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mavrudiss(9) pic

Conspiracy theorists believe that the bible is a hoax

Conspiracy theorists  believe that the bible is hoax because the ppl depicted in the bible do not resemble anything holy or good

Do you believe this ridiculous theory?


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 10

A hoax?

Well, it sure is full of nonsense that you should be worried about anyone believing it...

I wouldn't mind calling it a hoax, but that's giving it too much credit.

Side: Yes
outlaw60(15368) Clarified
1 point

I still don't understand why people on the Left especially in America have such an affection for a religion that opposes all it's views. American Leftist oppose Christianity but don't want Muslims to be banned by a travel ban because that ban in their mind is a religious ban. The whole mindset of the Left is to convoluted to ever understand.

Side: Yes
JatinNagpal(2678) Clarified
1 point

I can tell why they want it, though.

They think that it's a shameful thing to discriminate (and/or hate) others (or be discriminated) on the basis of religion, and if everyone (or, at least, every immigrant) is forced to be a liberal (the only way out of the mess), then cultural differences and mixing won't be a problem. Liberals of different cultures can mix better than conservatives, after all... the plan is self-fulfilling, so any compromises are ephemeral.

If you look at the American lib-con divide from the outside, that's rather easy to understand.

Side: Yes
3 points

I don't believe it's a "hoax" at all. I believe it's a compilation (because it is) from many authors (it is) over a long span of time (it is). I believe they were inspired by religion, whether it be their Jewish religion in the Old Testament or the Christian religion in the New Testament, and therefore it is opinions and testimony aimed at promoting their religion. To do so there are stories and events shaped to a purpose, not actual word for word or moment to moment depictions of objective news events.

I do NOT believe God wrote it all, or that it should be taken literally word for word, or even that it is uniquely superior or different from any other carefully assembled religious manual from any other world religion.

But a hoax? No. There is lots of good in the Bible. It only becomes bad when you choose to become a d!ck to other human beings based on your own uber-emphasis on what you think it means.

Side: No
1 point

or even that it is uniquely superior or different from any other carefully assembled religious manual from any other world religion

Such as.... the Quran which mentions Jesus. Or did you mean the Book of Mormon which uses... the Bible... and mentions Jesus? Or perhaps the Jewish Torah... which mentions the messiah who is killed the way that Jesus was. Are you noticing a consistent theme?...

Side: Yes
1 point

pfft !! .... the Bible is no hoax ... I have one in my truck < AND I READ IT ...

the Bible is the truth of God and man / the good / the bad and the ugly

Side: No
Atrag(5666) Clarified
2 points

You're argument that something isn't a hoax is because you read it?

Side: Yes
dadman(1703) Disputed
1 point

You're argument that something is a hoax is because you haven't read it?

Side: Yes
1 point

They're nasty people to believe this when everyone knows the bible is 100 per cent true and the proof is there for anyone who reads it ; are you honestly saying some people doubt talking serpents , virgin births and zombies as in Jesus coming back to life ?

Side: No
1 point

I'm NOT a conspiracy theorist, but, in this case I will be in RARE agreement with the theory. There is too much hate and tragedy in "The Book" for my blood, and it generates MORE every day.

"The Bible is the most dangerous book on Earth. Keep it under lock and key, keep the Bible out of your children's reach!" (George Bernard Shaw) (I would include the Qur'an.)

Millions have died trying to PROVE it is NOT a hoax .... millions have died for believing in it. I think it better to die from natural causes rather than hate generated by a book of "love".

Side: No
outlaw60(15368) Clarified
1 point

Crazy AL there is not to much hate and tragedy in the Qur'an ? But you like the Muslim faith and then when Muslims come under attack it is a hate crime ? Where actually do you on the Left stand on religion ? Do you even know !

Side: Yes
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Why do you keep putting out statements that you KNOW aren't true?? I DO NOT LIKE the Muslim faith. I DO NOT LIKE the Christian faith! I DO like the Constitution, I DO like Freedom of Religion, I DO like America, especially as it WAS when it WAS great (that would be before the "Contract with America" that started all this hate!). You cannot judge where we on the left stand by MY stance. There are as many Christians (real ones, that is!), on the left as there are on the right. They are more "Liberal" Christians, to be sure, more "Jesus-like". They care for the poor, the sick, the women, the people of different races, they accept the rights of people to worship as they wish .... FAR more than the "Christians" of the right who are VERY un-Jesus-like ... like yourself.

Where do YOU stand on the poor, the sick, the religions, the "other people". Do you even know?? To ME, you make it "very clear", very Trumpian.

Side: Yes
1 point

The Bible is under attack! We live in an age when the very idea of clear, objective, knowable truth is being assaulted—even from within the visible church.

A growing number of pastors claim it’s impossible to know exactly what Scripture means by what it says.

They say the Bible is simply not clear—rather, it’s filled with mystery and ambiguity.

Does that mean every doctrine you and I find precious is subject to new interpretation, doubt, and even wholesale rejection?

Is the Bible really infallible and inerrant? Can we really know what God’s Word means?

In Making a Case for the Bible, John MacArthur makes the case that God’s truth hasn’t changed. It isn’t mysterious or veiled—He revealed it with sufficient clarity.

This study will help you know why you believe what you believe, and instill in you a deeper confidence in the truth of God as revealed in His Word .......... < for those who wish to understand

Side: No

I believe atheism is a liberal hoax used to divide us. They like using race as well. We can't be easily ruled if we all are united under one banner. The left needs us divided to get the multicultural distopia controlled by big brother.

Side: No
1 point

Not really... they want you united and more powerful. Conservatives, on the other hand, would even be fine with isolating yourselves... so there's a great difference in the way of doing things.

Side: Yes
1 point

Isolating ourselves does not lead to a one world government. Liberalism does. That's just common sense.

Side: No