enough.

Side: Climate change is not manmade
J-Argon Clarified
1 point

I agree climate change is accelerated because of human activity, but no matter what we do we will have some sort of an impact. And as to your suggestion to changing the question, we are doing many things to slow climate change, but I can't see it ever being enough. But if we can extend the life of our race's existence on the Earth a few more years, why not?

Side: Climate change is manmade
3 points

Saying to "Change the question" was vague on my part. What I was trying to imply is "what are major things we could do to cut down on some of the larger producers of greenhouse gasses.". A problem in this topic and in many is money we do have ways to slow it down but those ether cost a lot to make or companies don't want to allow them to be made because it would effect their profit. It most likely will never be enough to completely stop climate change but any time we can create to slow down the effects will give humans a better chance of survival.

Side: Climate change is not manmade
foratag(257) Disputed
1 point

What about all the accelerated climate change BEFORE man appeared on Earth. That had nothing to do with human activity, now did it? The Earth in the past was warmer than it is today and CO2 levels were higher in the past than they are today. Reading articles from biased, government funded scientists is not a good way to gauge the accuracy of the history of the Earths temperatures.

Also, did you know that a warmer Earth is a more beneficial Earth.

Side: Climate change is manmade
Rivers(8) Clarified
1 point

Refrain from using 'I', essentially with 'I' this becomes personal to only you. Instead you should have said "yes climate change is accelerated by/because of human activity.

Side: Climate change is manmade
3 points

From what the European Environment Agency has stated, I have gathered that the major way humans impact climate change is through affecting concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Two of the largest ways humans do this are: Aerosols (and more specifically chlorofluorocarbons) and the burning of fossil fuels.

I do realize that climate change does exist, however, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the surface temperature has risen about 1 Fahrenheit above the average (up to 2010). And since 1880, the average surface temperature has increased roughly 1.3 Fahrenheit. Of course, if we continue this upward climb in temperature indefinitely, it will be the end of, at the very least, the human reign of the Earth.

The use of aerosols has been severely cut back in the last 3-4 decades and in 1987, representatives from 24 nations signed the Montreal Protocol which reduced the production of CFC's throughout the world.

As to the burning of fossil fuels, other alternatives are being looked into as I am sure everyone sees on the news. But it will undoubtedly take awhile for a full switch over to occur as fossil fuels provide over two-thirds of America's electricity generation (UCSUSA).’s-surface-temperature-stop-rising-past-decade

Side: Climate change is not manmade
3 points

I believe climate change isn't man made, but is a cycle (this is an opinion, not a statement or fact btw) as scientists have seen through many plants and elements (Ice, water, the atmosphere's "air" made up of Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon, and Carbon Dioxide) that at different large amounts of time there has been really high levels of CO2 and then many many decades later the CO2 level drops again bringing back ice and colder weather in the ocean, and the polar ice caps.

Supporting Evidence: (
Side: Climate change is not manmade
2 points

From your link: "Because of this the layer of greenhouse gas is getting thicker, which is in turn making the Earth warmer.

Thus the ongoing unlimited burning of fossil fuels is the cause of climate change."

You say Climate Change is not man made and then, for supporting evidence, you provide a link that says Anthropogenic Climate Change exists.

Side: Climate change is manmade
Rivers(8) Clarified
2 points

Yes it would seem quite ironic of this debater to imply that he or she personally feels a certain way but to then give a fact that contradicts their initial statement of belief. Maybe this falls into that categorical impression of the conflict between belief in something to knowing something [to be true]?

Side: Climate change is manmade
2 points

Climate Change is only based on computer models with information inputted by so called scientist. What Climate Change is really about is control of the people which is the Leftist Dream ! But the Leftist Leaders that preach Climate Change will never stop burning fossil fuel !

Side: Climate change is not manmade
Lombard(4) Disputed
2 points

This is wrong and completely biased. There is physical evidence that the earth's climates are changing. We are seeing more and more erratic weather and large differences in temperature. To say it is "only based on computer models" is not a valid argument.

Side: Climate change is manmade
foratag(257) Disputed
4 points

The Earth's climate has been changing for 4.6 billion years and will continue to change for as long as Earth is around. It will alternate between warm and cool no matter what people do about it. The computer models are based on the future, which should be taken with a grain of salt since we can't even get a five day forecast even remotely accurate but yet these global warming scientists tell us they can predict what the Earth will be like in 5, 10 or 100 years from now. Yea right.

Side: Climate change is not manmade
1 point

If the "experts" who claim that the temperatures are rising significantly, the ice caps are melting, and the seas are rising, make predictions about immanent doom which never eventuate, then you don't have to be a Mensa from the local Audubon society to figure out that these "experts" do not have a single, solitary clue what they are talking about.

