
Debate Info

Debate Score:10
Total Votes:11
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Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

Create a debate QUICK tutorial

The following link will guide you through the steps to create a debate.  It's quick and dirty.  Hope it helps someone out there.

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A quick tutorial that did not cost no $6K !!!!! ;)

If you are having problems, check that your browser isn't blocking some content.

1 point

giggle giggle

You are so funny....

But yes CD doesnt really need to spend $ on a quick tutorial .

Someone like Loudacris or others that know the go could do a quick tutorial like the one that you just did ;)

1 point

Nice work, Joe. Your video cuts off right in the middle of how to use the address book, though. Tell you what, if you make a very awesome tutorial video, I'll post it to the CD blog with a big fat link to it on the front page.

Side: Good start

There's a problem with flickr. How do I get the file to you directly and bypass posting it somewhere on the internet?

Try one of these links instead (one of them is bound to work ;).

Side: Good start
1 point

Was that you in the video? So THATS what your voice sounds like, cool.

Side: Good start

You never got the videos of me wishing CD happy New Years and Merry X-mas?

Side: Good start
1 point

No! I never heard about that! I feel left out! );


Side: Good start