
Debate Info

We should stop curing We need to keep curing
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:12
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 We should stop curing (1)
 We need to keep curing (4)

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Saurbaby(5581) pic

Cure Serious Diseases

We spend a lot of money on research to find a cure to keep people alive. But this negates natural selection, and could even lead to an over-population. So I believe that we should stop wasting money on funding for cures and start spending the money to better what we've got. 

We should stop curing

Side Score: 1

We need to keep curing

Side Score: 9
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3 points

Neo fucking Darwinism, it's thinking like this that started the second world war. Curing cunts does not fuck with natural selection, if we've learned naturally to cure our own people then this is evolution in action, besides poor fuckers in underdeveloped countries die because of fucked up politics and the uneven spread of wealth that is also envoirnmental change.

If you were on your fucking death bed, with your children and family around you, looking at their sad little faces, would you not like a cure, so you can get up out of your fucking bed and have another stab at life.

Side: We need to keep curing
Saurbaby(5581) Disputed
1 point

Actually no, I wouldn't. I would think this is what's supposed to happen and not fight it. I'd be happy for the time I had.

And it did not start ww2 because that clearly wasn't natural.

Side: We should stop curing
Dandeluxe(79) Disputed
3 points

Actually no, I wouldn't. I would think this is what's supposed to happen and not fight it. I'd be happy for the time I had.

Sure, tell me that when it's happening. What about a promising young person, with a young family? Or a young child that can be cured?

And it did not start ww2 because that clearly wasn't natural.

Neo-Darwinism in the form of Eugenics sparked the Nazi agenda.

Side: We need to keep curing
2 points

No we need to continue to cure who we can and why say it negates natural selection? We are a very intelligent and our intelligence is helping us survive....

Side: We need to keep curing
1 point

Curing diseases or finding efficient ways to treat them IS improving what we currently have.

Despite how you may feel about death, a lot of people don't want to die young or even see their children die. Disease is something that we as a species is trying to fight. If we have the ability, we're going to win this natural war.

Side: We need to keep curing