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Debate Score:75
Total Votes:87
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DeathWolf666(372) pic

Conservatism= preservation of values and pre-established hierarchies whereas...

Leftism/progressivism= equality and the adaptation of new values.


Side Score: 34


Side Score: 41
1 point

Ideally that’s true.

The more negative form of leftism is change for the sake of change, which is chronic destruction.

Side: Left
Waylife(12) Disputed
3 points

The more negative form of leftism is change for the sake of change, which is chronic destruction.

The more negative form of rightism is Hitler. Tell us how that worked out.

Side: Right
0 points

I think the more negative form of leftism is fascist collectivism. Things like social credit scores and radical censorship, for instance.

I'm not really sure what change for the sake of change would even look like, and can't place any movement which that would track. I'm also not sure why that would necessarily be bad; it seems to presume something inherently sacred about what already exists but I don't see why we'd suppose that unless we presuppose conservatism which rather begs the question.

Side: Left
Amarel(5669) Clarified
0 points

I'm not really sure what change for the sake of change would even look like

It looks like people who use “status quo” as a curse word, or people who are anti-establishment.

I'm also not sure why that would necessarily be bad

It’s analogous to people who rail against buildings, and seek to destroy and replace them with the supposedly better, though undefined “building alternative”. If it turns out for the better, it’s a happy accident.

it seems to presume something inherently sacred about what already exists

I refer to oppressive inflexible order on the other side. It’s a love of status quo for the sake of status quo. Like someone who is a traditionalist without regard for the specific tradition.

My point is essentially that change is good, but not in and of itself. Stability is good, but not in and of itself.

Side: Left
1 point

..… whereas TRUMPISM is ANYTHING BUT "conservatism"! He has erased any "values" (especially the FAMILY type) that conservatives used to run on. They're more interested in values that drive the 1% to pour millions into the deeply dredged "SWAMP" embellished by Captain Healspurs and his "company of destroyers"! They are destroying democracy, decency, "family values" and, what used to be the GOP. They are turning capitalism into a weapon instead of an asset! Turning it loose without restraint is like putting a fox in the henhouse! He is using the BIG "FOX" to attack that henhouse while he builds a fence around the henhouse of America to keep our allied friends at bay while he opens the gate for the big Russian BEAR to share in the carnage! Any similarity to the conservatism of Reagan and before is purely coincidental! HE has destroyed the "pre-established values and hierarchies of conservatism. HE and those brainwashed enough to believe and/or worship him!

There ARE many reasons why the most ardent "conservatives" are now on independent news networks railing against Trumpian policies, (George Will, Joe Scarborough, Steve Schmidt, Michael Steele, S.E. Cupp, David Jolly, Michelle Wallace, etc.), their basic values have been thrown out by "The Trumpians"! The NEW "conservatism" is not-so-thinly-disguised "authoritarianism" (fascism, we used to call it!)! Time to throw THAT kind of FAKE conservatism OUT! :-0

Side: Left
0 points

Leftism/progressivism= equality and the adaptation of new values.


Nahhh… Freedom and equality are NOT new values.. They're Constitutional values.. Leftists brought FREEDOM to black people.. It brought FREEDOM to gays.. It brought FREEDOM to women..

And, we ain't done yet.


Side: Left
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Leftist's brought Big Brother control to the people and if you do not tow the political correct way of thinking, you will be sued or fired.

I don't think it is possible for one person to be as blind as you.

The Left has admitted they want a living Constitution so that it can change with the political correct times.

For you to even mention the Constitution in the same sentence with Leftists is absolutely laughable.

You might have noticed that the GOP appoints Constitutionalist Justices while the Left appoint activists.

If you refuse to be honest, get off these debate sites and quit wasting our time..

Side: Right
excon(18261) Disputed
0 points

For you to even mention the Constitution in the same sentence with Leftists is absolutely laughable.

Hello From:

We've discussed the 14th Amendment many times.. You know, the one that says if YOU have a right, I have that same right.. You don't LIKE it so you pretend it doesn't exist..

There ain't nothing I can say about that, except I HOPE you CONTINUE. It makes libs like me look VERY GOOD..


Side: Left
2 points

Conservatism reflects a general preference for preservation. Liberalism a general preference for change. Neither is fundamentally connected to hierarchy/equality, as their meaning is context dependent. (This is why capitalists were formerly recognized as liberals, as well as why capitalists today are sometimes referred to as neoliberals rather than conservatives.)