Climate alarmist predictions which flopped.

The first IPCC meeting was held in 1988 in Europe, during the one of the worst snow storms that Europe had ever recorded.

"Entire nations" were not "wiped off the Earth by 2000", predicted by Noel Brown, the director of the UN environment Program in 1989.

On November 4, 1998, the BBC, quoting "European scientists", claimed that Italian ski fields would snow free by 2008, while skiing in Germany would be "impossible" as the snow would simply fall as rain.

The Washington Post. 2019 "AOC claims the world will end in 12 years unless we do something now."

In 2007, the BBC reported that the Arctic would be "ice free" by 2013. The Arctic ice cap grew by 533,000 square miles between August 2012 and August 2013.

In 2006, NASA's James Hanson said that "Manhattan would be underwater by 2008."

In 2006, In December 2009, Al Gore claimed that the Arctic would be ice free by 2014. John Kerry proclaimed 2014 as the year the arctic would melt, the seas would rise, and they would drown low lying island chains and coastal cities. The BBC predicted that New Orleans and Miami would be underwater by 2014. In 2014 when the arctic was certainly not ice free, and the oceans of the world had stubbornly refused to rise to drown cities and subways, and entire nations had not been wiped off the Earth, the Third U.S. National Climate Assessment (NCA), released May 6, 2014, reported that the Arctic Ocean is expected to be ice free in summer before mid-century. Seems like if the "expert" predictions sadly do not eventuate, the "expert" alarmists just put the date for the end of times back another decade or two.

Oddly, Coastal real estate prices all over the world have not crashed, and nobody with a water front property (including Australia's climate commissioner Tim Flannery) are trying to sell their waterfront properties at giveaway prices. As a matter of fact, waterside real estate prices just keep climbing. Perhaps it is because the equity managers, the real smart guys, who are responsible for investing trillions in real estate, regard HIGW as complete malarkey?

Aaustralian "Climate Change Commissioner" Tim Flannery's 2006 prediction that "the dams will never fill again" looks funny when the dams overfilled and they drowned Brisbane and Townsville. Sydney's Warragamba dam had to open it's floodgates twice. When the dams overflowed, Tim Flannery then claimed that "climate change can not be ruled out" as the reason for the flooding rains. Not bad. Drought? Blame climate change. Flooding rains? Blame climate change. Temperatures hotter and bad bushfires? Blame climate change. Northern hemisphere buried in snow? Blame climate change for that too.

Other predictions from Climate Commissioner Tim Flannery.

Predicted 2004. Climate change would be so quick we would not have time to build desalination plants.

Predicted 2004. Perth would be the world's first ghost Metropolis

Predicted 2005/6/7. The eastern coastal suburbs of Sydney would be under water

Predicted 2007 Brisbane and Adelaide would run dry of water.

Predicted 2013. The Arctic would be ice free by 2018

Predicted 2015. Hurricanes would be more frequent (they aren't)

On 16th of October, 2008 the British parliament passed the British Climate Change Act, which is the most expensive piece of legislation it has ever passed, committing the UK to cut emissions of CO2 by 80%, at the cost of some $400 billion pounds. On that very day it snowed in London in October, for the first time since 1934. $400 billion pounds in the UK alone? Somebody is sure making big money out of this farce.

Climate "Scientist" Dr David Viner, of the Climatic Research Unit at East Anglia University. (you remember them, the Climategate guys) predicted that “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is.”

In February 2019, (and in 2020) the USA, all of Europe, and Russia were all up to their eyeballs in snow. It was even snowing in Los Angeles, which it just like saying is snowing in Brisbane.

The Himalayan Glaciers did not melt.

The "ship of fools", consisting of an expedition from Sydney University which set sail to Antarctica in a taxpayer funded chartered Russian icebreaker, to prove that the East Antarctic Ice Shelf was melting. Instead it got stuck in record amounts of thick sea ice and had to be rescued by carbon belching rescue ships and helicopters.

The "urgently" needed (and hugely expensive) desalination plants in Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide which still rot away unused.

The Climategate scandal where supposed "scientists" from the East Anglia Climate Research Unit discussed among themselves how to fudge the data which clearly displayed that global temperature rises were levelling out. And, they also discussed the sacking of one EACR scientist, who was a climate change sceptic.

And whaddya know, the Australian Bureau of Meteorology themselves got caught red handed "adjusting" the historical temperature data to "prove" rising temperatures, by the families of people who have been recording temperatures in their own districts for over 100 years, and who still have their families hand written records to prove it was complete BS.

Side: Climate change is not manmade