
Debate Info

Cuaroc is the real persona Hellno is the real persona
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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 Cuaroc is the real persona (3)
 Hellno is the real persona (3)

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instig8or(3308) pic

Cuaroc is FromWithin, Hellno and Outlaw

Cuaroc is the real persona

Side Score: 4

Hellno is the real persona

Side Score: 5
Hellno(17724) Banned
2 points

Stoooopid debate as usual VB4L. I'm sure Cuaroc has other accounts (I don't know who they are) FromWithin is Saintnow, no question about that, Outlaw? If he is who I think he is, he prolly as other accounts, but not major ones.

Side: Cuaroc is the real persona
1 point

Cuaroc is the real persona, he likes to mock himself and is a Libertarian with republican social leanings.

Side: Cuaroc is the real persona
1 point

Hellno is the more dominant persona but Cuaroc is not really that dominant he pretends to be to bully others.

Side: Cuaroc is the real persona
1 point

From years of experience I'll agree multiple avatars usually do belong to one puppetmaster, so it wouldn't surprise me if true. But I find it hard to believe anybody is THAT good of an actor to maintain a fake avatar in the form of FromWithin.

Side: Hellno is the real persona
1 point

Have become possessed with avatars and who they belong to. The age of the internet anyone can be anonymous.

Side: Hellno is the real persona

And me.

Side: Hellno is the real persona