Consequently, OPs framing is confused - are we discussing conservativism/liberalism, collectivism/individualism, capitalism/socialism, egalitarianism/fascism, etc?

Side: Right
DeathWolf666(372) Clarified
1 point

Neither is fundamentally connected to hierarchy/equality

Yes they are. Historically that is like, the main defining characteristic of what differentiates the left and the right. Conservatism is the preservation of the pre-established aristocracy and of pre-established cultural values.

Side: Left
Jace(5222) Clarified
1 point

No, the main defining characteristic of conservativism is preservation of whatever happens to currently be the tradition. Liberalism changes what the tradition is until it's values become the new tradition at which point they become conservative values. Consequently, the aristocracy and pre-established cultural values you reference conservativism preserving were formerly extensions of liberality (that's how they came to exist in the first place).

As I already mentioned, capitalists were formerly regarded as liberals because the values they expressed represented changes to traditional non-capitalist values. They are regarded as conservatives now because capitalism become the traditional values. This means that at one point liberality was defined by a connection to hierarchical values, unless you mean to claim that capitalism is not hierarchical (in which case conservatism today is not hierarchical).

Side: Left
1 point

Ideally that’s true.

The more negative form of Rightism is oppressive inflexible order

Side: Right
Waylife(12) Disputed
3 points

The more negative form of Rightism is oppressive inflexible order

Translation: Nazism.

Side: Left
2 points

The more negative form of Rightism is oppressive inflexible order

Which is why sound like a filthy little ass monkey when you talk about freedom while espousing right wing bullshit. Far right libertarianism amounts to chaotic and despotic insanity as everyone kills each other to reach a higher status, far right authoritarianism is fascism or monarchy. So either way the further right you are the more tyrannical you are by definition. The least tyrannical thing would be something where everyone has the same rights and opportunities and no one class, group or entity has control over production or society i.e socialism. The worst you can get with a genuinely far left system is a "tyranny of the majority" as in pure democracy.

Side: Left
Waylife(12) Disputed
2 points

Which is why sound like a filthy little ass monkey when you talk about freedom while espousing right wing bullshit.

Yup. He talks about freedom while he simultaneously espouses policies which have seen America rise to become the number one taker of liberty in the entire world. Twenty two percent of all the prisoners on Earth live in American jails. It is impossible to take him seriously because most of the time he is consciously making shit up just to sound good. The reality is that not even he believes the crap he writes.

Side: Right
Jace(5222) Disputed
2 points

I think you seriously underestimate the risks and harms of a tyrannical majority, as well as the potential for egalitarianism to become fascist itself.

Side: Right
Amarel(5669) Disputed
0 points

You see my support for capitalism as far right bullshit, but that’s because your focus is collective, while I’m an individualist. You see groups and classes while I look at what an individual can do in a given system. An individual doesn’t stand a chance in socialism, because if he creates a means of production or becomes independently wealthy, he enters the “oppressive” class. Everything that one might build is confiscated in the name of equality.

The big lie with socialism is to obscure the fact that there is a class that enforces all that equality, and they are the true oppressor class. That’s why communism has to pretend the state will fall away in utopia.

Under capitalism, equality before the law is all that matters. Which means I’m not oppressed by Bill Gates. It doesn’t matter that his kids will have more opportunity, ant more than it matters that a child born on the coast will have more opportunity to be a sailor than a child born inland.

Also, right vs left is not a clear line between status quo vs change. Capitalism ithe most innovative economic system in history, as it embraces creative destruction. Conservatives are classically liberal in this sense, while more rigid on social norms. The economics of socialism fails to account for the economies dynamic nature, seeing it rather as a snapshot and seeking to preserve and rearrange the fruits of the economy as they are at the given time. Thus, leftist economics are more rigid, and oppressive in their logical ends.

Side: Right
FromWithin(8241) Clarified
1 point

The entire form of Leftism is oppressive inflexible order....

Every State WILL be forced to change their marriage laws!

Every Public school will be forced to allow so called Transgender boys into our daughter's bathrooms.

Every State will change their bathroom policies to incorporate men dressed like women, or they will be boycotted from having NCAA championship tournaments.

Every private owned company will be forced to cater events that go against their faith or conscience.

On the Left, their entire form of Government in not flexible, but an arrogant political correct Big Brother control of the people.

I see no one in the Republican Party supporting oppressive inflexibility. They believe in State's rights and the freedom to disagree with the Collective.

Side: Left