
Debate Info

truth fact
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:4
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 truth (1)
 fact (1)

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Dana isn't Bronto, she's just really stupid

I can see why you think she is Nom but I know she's not. She has been on this site longer than Bronto and shows clear quirks over the years that point to here being someone else. For example she often flip flops around the political spectrum (although she stays in an American, Christian paradigm) and she has explicitly exposed information about herself of a personal nature. Bronto uses all of his alts for propaganda, Dana has actually claimed to be left wing before and although she was still retarded she said things Bronto wouldn't say even in satire.


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 1

She has been on this site longer than Bronto

Objectively true.

Side: truth

she said things Bronto wouldn't say even in satire.

Objectively true.

Side: fact