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 Clinton Strategist: “Kill Julian Assange — A Dead Man Can’t Leak Stuff” (2)

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DBCooper(2194) pic

Clinton Strategist: “Kill Julian Assange — A Dead Man Can’t Leak Stuff”

It seems like some Hillary Clinton supporters are now fully on-board with the time-tested mafia-favored strategy of “kill-the-guy.” Democratic strategist Bob Beckel  referring to Wikileaks founder Julian Assange  told a Fox Business host panel that "a dead man can't leak stuff" and that someone should 'illegally shoot the son of a bitch".
 Hillary Clinton strategist Bob Beckel called for WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange to be assassinated.
Anti-Gun Nut Democrats are now calling for assassinations. Have Democrats gone completely off the rails.

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3 points

Just to clarify, this conversation happened in December of 2010 and he is not a Clinton surrogate or strategist.

Are you enjoying Trump's meltdown as much as I am?

1 point

Damn, I came here to say this. I just researched who this guy is, and he has absolutely nothing to do with Hillary. It is insane that so many news sources are saying he is associated with Hillary.